NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 8 - A Game of Chance - Free PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 6 English Chapter 8 - A Game Of Chance
Q1. Why was the Shop Named the ‘Lucky Shop’?
Ans: The shop was named the ‘Lucky Shop’ to tempt all the people who came to enjoy the Eid fair.
Q2. Why was Rasheed Upset?
Ans: Rasheed was upset because he had spent all his money and won almost nothing. The other people made fun of him, and nobody sympathized with him. This made him feel very bad.
Q3. What Small Prizes Did the Boy Win?
Ans: The boy won four small prizes, including a comb, wrist-watch, a fountain pen, and a table lamp.
Q4. Why did Rasheed’s Uncle ask Rasheed Not to Buy Anything in his Absence?
Ans: Rasheed’s uncle knew that there were many people who would try to tempt Rasheed into spending his money on useless items. This is why Rasheed’s uncle asked him not to spend his money on anything when he was gone. Rasheed did not follow his uncle’s advice and ended up spending all his money on the ‘Lucky Shop.’ This made him very upset.
Q5. How do I avail the solutions for NCERT Class 6 English Chapter 8?
Ans: The NCERT book solution for Class 6 English Chapter 8 can be looked up easily. Before this, it is advisable for students to properly read the literature and learn grammar well. Without proper practice, they might not be able to grasp the solutions. Once they properly understand the concepts, they would find English interesting to learn. The solutions provided by Vedantu are free of cost. They are also available on the Vedantu Mobile app.
Q6. Why was the shop called Lucky Shop?
Ans: In NCERT book solution Chapter 8 Class 6 English, the shop was called the Lucky Shop because the customers came into the shop to play the game and tried their luck. The game was to pick up discs, look at the number written on them and add them up. The result was decided accordingly.
Q7. What can we learn from A Game of Chance?
Ans: An elderly guy and a lad trap Rasheed into a gambling game, as we can see in this narrative. As a result of this narrative, we are taught to think logically. An object may be offered at a cheaper price for a cause or as a result of a scam. We must not be lured by the idea of easy money and always think before investing either our time or our money into such activities or else we might end up with regrets.
Q8. Why was Rasheed upset?
Ans: In NCERT book solution Chapter 8 Class 6 English, Rasheed was mainly upset that his luck was not on his side that very day. He kept trying and trying but he just was not able to land in on a big prize. And every time he did not manage to rope in on something big, the people watching him just laughed and were not empathetic towards him. All of these made him upset.
Q9. Do I need to practice all the questions of NCERT English?
Ans: Yes, it is critical to practice as much as possible because English is an important subject and without proper practice, you would not be able to learn and use it properly and also, you may not be able to complete the syllabus in the allotted time. NCERT questions are also well-structured and designed with strict adherence to the CBSE syllabus for Class 6. Thereby, making it easier for you to learn the syllabus.