ICO Important Question Paper with Solutions 2024-25
ICO Important Questions for Class 11 & 12 - Free PDF Download
FAQs on ICO Important Questions 2024-25 for Class 11 & 12
1. What is the procedure for gaining access to the platform?
Ans: The worksheets are only available online. You'll need a computer and an Internet connection for this. The tests are not available in physical copy. Before you may use the site, you must first create a profile with your email address and phone number. Please enter a real email address, as this is where we will send all results, contests, specials, discount information, and promotions, among other things. You may also register directly through Google Plus or Facebook. You will be able to check in straight through Google Plus and Facebook connections from now on.
2. Why is it vital to take part in Olympiad Exams in order to improve school performance?
Ans: Olympiads are able to attract the interest and curiosity of students because they are unlike school assessments. The pupils see the different levels of difficulty as challenges, and they feel compelled to perform to the best of their abilities. They begin to put forth more effort in order to compete more effectively and enhance their performance. Olympiads develop students' skills, despite the fact that school curriculums focus on the syllabus and are not demanding enough in their approach. A student's ability to absorb information taught in school improves as he or she becomes more rational and uses reasoning. This certainly has a significant impact on their grades and performance.
3. What are the benefits of participating in the ICO Olympiad?
Ans: The benefits of participating in the ICO Olympiad are as follows.
At the international level, first-place finishers will get a total of two rewards for INR 1,00,000 each, as well as a gold medal and a certificate of outstanding achievement.
Second-place finishers received a total of two rewards for INR 75,000 each, as well as a silver medal and a certificate of outstanding performance.
Third-place finishers will get a total of two rewards for INR 50,000 each, as well as a bronze medal and a certificate of outstanding performance.
Fourth-place finishers will get a total of two rewards of INR 25,000 each, as well as a medal of distinction and a certificate of outstanding achievement.
Fifth-place finishers will get a total of two rewards of INR 10,000 each, as well as a medal of distinction and a certificate of outstanding achievement.
4. What steps do you need to take to apply?
Ans: Eligible applicants can apply for the olympiad by following the steps outlined below.
Step 1: Read the details by clicking the "Apply Now" button.
Step 2: To register, go to "Online Registrations for Schools and Students" and then to "Registration by Students."
Step 3: Complete the registration form and pay the registration money.
Step 4: Fill out the application and submit it.
All SOF-registered schools will get a prospectus containing registration forms. Schools that have not yet registered may request a prospectus by sending an email to info@sofworld.org or calling the office. By the due date, schools must return the registration forms to SOF, duly filled out and complete in all respects.
5. What are the terms and conditions for participating in the ICO Olympiad?
Ans: After applying for the test one should go through all the details from the syllabus to the format. Here are some necessary details you need to know:
During school hours, the test is held in the participants' respective schools.
The Olympiad is a 60-minute written objective-type test with 50 objective-type questions for students in grades 11 and 12.
Economics, Business Studies, Accountancy, and Achievers are the four sections of the question paper.
Each class has its own set of question papers.
Only English will be used to administer the test.
The test papers are based on CBSE, ICSE/ISC, and State Board syllabi.