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IGKO Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25


IGKO Class 10 Syllabus

IGKO Class 10 Syllabus for the year 2024-25 is provided here and is free to download. Presentation of this syllabus becomes mandatory as the students must have a thorough knowledge of the Syllabus before starting their IGKO Exam preparation 2024-25. Hence, downloading the IGKO Olympiad Syllabus 2024-25 is a must in order to score good marks in the exam.

We have made sure that the IGKO 2024-25 Syllabus has been properly checked and provided for all Classes starting from 1 to 10. The Syllabus is the first and foremost thing one needs to refer to and is of utmost importance for the preparation for any exam. Download IGKO Syllabus now and kickstart your preparation for the olympiads.


IGKO Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25 - The Complete Syllabus

General Awareness:

  • Plants and animals

  • Science and technology 

  • Our body and health

  • India and the World

  • Language

  • Literature and media

  • Our environment

  • Sports

  • Social studies

  • Quantitative aptitude

  • Logical reasoning

  • Current affairs

Life skills: 

  • Effective communication 

  • Decision making

  • Interpersonal skills

  • Empathy

  • Critical Thinking

  • Coping with stress

  • Creative thinking

  • Problem Solving

  • Self-awareness

  • Managing emotions

Achievers Section: Higher-order thinking questions from the syllabus given above.

IGKO Class 10 - Exam Pattern


Total questions

Marks per question

Total marks

General awareness




Current affairs




Life skills




Achievers section




Grand total



This was the complete exam pattern which is followed for IGKO Class 10 Exam. 

IGKO Class 10 Exam 2024-25 - Exam Preparation Tips 

Below are some of the methods to prepare for the Class 10 Olympiad which can help in smooth preparation. These are the suggestions but ultimately the one and the only solution is hard work and dedication.

  • Make a study schedule after analyzing the topics to compete for each day.

  • Start preparing the notes of the Chapter you are reading. Your notes should have the key points and the topics. You can also highlight the point wherever required.

  • After you are done with the preparation of the Chapter, you can take the chapter-wise test to know the progress and rectify the mistakes. You can also know how far your understanding is correct.

  • Revising the chapters every day is very important. Revision is a continuous process and not just at the last moment.

  • Once you are confident that you have achieved a hold on the majority of topics, it's time to solve the previous year's question paper so that you will get an exact idea of the pattern.

IGKO 2024-25 Syllabus Class 1 to 10

Students can access IGKO Syllabus from below:


With the help of this article, the students will be able to have a detailed analysis of the IGKO Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25. The students must have a thorough knowledge of the syllabus so that they can strategize their IGKO exam well. Additionally, you can also download the free pdf of the IGKO syllabus and save it for later use. 

Other Important Related Links for IGKO Exam 2024-25

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FAQs on IGKO Class 10 Syllabus 2024-25

1. How do I prepare for the Class 10 Olympiad?

It is very important that you give the most important points for the Class 10 Olympiad. Preparation of the Olympiad will prepare the students even for the Class 10 board exams. The important thing to remember while preparing is to learn and understand the concepts thoroughly. Especially with subjects like Maths and Science, one has to understand the exact steps involved. Revise as much as possible and evaluate yourself regularly and rectify the mistakes. These might be very simple but if followed regularly will have positive results.

2. What are the Olympiads for Class 10?

Class 10 Olympiad has the International Science Olympiad (ISO),  International Maths Olympiad (IMO), English International Olympiad (EIO), and 10 General Knowledge International Olympiad (GKIO). All these Olympiad exams give the students a strong base and the foundation helps to build their character with confidence. Preparing for the Olympiad itself is the first step to the right approach to a career. These exams are the preparation to give the student to face any kind of competition with full confidence and with right thinking.

3. What is the importance of the Class 10 Science Olympiad? 

The Class 10 science olympiad has the objective type with a time duration of 60 mins with 50 questions. These questions are multiple-choice questions. Answering all these will be possible only if the chapters are thoroughly prepared. Even though there is no negative marking in the exam answers, the students should have a thorough knowledge of each topic. These can be well done and systematically prepared with a proper and systematic study structure. Analyzing the topics and devoting the proper time to the particular topics will help in preparation for the Olympiad.

4. How does the Class 10 Olympiad help in the competitive exam?

Class 10 Olympiad will prepare the students to give many competitive exams like JEE (Main), JEE (Advanced), NEET, CLAT, NTSE (National Talent Search Examination), KVPY (Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana), NSO (National Science Olympiad), and NCO (National Cyber Olympiad). Preparing for all this will automatically develop the confidence within students to prepare themselves for any competition. The Olympiad preparation would have made the student think at a competitive level making it easier for the future.

5. Is there any negative marking in the Olympiad?

There is no negative marking. The OMR sheets will be provided. Each question carries different marks. Students should think and answer the questions at the same time they should not waste their time with a single question. Solving the previous year question paper will help them to manage the time and also know the speed in writing the answers or solving the problem. This will also help them with the exact exam pattern making them more confident and be well prepared for the exam.