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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science Geography Chapter 6 Population


NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Geography Chapter 6 Questions and Answers - FREE PDF Download

Get help for your studies with Vedantu's Class 9 Geography NCERT Solutions for Chapter 6. Download the class 9 chapter 6 Population PDF to gain a clear understanding of essential concepts, making the complex topics easy to understand.

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By accessing Class 9 Geography Chapter 6 questions and answers, students gain comprehensive insights into core concepts such as the components of the environment, the natural environment, ecosystems, and more, all as outlined in the curriculum. Check out the revised CBSE Class 9 Social Science Syllabus and start with Vedantu to excel in your exams.

Glance on NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Geography Chapter 6 Population 

  • Class 9th Geography Chapter 6 Population explains the patterns of population distribution across India, examining areas of high and low population density and the factors influencing these patterns.

  • The chapter Population Class 9 questions and answers explain the trends in population growth over time, highlighting the factors contributing to rapid population increases, such as birth rates and migration, and factors that lead to population declines, like death rates and emigration.

  • Students will explore the various components of population composition, including age structure, sex ratio, and literacy rates.

  • The geography class 9 chapter 6 question answer also covers the occupational structure, discussing how the workforce is divided among different sectors of the economy.

  • Geography population class 9 questions and answers provide insights into demographic attributes such as the sex ratio and literacy rate, emphasizing their importance in understanding the overall population dynamics.

  • The population chapter class 9 geography questions and answers distinguishes between natural environments (land, water, air, animals) and human environments, explaining how human activities have modified natural settings to create artificial environments suited to human needs.

  • The geography class 9 Chapter 6 highlights the different natural environments such as the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere, explaining their significance and interactions.

  • Class 9 Geography Chapter 6 emphasizes the impact of human activities on natural environments, showcasing how humans modify their surroundings to create habitable spaces.

Access NCERT Solutions For Class 9 Social Science

1) Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below.

1. Migration change the number, distribution, period and composition of the population in

a. the area of departure

b. the area of arrival

c. both the area of departure and arrival

d. none of the above

Ans: c. both the area of departure and arrival

2. A large proportion of children in a population is a result of

a. high birth rates

b. high life expectancies

c. high death rates

d. more married couples

Ans: a. high birth rates

3. The magnitude of population growth refers to

a. the total population of an area

b. the number of persons added each year 

c. the rate at which the population increases

d. the number of females per thousand males

Ans: b. the number of persons added each year

4. According to the Census, 2001, a “literate” person is one who

a. can read and write his/her name

b. can read and write any language

c. is 7 years old and can read and write any language with understanding

d. knows the 3 ‘R’s (reading, writing, arithmetic)

Ans: c. Is 7 years old and can read and write any language with understanding

2. Answer the following questions briefly.

i). Why has the rate of population growth in India declined since 1981?

Ans:  This happens because nowadays people are aware of family planning. A maximum number of steps have been taken by the government in the promotion of a family planning program.

  • Due to the increase in literacy rate, the citizens are more aware of the government schemes and policies and plan their families accordingly.

  • Growth in small or nuclear families can be seen nowadays.

  • Women’s education, as well as sex education, will also help in family planning.

  • Availability of contraceptives.

ii). Discuss the major components of population growth.

Ans: The major components that we come across in population growth are Birth rate, Death rate, and also migration.

  • Defining the birth rate- It can be defined as the number of live births per thousand people in a year.

  • As the birth rates are higher in India as compared to the death rate so it is one of the most important factors.

  • Defining the death rate-It can be defined as the number of live deaths per thousand people in a year.

  • Defining migration- It can be defined as the people’s movement across regions and territories.

  • Migration can be of two types such as internal or external migration

  • Internal migration does not affect the country but the area they will migrate to is affected as a group of individuals migrate within the country.

  • Migration plays an important role as it defines the composition of the population in a country.

iii). Define age structure, death rate, and birth rate.

Ans: Age composition can be defined as the population which refers to the number of people in different age groups across the country.

  • To understand the socio and economic structure according to population the different age groups people can be found in children, working-age and aged people.

  • Population charts can be made according to the percentage of children, working people, and aged ones.

  • Children grouped in age below fifteen, and are required food, economically unproductive, and also need all the medical care.

  • Working people are grouped in the category of age fifteen to fifty-nine years, and are economically productive.

  • Aged people are grouped in categories above fifty-nine which means they are economically productive but are retired.

