NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 18 Pollution of Air and Water in Hindi PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Hindi Chapter 18 Pollution of Air and Water
1. Explain the differences between pure air and polluted air.
We know that the air we breathe in consists of a mixture of gases. About 21% of the mixture is oxygen and about 78% of this mixture is nitrogen if measured by volume. Other gases like ozone, methane, argon, carbon dioxide, and water vapour are also present in very small quantities. When this balance is disrupted and levels of harmful gases like carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide increase, the air is said to be polluted.
2. At an individual level, how can you help reduce air pollution?
At an individual level, people can help by coming together and participating in events like Van Mahotsav. Van Mahotsav promotes planting trees which helps in cutting down on air pollution by reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. This also leads to a decrease in greenhouse gases thereby helping control global warming. To know more about the concepts discussed here, visit the page NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science.
3. What is meant by air pollution ?
The definition of air pollution states that when air is contaminated by undesired substances which have a harmful effect on both living organisms and non living entities, it is known as air pollution. Air pollution leads to a direct increment in the percentage of harmful gases present in the atmosphere and has several undesirable effects that drastically affect the quality of human life.
4. Name the pollutants added by vehicles.
Automobiles are known to produce high levels of pollutants like carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and smoke. Out of all these gases, carbon monoxide is particularly dangerous. It is produced from the incomplete burning of fuels such as petrol and diesel. It forms a very stable compound in our blood, reducing the oxygen carrying capacity of red blood cells. If not attended to immediately, this condition could be fatal. To know more students can download the Vedantu app.
5. Describe greenhouse effect in Chapter 18 of NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science.
According to NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 18, a part of radiation that falls on the earth is absorbed by it while the other part is reflected back into space. This reflected radiation is then trapped by the atmosphere that surrounds the Earth. These trapped radiations increase the temperature of the planet, leading to what is known as the greenhouse effect. To know more about the concepts discussed here, visit the page NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science and download the solution PDF free of cost.