About NSO Exam National Science Olympiad 2024-25
FAQs on NSO Exam Date 2024-25
1. What is the Application Process and Application Fees for the NSO Exam 2024-25?
Students can register through their respective schools only. Individual registrations are not accepted by the Foundations. Interested students of Class 1 to 12 can apply for SOF NSO 2024-25. The prospectus with registration forms is sent to registered/participating schools. Schools that are not registered can also request registration forms by sending mail to the SOF. The duly filled registered form needs to be sent by the schools to SOF before the due date.
Each participant student of registered schools of India, Bangladesh, and Nepal except students suffering from any major physical disability are required to pay a charge of Rs. 125 (including GST) towards the cost of the examination. However, the school may charge an additional Rs.25 for the expenses made by them such as remuneration to teachers and other expenses.
2. How to Download the Admit Card for NSO Exam?
Steps to download the admit card for the NSO exam are given below.
Visit SOF official website.
Click on the "First Level Admit Card" button in the sidebar.
Select NSO.
Enter the roll number. Roll Number should be mentioned as School code - Class code - Roll number.
Select " Download and Print Admit Card".
Admit Card and important Guidelines will be generated and displayed on your screen.
3. What are the Exam-Day Instructions Mentioned for the Students in the Admit Card?
The students have to follow certain rules and regulations on the NSO exam date while attempting the test. Read the instructions given below to be followed for SOF NSO:
Students have to report at the allocated exam centre a minimum of 30 minutes before the commencement of exams.
No student will be allowed to enter the exam room after 10 minutes of exam commencement.
No extra time will be given to the participants who report late to the exam centre.
Students can only leave the exam, halls only after the completion of exam duration. Candidates cannot leave the exam room without the due permission of the invigilator.
The students are not supposed to carry any paper bits with them.
Students will be permitted in the exam rooms 15 minutes before the commencement of the exam. The students must fill the OMR sheet with their details during this time.
4. Is NSO better than NCO?
SOF (Science Olympiad Foundation) conducts every olympiad to target one subject’s progress among the students. It is preferred to consider every olympiad equal. Students may attempt for any olympiad that they desire to.
5. Is solving sample papers enough for clearing the NSO exam?
It is advised to check the complete syllabus of the NSO exam and then get conceptual knowledge of every topic. After understanding the roots and concepts of every topic, students should start solving sample papers as this way is the most beneficial way to score higher marks in exams.