  • The natural increase in population is the difference between birth and death rate, use of birth control measures declining the population growth.

iv). How is migration a determinant factor of population change?

Ans: Defining migration- It can be defined as the people’s movement across regions and territories.

  • Migration can be local and global.

  • It can be seen that change in the human population is due to fertility, mortality, and migration.

  • Migration flow can be more often important because the unexpected changes in the size of the population can be typically seen in migration than in fertility and mortality.

  • Hence we conclude that change in statistics of the population is due to the movement of a group of people in an area permanently which results in an increase in that area.

3. Distinguish between population growth and population change.

Ans: The difference between population growth and populations are:

Population Growth

Population Change

Population growth is the change or increase in the number of inhabitants of the territory in a specific period such as the last ten years, or the last fifteen years.

Population change is the change that refers to several people during a specific time period.

Express in terms of number or percentage in a year.

Express in numbers of individual

It does not alter the composition of the population

It can alter the composition

It can be defined with the help of the difference between birth and death rate.

It can be defined with the help of the difference between the size of the beginning to the end.

4. What is the relation between occupational structure and development?

Ans: Relationship between occupational structure and development.

  • Development is being related to the occupational structure by population.

  • A higher percentage of the population being engaged in occupations like agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry, and fishing which is a primary occupation leads to underdeveloped countries.

  • An increase in development in the country increases the secondary occupation such as manufacturing.

  • The tertiary occupation involves occupations like banking, commerce, transport, and administration, which can be seen in highly developed countries.

5. What are the advantages of having a healthy population?

Ans: Population wellbeing is implied to the gathering of people having the best physical and mental wellbeing.

  • If the population is healthy there will be less risk of heart attack caused due to an increase in cholesterol levels.

  • A healthy population decreases the weight of medical care which is being affected by unhealthy populations.

  • The people with good health help in the result of making a sound country.

  • It also helps in building up a productive workforce.

  • Healthy people know their potential so that they may play an important role in the social, economic, and national development of the country.

6. What are the significant features of the National Population Policy 2000?

Ans: The important agenda is to maintain reproductive health and other aspects.

  • The Indian government launched the National population policy in the year 2000.

  • Objective- Its main aim is to understand the need for contraception, personnel health, integrated services for child healthcare, and basic reproductive health.

  • The second main aim of this policy is to bring the fertility rate to replacement levels.

Topics Covered in Class 9 Geography Chapter 6 Population


Geography Chapter 6 Class 9 Population Topics


Population Growth and processes of population change


Population size and distribution


Characteristics or qualities of the population


Factors affecting change in population


Difference between population growth and population change


Advantages of a healthy population


Relation between occupational structure and development


Key Highlights of the National Population Policy 2000

Benefits of NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Geography Chapter 6 Population

  • The NCERT Solutions for class 9 Geography Chapter 6 are prepared by top teachers at Vedantu, ensuring their reliability and quality.

  • Each topic within Chapter 6 is thoroughly explained, ensuring students grasp the complex concepts of population distribution, density, and growth.

  • Population class 9 questions and answers explore Real-life examples and case studies are provided to help students relate theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios.

  • NCERT class 9 geography chapter 6 question answer are available for free download in PDF format, making them easily accessible for all students.

  • Vedantu offers the best NCERT Solutions for class 9th geography chapter 6 question answers, providing comprehensive support for students' self-study needs.

  • In addition to the solutions, Vedantu's subject experts provide important questions for NCERT class 9 geography chapter 6, facilitating easy syllabus revision before exams.

Important Study Material Links for Class 9 Geography Chapter 6


Important Study Material Links for Class 9 Chapter 6


Class 9 Population Revision Notes


Class 9 Population Important Questions


The NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Geography Chapter 6: Population provides an invaluable resource for students aiming to excel in their social science studies. These solutions offer a comprehensive understanding of population dynamics, including distribution, density, growth, and composition. By exploring demographic attributes such as age structure, sex ratio, literacy rate, and occupational structure, students get to know the factors influencing population changes. By using Vedantu's resources, Students can develop a deeper understanding of NCERT concepts. These solutions are a helpful aid for grade 9 students, helping them to excel in their studies.

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FAQs on NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science Geography Chapter 6 Population

1. How many questions are there in the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science Contemporary India Chapter- 6 Population?

There are 6 questions in the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science Contemporary India Chapter- 6 Population. The first 2 questions have sub-parts. The first question consists of 4 sub-questions, each of which is an objective type of question, you have to select the correct answer-choice for these questions. The second question also consists of 4 sub-questions. These questions are short answer type questions, in which you have to write a maximum of one or two sentences. The rest of the 4 questions are descriptive type and all the answers are given in these NCERT solutions.

