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IGKO Olympiad Sample Paper PDF with Answers for Class 10


Class 10 IGKO Sample Paper PDF with Solutions | Free PDF Download

The SFO IGKO examination 2024-25 is conducted every year for Classes 1 to 10. One of the most important steps in preparation for these examinations is to practice as many questions as possible. Vedantu provides IGKO 2024-25 sample paper pdf with solutions for Class 10. If you are an IGKO aspirant you must solve the sample papers to ace your examination. These sample papers are created by subject experts as per the latest pattern of the exam.

IGKO sample paper pdf with answers for Class 10 is provided in this article. You can download it for free and save it till your exam day. Be exam ready with Vedantu!

IGKO Exam Highlights

The term IGKO stands for the International General Knowledge Olympiad. This is one of the renowned exams conducted by the Science Olympiad Foundation or SOF. The Olympiad 2024-25 is conducted annually for students in classes from 1st to 12th with the aim to assess their general knowledge and awareness of the important events that take place in their surroundings every day. Below are the highlights of the IGKO 2024-25 examination in tabular format.

Exam name

International General Knowledge Olympiad (IGKO) 2024-25

Conducting authority

Science Olympiad Foundation

Result name

IGKO olympiad result 2024-25


September 19, October 4 and October 15, 2024

Result date

Last Week of November

Required credentials

School code, class, section, and roll number

Result status

To be released

IGKO Syllabus of Class 10

Having a comprehensive understanding of the syllabus is the first step toward preparation. Keeping this in mind Vedantu has provided a complete syllabus for Class 10. Mentioned below is the syllabus of IGKO class 10 examination.

General Awareness

Plants and Animals

India and the world

Science and Technology

Earth and its environment 


Language and Literature

Media and Entertainment

Social study


Quantitative Aptitude and Reasoning

Current Affairs


Research and Development

Updates of New Happenings from Around the world

Life Skills


Effective Communication

Critical Thinking

Creative Thinking

Coping with Stress



Interpersonal Skills

Managing Emotions

Self Awareness

Achievers Section

Higher-order thinking questions from the above-given Syllabus.

IGKO Marking Scheme and Exam Pattern

Mentioned below is the exam pattern 2024-25 and the marking scheme followed in the IGKO Class 10.


Number of Questions


Total Marks

General Awareness




Current Affairs




Life Skills




Achievers Section




Grand Total



Note: There is no negative marking in the Class 10 IGKO examination.

Key Advantages of IGKO Sample Paper for Class 10 

Below are the key points that make our sample paper reliable for Class 10 IGKO exam preparation:

  • IGKO sample paper for Class 10 helps students to understand the exam format.

  • Solving the IGKO sample papers can help students increase their efficiency in solving questions. 

  • Students can understand the type of questions that might be asked in the examination.

  • It also helps students in assessing their preparation level. This would help students to improve their weak areas. 

  • IGKO Class 10 Sample Papers  are prepared by the thorough  research and observation of our expert team. 

  • Solving IGKO Sample Paper for Class 10 guarantees students’ success. They do not just prepare you for your Olympiad examination but also other competitive exams.

How are Vedantu’s IGKO Sample Papers Best Suited for Class 10 Students?

Vedantu is best suited for Class 10 students as we provide them with ease of preparation with the help of sample papers, thus ensuring seamless solutions to each problem. We also thrive on giving the best services to the children. We, at Vedantu, understand how important it is to take part in other activities besides academics; that is why we have come up to help young minds to improve their knowledge and skills with our IGKO Class 10 Sample Paper.

We provide online sessions from our experts belonging to various fields. They are qualified enough to cover different subjects and topics; thus, helping the children grow mentally and improve their academic scores. Our website is suited for every user, as they can obtain IGKO Sample Paper for Class 10 here and download them to their mobile devices or computers. Our expert team members are always ready to assist with any query via emails or phone calls. We have always aimed at making education fun for everyone and until today, we have been very successful in doing so.

This concluded the discussion on the Class 10 IGKO Olympiad. We have learnt about  the curriculum, test structure, sample paper in PDF format with solutions, and the benefits of practising the sample papers for the IGKO Class 10 (2024-25) examination.

We sincerely hope that we were able to answer your questions. Download the sample papers pdf and work through them at your own leisure. We wish you the very best for the upcoming examinations!

IGKO 2024-25 Sample Papers for Classes 1 to 10

Students can access IGKO Sample papers from below for Class 1 to 10:

Other Important Related Links for IGKO Exam 2024-25

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FAQs on IGKO Olympiad Sample Paper PDF with Answers for Class 10

1. How can IGKO Sample Paper for Class 10 help me?

The IGKO Olympiad Sample Papers for Class 10 with Solutions provided by Vedantu have been designed by experts to guarantee the full accuracy of the answers. When preparing for the IGKO Class 10 exam, referring to the sample papers will provide students surety of having a strong preparation and an in-depth understanding of all the concepts that are a part of the syllabus for the olympiad. Students shall also be able to identify their weak areas and practice more for understanding such topics better.

2. What is the question paper pattern for IGKO Class 10?

The exam pattern for the International General Knowledge Olympiad (IGKO) differs according to the two groups of classes which are 1st to 4th and 5th to 12th. According to the pattern provided by the Science Olympiad Foundations (SOF), the IGKO question papers for the first group of classes (1st to 4th) will have a total of 35 Multiple Choice Questions divided into four sections. The IGKO question paper format for classes 5th to 12th will include a total of 50 MCQs.

3. Where can I find the IGKO Sample Paper for Class 10?

The IGKO Sample Paper for Class 10 can be found on the official website of Vedantu. The sample papers on Vedantu’s official website have been designed by a team of experts. The sample papers have also been provided with answer keys that students can refer to in case they are unable to solve any of the questions. One can also find the IGKO Sample Paper for Class 10 designed by Vedantu.

4. What are some helpful tips for IGKO Class 10 preparation?

No, there is no negative marking in the IGKO Class 10 examination. A unique score is assigned to each question.

5. What type of questions are asked in the IGKO Sample Paper class 10?

The International General Knowledge Olympiad (IGKO) offers students the opportunity to assess their general knowledge through questions that are trickier and more conceptual than the questions that are usually a part of the exams held in schools. The IGKO question paper includes Multiple Choice Questions that are divided into 4 sections including General Awareness, Current Affairs, Life Skills, and Achievers Section. Students can get a better idea of the kind of questions by attempting IGKO Sample Paper for Class 10.