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IMO Previous Year Question Paper: Download Class 5 Maths Olympiad 2014 Papers


Class 5 IMO Previous Year Question Paper Free PDF Download

The Olympiad exams are school-level competitive examinations held in grades from one to twelve. These tests are held to instil problem-solving and analytical abilities in kids from a young age to develop their minds and help them establish a sound academic foundation. The Olympiad tests are mostly in Mathematics, Science, and English.

Appearing for these examinations and achieving a decent rank is extremely difficult since they are held on a broad scale, with students from all over the world participating with similarly established skills. As a result, students need to adhere to a specific study pattern and plan to master everything in depth. So, it's crucial to solve as many papers as the IMO Maths Olympiad Class 5 - 2014 Previous Year Question Paper.

Exam Paper Format


No. of Questions



Total marks

Section-1 (Logical Reasoning)


  • Patterns

  • Analogy and Classification

  • Logical Sequence of Words

  • Mirror and Water Images

  • Direction Sense Test

  • Ranking Test

  • Geometrical Shapes

  • Alphabet Test

  • Puzzle Test

  • Coding-Decoding.



Section-2 (Mathematical Reasoning)


  • Numerals

  • Number names and Number Sense (7 and 8 digit numbers)

  • Computation Operations

  • Measurement of Length

  • Weight

  • Capacity

  • Fractions and Decimals

  • Volume

  • Time 

  • Temperature and Money

  • Conversions

  • Angles

  • Perimeter of Various Shapes  

  • Area of Rectangle and Square

  • Geometrical Shapes and Solids

  • Symmetry

  • Data Handling



Section-3 (Everyday Mathematics)


Refer to the mathematical reasoning section



Section 4 - Achievers Section


Higher Order Thinking Questions (HOTS) + Refer to Section - 1 and 2 for the syllabus.



Grand Total






Section-Wise Questions Arrangement in the IMO-2024 Exam

Classes 6

Logical Reasoning

15 (1 mark per question)


Mathematical Reasoning

20 (1 mark per question)


Everyday Mathematics

10 (1 mark per question)


Achievers section

5 (3 marks per question)


Grand Total




How to Prepare for the Class 5 IMO Exam?

Exams for Olympiads need hard effort and perseverance. For successful performance in Olympiad examinations, follow the list of dos and don'ts below:

Do’s for Class 5 IMO Olympiad

Begin Your Planning Early: Beginning your preparation early is one of the most significant and critical things you can do to achieve your goal of achieving a good rank in the Olympiad examinations. Students often register for competitive tests but fail to see the importance of time and so postpone their studies. However, it is critical that you do not take the tests lightly and appreciate each day that you have to prepare for them. Also, collect as many as Class 5 IMO Previous Question Papers as possible.

Do Constant Revision: Revision is essential for performing well in Olympiad examinations, but it should not be limited to last-minute revision. Many students study a subject and believe they are well-versed in it. However, during revision, they believe that additional hours of study are necessary, but they may not have that much time in the final few days before the exam. To avoid these last-minute scrambles, students should conduct ongoing revisions in addition to their usual routine. Also, while revising, solve similar types of questions from Class 5 IMO Previous Question Paper to have an idea of how much you have understood the task.

Practice as Much as You Can: To excel in anything, we must practise it over and over until we know everything about it and have a firm grasp on it. Because the majority of the curriculum in the Olympiad test is focused on practical problems that demand extensive practice, you must continue to work on it regularly to be ready to answer every question connected to that lesson. Try to solve as many as IMO class 5 Previous Year question papers as possible to increase speed as well as to gain an understanding of the question paper format.

Recommendation for Useful Study Materials: Finding the correct source of the material is critical since it will provide you with the essential knowledge and confidence to perform well in the Olympiad tests. Leading publishers provide a variety of study materials, including workbooks, practise sets, and mock examinations, which you can purchase and include into your daily study regimen to ensure that you are clear and well-prepared.

Prepare Brief Revision Notes: As previously stated, the Olympiad syllabus is based on the respective school curriculum. As a result, students must take fast notes for revision when learning subjects, whether at school or for Olympiad test preparation. These brief notes are particularly beneficial for last-minute study when you don't have time to go over the full chapter but want to quickly go over some key aspects that will help you perform well and earn good results.

Have fun with Your Studies: It is critical to enjoy the Olympiad exam preparation process and absorb everything with zeal. Many students believe that studying for the Olympiad examinations is a hardship since they must work hard and study extra to pass the exam with flying colours. However, there are other advantages to taking an Olympiad test, including the opportunity to hone one's abilities, develop one's intellect, and obtain a wealth of extra knowledge. As a result, students must relax, enjoy their studies, and study well in order to succeed in the Olympiad tests.

Maintain a Recreation Schedule: While studying hard is required to get the desired results or rank in the Olympiad examinations, it is equally critical to not spend all of one's time studying. Relaxation and entertainment are essential components of any study schedule since students must keep their minds sharp. It is necessary to learn a lot of information, but you must also digest it to keep and repeat the knowledge obtained. As a result, set aside time for your favourite recreational activity, whether it's sports, music, art, or anything else.