2. What is the difference between population growth and population change?

Population growth represents the increase in population, that is, the increase in the total number of inhabitants in any area over a particular period of time. On the other hand, population change represents the change in population distribution, size, and composition in any area over a particular period of time. In general, population growth is the result of immigration and natural increase in the number of inhabitants in any area. Whereas, the population change is the result of emigration, immigration, and the natural increase in the number of inhabitants in any area.

3. Give any 5 important features of the National Population Policy 2000.

The 5 important features of the National Population Policy 2000 are as follows.

  • Providing free and compulsory academic education to all children up to 14 years of age.

  • Promoting the benefits of delayed marriage and childbirth. It also includes spreading awareness of the consequences of early childbearing on young girls, among the rural people.

  • Lowering the infant mortality rate.

  • Promoting contraceptive services and making them affordable and accessible for the common people.

  • Providing food supplements and other nutritional services to adolescents.

4. Are the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science Contemporary India Chapter- 6 Population on Vedantu reliable?

Yes, the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science Contemporary India Chapter- 6 Population on Vedantu are very reliable study resources. These solutions are prepared by the subject matter experts at Vedantu, as per the norms and guidelines of NCERT. You can download these solutions for free from our website. By referring to these solutions, you will be able to revise all the key points covered in this chapter. Also, these questions and answers are very beneficial for revision purposes before the examination.

5. What is meant by population according to Chapter 6 of Contemporary India Textbook of Class 9 Social Science?

In simple terms, 'population' can be defined as the total number of people in a given geographical area at a specific point in time. In Chapter 6 of Contemporary India Textbook of Class 9 Social Science, a population is defined as the crucial element that serves as a point of reference with which all other elements can be observed. This is done by the process of the census which involves collecting, analysing, compiling, and publishing all the observed data.

6. What are the characteristics of population according to Chapter 6 of Contemporary India Textbook of Class 9 Social Science?

The following are the various characteristics of population:

  • Birthdate or Natality, Death rate or Mortality, and Migration

  • Age Distribution

  • Sex ratio

  • Literacy rate

  • Occupational structure

  • Health

  • Population density

To get in-depth knowledge about each feature, visit Vedantu website. The solutions and explanations are free of cost.

7. What is population density according to Chapter 6 of Contemporary India Textbook of Class 9 Social Science?

The number of persons per unit area is said to be the population density of a given population. India is regarded as the most densely populated country in the world, with a population density of 382 persons per sq km as per the 2011 Census. The population density is uneven in different geographical areas due to the different factors affecting it. For more information, visit Vedantu website.

8. What are the advantages of a healthy population according to Chapter 6 of Contemporary India Textbook of Class 9 Social Science?

Health is a major component that plays a significant role in the population composition affecting the development. Thus, a healthy population is a must in any population. Here is a list of points which state the advantages of a healthy population:

  • Makes the country strong in all spheres

  • Creates a developed and prosperous country

  • Helps in economic growth

  • Ability to fight illness and realize one's potential

9. What is the relation between occupational structure and development according to Chapter 6 of Contemporary India Textbook of Class 9 Social Science?

The development of any geographical area is linked to the occupational structure of a population.

  • In a less developed country, a high percentage of the population will be involved in primary occupations like agriculture.

  • In a more developed country, a significant percentage will be involved in secondary occupations like manufacturing.

  • In a highly developed country, a high percentage of the population will be involved in tertiary occupations like banking.

10. What topics are covered in population class 9 questions and answers?

Class 9 Geography chapter 6 question answer covers topics such as population distribution, density, growth, and composition. It also includes demographic attributes like age structure, sex ratio, literacy rate, and occupational structure, as well as factors influencing population changes, such as birth rates, death rates, and migration.

11. How can NCERT class 9 geography chapter 6 question answer help in understanding population distribution and density?

NCERT class 9 geography chapter 6 question answer provides detailed explanations and illustrative examples that help students grasp the concepts of population distribution and density. These solutions include real-life examples and case studies to make the concepts more relatable and easier to understand.

12. What are the key benefits of using NCERT population chapter class 9 geography questions and answers for exam preparation?

NCERT population chapter class 9 geography questions and answers offer varied question types (objective, subjective, and data interpretation) that prepare students for different exam formats. They also include numerous practice questions and answers to reinforce learning and build confidence.