NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 8 Comparing Quantities In Hindi PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Maths In Hindi Chapter 8 Comparing Quantities
1. Do NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 8 help you to clear board exams?
The NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 8 helps the student in a better understanding of the concepts. These are designed by experts who are focused mainly on the curriculum provided by the CBSE. The language used in creating these exercises is extremely simple and easy to comprehend. Moreover, there are numerous exercises that the students can practice to sharpen their skills and knowledge. This also helps the student retain the concepts better, which will eventually prove beneficial to score better grades in the examination.
2. How do NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Maths Chapter 8 help in learning areas and volumes of geometrical shapes?
The NCERT solutions have various exercises on the areas and volumes of geometrical shapes. These exercises have detailed answers and solutions that guide the students in every step and help them in getting rid of all their doubts. These practice exercises sharpen the skills and knowledge of the student and polish their existing concepts. The language used is extremely easy, making the understanding process much more simple. With practice, the students will be able to retain the concepts and secure good grades in exams.
3. Which is the best reference book for Class 7 Maths?
The best reference for Class 7 Maths would be the NCERT solutions that are designed by subject matter experts present at Vedantu with extreme precision and detail. These have solved exercises that help the students in better understanding of the subject. The answers are detailed and explain the concepts step-by-step, which helps the students in retaining the questions easily. Practising these will help the students to achieve good grades in exams. These NCERT solutions can be availed on the website of Vedantu, where the PDFs for all the subjects can be downloaded for free.
4. What are the Chapters contained in the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Maths apart from Chapter 8?
The chapters that the NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Maths have covered are:
Chapter 1: Integers
Chapter 2: Fractions and Decimals
Chapter 3: Data Handling
Chapter 4: Simple Equations
Chapter 5: Lines and Angles
Chapter 6: The Triangles and its Properties
Chapter 7: Congruence of Triangles
Chapter 8: Comparing Quantities
Chapter 9: Rational Numbers
Chapter 10: Practical Geometry
Chapter 11: Perimeter and Area
Chapter 12: Algebraic Expressions
Chapter 13: Exponents and Powers
Chapter 14: Symmetry
Chapter 15: Visualising Solid Shapes
5. Where is the percentage used in our daily lives?
The following are some of the places where the percentage comes into play;
A fixed number can be found in the percentage of the total quantity given.
When the quantities are given as ratios, we can find their values by converting them to percentages.
The increase and the decrease in quantity can be expressed in terms of percentage.
The profit and the loss experienced during transactions can be conveyed and expressed in terms of the percentage.
The rate of interest while computing interests on a certain amount borrowed can be expressed in percentage.