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NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Marigold Chapter 4 Crying


NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Marigold Chapter 4 Poem - Crying

Class 5 English Marigold Chapter 4 poem on Vedantu’s official website has been crafted by expert teachers. These tutors have taken all the care to ensure that every Class 5 English question given in the chapter is well detailed. The content and the solution let students refer to the complete answer and build on their knowledge. Class 5 poem English Chapter 4 is explained clearly. Going through the solution and summary of the poem thoroughly is more than enough to master the topic. Download NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Marigold Chapter 4 free PDF now.


NCERT Solutions for Class 5


Class 5 English

Subject Part:

English Marigold

Chapter Name:

Chapter 4 Poem - Crying


Text, Videos, Images and PDF Format

Academic Year:



English and Hindi

Available Materials:

  • Chapter Wise

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  • Revision Notes

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 4 Crying

NCERT Solutions For Class 5 English Marigold Chapter 4 Poem Crying – Free PDF Download

If you wish to download Class 5 Chapter 4 Poem Crying poem, Vedantu’s official website is the right place. You can download the solution and refer to it when you wish to. NCERT Solutions Class 5 poem English Ch 4 can be downloaded in a PDF format. Students can refer to it whenever in doubt. If there is still any confusion, students can refer to the lesson or they can get in touch with teachers who can solve all their doubts.

Glimpses of Class 5 English Marigold Chapter 4 - Crying

English Class 5 Solutions for Crying is a poem written by Galway Kinnell. The poem tells its readers that it is fine to cry and one should cry to their heart's content. It does not help to cry just a little bit. The poet says that if you feel like crying, then cry so much that you soak your pillow wet because when you cry out, you feel happiness in the end. When you have finished crying, just get into the shower and then laugh out loud. If the reader feels what others would think of this behaviour, there is no need to pay heed to it at all. Instead, just let them know that your happiness was lost in your last tear and your last tear is what was carrying your happiness along.

The poem Crying talks about a very important thing in achieving happiness. The poet asks its readers to cry out completely so that there will be no sadness left within which in turn would make them feel happy.

Key Features of NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 4

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 poem Chapter 4 can help you score well in the examination. Crying Class 5 Solutions are prepared thoughtfully taking care to match standards set by the board. Since these solutions will be referred to by young students of Class 5, the in-house teachers have taken care to ensure that solutions are detailed so that students can get a good grasp of the concepts.

  • Class 5 English Poem Chapter 4 solution has been written with care so that students can get their doubts cleared.

  • Students can practice these Ch 4 Class 5 English poem solutions, and that should be enough to score well in the exam.

  • The solutions help build on concepts that will help in the higher classes.

Important Study Material Links for Class 5 English Marigold Chapter 4 (Poem)

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Important Links for Chapter 4 Crying (Poem)


Class 5 Crying (Poem) Revision Notes


Class 5 Crying (Poem) Important Questions


NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Chapter 4, "Crying," offers young learners a thought-provoking exploration of the complex and universal emotion of crying. This chapter not only enhances reading and comprehension skills but also encourages students to reflect on the multifaceted reasons behind shedding tears. It sensitively addresses the importance of empathy and understanding towards others' emotional experiences. Moreover, it fosters emotional intelligence by prompting students to connect with the characters' feelings and motivations. "Crying" is a profound reminder that emotions are an integral part of human existence and that understanding and compassion are essential in navigating the intricacies of our own and others' feelings.

NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English (Marigold) | Chapter-wise List

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Marigold Chapter 4 Crying

1. What does the poet want to convey through the poem Crying?

In the poem Crying, the poet talks about how one can find happiness when they cry to their heart's content. If you cry just a bit, that is not helpful. This is because when you cry just a little, you do not let everything out. If you stay sad from within, it will not make you happy. So the poet tells everyone that it is fine to cry out because that will make you feel lighter. The poet then says that once you have finished crying, enter the shower and you will feel happy and joyful from within.

2. Why is crying important to stay happy?

Crying is fine whether you are a boy or a girl, a child or a grown-up. Crying is anatural way to remove all the sadness from one’s heart. When all the sadness isgone, there will be just happiness.

3. Why do you think crying a little is not enough according to Chapter 4 of Class 5 English?

In the poem “Crying”, the poet conveys that crying a little is not enough and one should cry until the pillow is soaked. One should laugh heartily after crying a lot. Visit the Vedantu website or app to find more solutions that have been prepared by our best teachers to help the students understand the chapter easily. Students can use these solutions to verify their answers while solving textbook questions. This will help them to gain an idea of solving the questions in a comprehensive manner.

4. Is Vedantu providing answers for all questions present in Chapter 4 poem of Class 5 English Marigold?

Yes. Vedantu provides NCERT Solutions for all the questions given in the Chapter 4 poem of Class 5 English. They are very helpful as it helps the students to score well in the class exams. Our aim is to help the students to get access to detailed chapter-wise solutions to understand the chapters easily. All the NCERT Solutions are designed as per the exam pattern of the CBSE Board. These solutions cover all the exercise questions present in the textbook.

5. What are the key features of using the NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Marigold Chapter 4 Poem?

The key features of using the NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Marigold Chapter 4 Poem provided by Vedantu are that it helps all the students understand the poem in an easier and interesting way. These solutions cover all the questions present in the chapter to help the students with their homework as well as to score more marks. These solutions will also help the students to get their doubts resolved.

6. Is the NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Marigold Chapter 4 Poem the best study material for the CBSE students?

Yes, the NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Marigold Chapter 4 Poem from Vedantu is the best study material for the CBSE students as these solutions are curated according to the CBSE exam pattern. This will help the students to ace the exam. Students can refer to the solutions free  of cost from the Vedantu website to gain a strong knowledge of the chapters as they are written in an easy and understandable language helping the students to score high marks in their exams.

7. Do the Vedantu NCERT Solutions for Class 5 English Marigold Chapter 4 Poem provide accurate solutions?

Vedantu offers the students accurate solutions framed by the experts according to the CBSE guidelines. All the solutions are created in an interesting way to make the students learn the chapter efficiently. The solutions are written in a detailed as well as easy to understand language making it easier for the students. Students can visit the official website of Vedantu to access solutions and can also download them in PDF format. These solutions will help the students to score well in their exams.