NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Chapter 7 Conservation of Plants and Animals in Hindi PDF Download
FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 8 Science Hindi Chapter 7 Conservation of Plants and Animals
1. Why should we conserve biodiversity?
Biodiversity is the practice of protecting all living things and maintaining the food chain. Disturbance in the food chain will affect the whole ecosystem. Hence, we conserve biodiversity to save living things from becoming extinct. Saving all living organisms and environmental protection of the ecosystem is a must. To understand all the concepts from this chapter, students can make use of NCERT solutions for Chapter 7 of Class 8 science prepared by the subject experts at Vedantu.
2. What are the causes and consequences of deforestation?
Deforestation can happen because of natural causes like hurricanes, fires and floods. However, trees are most often cut down to fulfil human needs. The consequences of deforestation are increase in pollution, loss of habitat of wild animals and severe climate change. When trees are destroyed, the soil loses its capacity to hold water. Due to this, when there is heavy rain, floods occur, which is dangerous for all living things.
3. What is meant by deforestation?
Deforestation is the process of cutting down trees from large areas of forest to build houses, industries, mines and agriculture. With the increase in population, there is also an increase in cutting down trees to fulfil human needs. This concept is explained in detail, in the Class 8 Science NCERT Solutions. To get well-versed in these concepts, students can download the NCERT solutions free of cost prepared by the experts at Vedantu for both English and Hindi medium.
4. Can deforestation occur due to natural causes?
Yes, deforestation can occur due to natural causes. Forests can get destroyed due to hurricanes, floods and other natural calamities. An increase in parasites can cause thinning of trees. Forest fires that are caused by heavy lightning are also capable of destroying the whole forest. The causes of deforestation are explained in detail in the NCERT solutions for Chapter 7 of Class 8 Science. The NCERT solutions can help the students in getting in-depth knowledge on this chapter which are carefully prepared by the professionals at Vedantu.
5. What is the best reference material for Chapter 7 of Class 8 Science?
The NCERT solutions are the best reference material students can use while preparing for their exams. All the concepts are simplified for students to understand the concept well and clear all the doubts before the exam. Vedantu prepared these NCERT solutions with the help of subject experts. They also provide NCERT solutions for both English and Hindi mediums so students of all classes can make use of these solutions to ace their exams. All the study material can also be accessed through the Vedantu app.