ICO Olympiad Online Mock Test for Class 12
FAQs on ICO Mock Test for Class 12
1. Is there any support for the application process on the website of ICO?
Ans: Yes, there are support centers available to register. But it is not really necessary because this registration process can be done online without anybody’s help. It hardly takes 20 minutes. So students can apply online. Our Vedantu website has given a step-by-step process guide for registration. Students can refer to that and start preparing themselves.
You can avail all the well-researched and good quality chapters, sample papers, syllabus on various topics from the website of Vedantu and its mobile application available on the play store.
2. Is it possible to change the answers while attempting the test?
Ans: Yes, it is possible to change the answers while attempting the tests. The answers can be changed until you press the submit button in the end. Till then you are free to change the answers. As long as you are still on the portal, you can change the answers how many times you want. But once you have submitted the answers, then it is not possible to open it again and change the answers. Hence be careful before submitting the answers.
3. Is the exam only conducted online?
Ans: Offline exams are available but it is recommended to take up the online test for convenience. But mark wise, it does not make any difference. Once you choose to write online, it is a completely online processed exam. You can receive the hall ticket online and attempt it online. If you are going to opt for an offline exam, the whole process is going to be offline. This makes no difference question paper wise but the choice is yours.
4. When can one expect the results after the exams?
Ans: The results will be announced within a month after completing the test. If there is any delay in the results, it will be updated online on the official website. The results will be published online. You can go to the website, enter your roll number and can find your result. Keep checking the website and Vedantu website for the updates regarding your results. It will be released in a month of completion of your exam.
5. Are performance reports also given?
Ans: Yes, the performance report comes along with the result. The result will contain all the details of the marks scored in every section. In this performance report, you can understand in which area of the concept you are weak and need more attention and where you are good. Do not only check the results but also keep a record of your performance if you are going to take up the exam again in the future. It will probably take a month or less for your results to come.