Model Practice/Previous Year Papers: Previous year papers are quite valuable for analysing the kind of problems answered in Olympiad examinations. Practising these papers will allow you to assess your abilities and choose what kind of topics to prepare for. Taking practise examinations regularly helps clarify your notions and allows you to focus on issues that require more in-depth comprehension.

Identify and Strengthen Your Weak Points: Participating in an Olympiad test boosts students' present talents while also identifying their weak spots and assisting them in working on them and improving them. Once you realise which areas require more attention, it will be a lot easier for you to study and master them.


Don'ts for IMO Olympiad 

Don't Skip Any Topics: The Olympiad has a large curriculum that includes many ideas with practical applications for the students' better comprehension. As a result, you should ensure that you properly study each topic and that you do not skip any topics or chapters so that you can answer every question and complete the question paper completely.

Don't Overburden Yourself With Studies: Students should make an effort to remain cool and avoid becoming overburdened with Olympiad test preparation. They should create a solid timetable from the outset and begin their preparation as soon as possible.

Don't lose Motivation: Even if you have to put in extra hours to study and work hard, don't lose motivation. Keep yourself involved and motivated, and keep your goal of achieving excellent performance in Olympiad tests in mind.

Maintain Focus and Patience: Maintain your focus and patience. Remember that the more concentrated you are, the easier it will be for you to achieve good test results. As a result, prepare with a laser-like focus on comprehending each idea so that you master everything.

Don't Panic: As exam day approaches, students often become anxious. But there's no need to panic if you follow the guidelines from the start. To increase your performance, clarify all of your uncertainties in each session and revise it several times.

IMO-Maths olympiad Class 5 previous year question papers may be downloaded at Vedantu. In order to grasp the format of the question paper, it is necessary to solve previous papers and practise papers. Solving these papers also helps increase the pace with which the paper is solved. Sample papers, mock examinations, syllabus, previous year's questions, practise tests, and answer keys are among the e-learning solutions offered by Vedantu to students, teachers, and parents.

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FAQs on IMO Previous Year Question Paper: Download Class 5 Maths Olympiad 2014 Papers

1. What are the advantages of IMO?

Ans: The following are some of the advantages of participating in the International Maths Olympiad:

  1. They encourage children to think logically, which helps them solve problems more effectively.

  2. Exposure: provides a national and international platform.

  3. Encourage students to put forth more effort to develop a better understanding of scientific realities, which will improve their reasoning, analytical, and problem-solving skills.

  4. Olympiads help students improve their academic performance by strengthening their thinking and learning processes, helping them to better absorb courses.

  5. Increased self-confidence: The rank earned contributes to the development of self-confidence.

 2. Does Vedantu offer resources for Class 5 IMO?

Ans: The student's stringent deadline is highly valued in the Maths Olympiad sample papers for Class 5 PDF. Although you must have studied the answer in class, there are faster ways to respond to a specific question. Our Maths Olympiad Class 5 sample papers and answer keys aid students in identifying these shortcuts so that they may save time on the actual exam. They will be able to complete the exam on time while still having time to review the answers. We all understand the importance of time, after all.

3. What are the benefits of using Vedantu to study for the IMO exam?

Ans: The internet is a powerful instructional and learning tool that is both interactive and inexpensive. It is really beneficial in terms of discovering pertinent material for the IMO exam. With the help of Vedantu, students may effectively prepare while also having fun. Sample papers, mock tests, syllabus, previous year's questions, practise tests, answer keys, and more are available from Vedantu for students, teachers, and parents. Our commitment to delivering free, high-quality learning resources has gained us the trust of children, parents, and educators searching for the best online education platform.

4. What are some recommendations for finishing IMO papers effectively in Class 5?

Ans: You must ensure that the youngster has finished the entire curriculum. Students will be able to answer all of the questions in the Class 5 Olympiad with it. They will know which areas need to be revisited if they are unable to answer some questions. Set a timer in front of the child as they work on the Maths Olympiad Class 5 previous year papers and previous year papers. It will help students build effective time management skills so that they can finish the assignment on time. Even though most students know the answers to the arithmetic problems, they typically fail to complete the assignment on time.

5. What competitive advantage can Vedantu provide to prepare for competitive exams like Maths Olympiad?

Ans: Vedantu is the country's largest online education portal for students. The Vedantu faculty consists of graduates who are among the world's sharpest and most inventive brains and have dealt with a wide range of student requests.


When it comes to IMO examinations, Vedantu provides a free PDF download of IMO Class 5 Previous Year Question Papers, which can be acquired through their official website by anybody with a basic internet connection. Vedantu is sensitive to the requirements of all students, from fourth to twelfth grades. By enabling students to learn at their own pace, Vedantu breaks down academic prejudices.