English Class 6 Chapter 3 Taro’s Reward Question Answers - PDF FREE Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 3: Taro’s Reward (Honeysuckle)
1. What did the king reward Taro with?
The king learned about Taro's concern for his parents. He gave Taro twenty pieces of gold as a prize. Then he called the city's most beautiful fountain Taro. This was done to urge other youngsters to look after their parents. Taro’s care for his parents was unselfish. This was why he got the reward from the king who was pleased and impressed with Taro and his love for his parents.
2. Why did the villagers want to harm and punish Taro?
Taro saké and others were given water by the waterfall because he was a considerate son who always honoured and followed his parents. He worked extremely hard to provide them with all that they required, whereas the others were selfish. The villagers wanted to drown Taro because they believed that he duped them by telling them that the stream contains saké. They were furious at Taro for this.
3. What upset Taro?
Taro did not have enough money to buy the costly saké. His economic condition was not very good. As a result, he began to work harder at cutting wood. God assisted him in removing saké from a waterfall. His father drank it, felt warm, and began to dance. His father was very happy with him, which in turn made Taro very happy as well. Taro's Reward Question Answers provides the best practice to score well in the exam.
4. Why did Taro repeatedly taste the water in NCERT Solutions to English Chapter 3 Class 6 Question Answer?
Taro noticed a lovely small waterfall hiding behind a rock. Kneeling beside a calm stream of water, he cupped a small amount in his palms and placed it to his lips. He tried it again and again, and each time it was the wonderful saké rather than the chilly water. Taro went to visit the waterfall and repeatedly tasted the water for this very reason.
5. Why did Taro go to the waterfall in Taro's Reward Class 6 English Lesson 3 solutions?
Taro's friends travelled to the waterfall to obtain the magical saké. Taro went to the waterfall with his biggest pot to fill it with sake. He heard that all of his neighbours were present and bearing pitchers, jars, buckets, and other items to obtain the magical saké. This is the reason why Taro used to go to the waterfall.
6. What did Taro’s Father Wish for in Class 6 English Chapter 3?
Taro’s father wanted to drink some fresh, expensive Sake in Class 6 English Chapter 3. Coincidentally, one day, Taro found a waterfall that had Sake flowing through it instead of water. He counted himself extremely lucky to see this and thanked the lord for finally answering his prayers and took the Sake to his dad.
7. What morals are conveyed in the chapter, “Taro’s Reward”?
The story emphasizes the values of hard work, caring for parents, and selflessness. These are important values to inculcate in one’s life and the chapter wonderfully conveys these values to the reader.
8. How did Taro save himself from the villagers in Taro’s Reward?
Taro saves himself by hiding behind rocks in Class 6 English Chapter 8. These villagers wanted to beat up Taro as they thought the Sake waterfall story was just a prank and that Taro had fooled them.