What is NSEC?
NSEC 2024-25 Exam Sample Papers
FAQs on NSEC Sample Papers 2024-25
1. How to Get the Admit Card for NSEC?
Ans: The IAPT admit card will be available online by the second week of November 2024, tentatively. Students can also obtain their admit cards in person at the examination centre or their respective schools. The IAPT admit cards will contain all information of a student as well as other important information such as the name of the exam, the date and time of the exam, the exam centre, the Practising address, and so on. The candidates are advised to check their information on the admit card before proceeding to the examination hall. For further information, you can visit Vedantu’s website.
2. What are the stages in the Chemistry Olympiad?
Ans: The Chemistry Olympiad consists of the following stages.
Stage 1) NSEC - National Standard Examination in Chemistry,
Stage 2) INChO - Indian National Chemistry Olympiad,
Stage 3) OSC - Orientation cum Selection Camp in the subject of chemistry,
Stage 4) PDT - Pre-departure Training Camp for IChO, and
Stage 5) IChO - Participation in International Chemistry Olympiad.
Only the first stage is excluded from the organisation of HBCSE because it is looked after by IAPT. The rest of the stages are planned and organised by HBCSE.
3. What are the Eligibility Criteria for NSEC?
Ans: Every student taking the NSEC must meet the following eligibility criteria:
Students in Class XIl or lower are also eligible to take the exam.
Students who have passed the Class XII examinations are ineligible to take the NSEC.
A student may take multiple Olympiad exams as long as the exam schedule allows it, i.e. there is no overlap.
Students must meet all eligibility requirements or they will be disqualified.
4. How to Apply for NSEC?
Ans: To appear in the NSEC exam candidates are required to register through their schools or registered exam centres. The registration form for this exam can only be filled by the institutions such as schools, or registered exam centres. The schools are required to follow the link to apply for the NSE Chemistry Olympiad, the schools fill the KV code to further fill the application form. Next, schools fill in all the required details like Principal’s name, Principal’s mail ID, the number of candidates appearing for the test, etc.
It is the responsibility of the schools to check if all details filled in by the students are correct, if not then they are required to guide the students to fill correctly. Then clicking on the apply button after inspecting all the details submits the form. The candidates who have filled the application form are required to submit the same to complete the application process.
5. Is NSEC easy?
Ans: In the NSE Chemistry Olympiad, questions are of varying difficulty levels. Questions are from a variety of topics from classes 11th and 12th so students need to remember a lot of concepts. The paper is easy scoring so the cutoff goes high. The concepts are easy to answer if the students have prepared well. For better preparation and scoring high the students are advised to go through the sample papers available on Vedantu’s website. The students can also practise the mock tests, and other resources to be better prepared for the Olympiad.