What is Energy?
The word 'Energy' defines the capacity or ability to do work. Energy exists in many forms, including Kinetic Energy, Electrical Energy, Thermal Energy, Potential Energy, Chemical Energy, Nuclear Energy, etc. Motion is associated with all forms of energy. For example – any object or body in motion has Kinetic Energy associated with it. According to the principle of Conservation of Energy or the first law of Thermodynamics, energy can neither be created nor destroyed but can only be changed from one form to another. There are two prime sources of energy, namely, the Conventional Sources of Energy, and the Non-conventional Sources of Energy.
Energy is a major part of life and not only just the economic infrastructure and hence this being the basic energy needed for almost all the needs in life it is true that the energy is being exhausted as days go by. Those energies that are continuously being formed in nature are termed nonconventional energy or also called renewable energy sources. These are of various types depending on their sources. Conventional energy on the other hand is based on fossils and hence these are possibly going to be extinct quite soon. Due to the energy sources being extinct quite soon it has become an important matter on how to save these energies.
Understanding the Conventional Sources of Energy
The Conventional Sources of Energy are also known as the non-renewable sources of energy, which are present in a limited quantity and are being consumed by human beings for many years now. These non-renewable sources of energy are the decaying matters, which take over hundreds of years to form, for example, coal, petroleum, etc. So, if they are depleted once, they can never be generated at a speed or pace, which could sustain their rate of consumption.
The conventional sources of energy can be further classified into two types, namely, the commercial energy sources and the non-commercial energy sources.
What are Commercial Energy Sources?
Commercial energy sources are those energy sources for which the consumer needs to pay the price for the consumption. For instance - coal, petroleum, oil, natural gas, and electricity.
Coal: Without any second thoughts, coal is indeed the most vital source of energy. The formation of coal takes place when dead plant matter decays into peat (accumulation of partially decayed organic matter or vegetation) which is converted into coal by pressure and heat over millions of years. Coal is mostly composed of Carbon. It has variable amounts of other elements also, like Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Sulphur, and Oxygen.
Natural Gas and Oil: Natural gas is one of the most crucial sources of energy in the world whereas oil is considered to be liquid gold. Oil is formed from a large number of tiny animals and plants, which when die, get trapped at the bottom of the sea under multiple layers of sand and mud, and get exposed to heat and pressure. It is widely used in trains, ships, automobiles, and planes. Natural gas is formed when several layers of decomposing animal and plant matter are exposed to intense pressure and heat over millions of years under the surface of Earth. It is used for various purposes, including cooking, heating, and electricity generation.
Electricity: Electricity is a form of energy, in which there is a flow of electrons (electric charge) in one direction. Electricity can be produced using fossil fuels (coal and petroleum), nuclear power, and renewable alternatives (solar, wind, or hydropower). As a common source of energy, electricity is commonly used for commercial and domestic purposes. The electricity is primarily utilized in electrical appliances, including refrigerators, air conditioners (AC), TV, and washing machines.
The Prime Sources of Power Generation are as follows
Nuclear Power
Hydro-electric Power
Thermal Power
Thermal Power: By utilizing coal and oil, thermal power is generated at several power stations. The production of thermal power is the conversion of fuel into heat. It is generated using thermal generators and specifically designed furnaces. A thermal power plant burns fuels for boiling water and making steam. The steam produced then spins a turbine connected to a generator that weaves electricity.
Hydroelectric Power: Hydroelectric power is generated or produced with the help of constructing dams above the flowing rivers, for example, Bhakra Nangal Project and Damodar Valley Project. Flowing water creates energy that can be further captured and eventually turned into electricity. Water is released from the reservoir and then flows through a turbine. The turbine spins the water and activates a generator, which produces electricity.
Nuclear Power: Nuclear power plants use uranium and plutonium as fuel, which is less expensive than coal. The vast majority of electricity from Nuclear Power is produced via nuclear fission, nuclear fusion, and nuclear decay reactions.
Understanding the Non-Conventional Sources of Energy
Also referred to as the renewable sources of energy, the non-conventional sources of energy refer to those energy sources, which are replenished by natural processes, that too continuously. The non-conventional sources of energy can’t be exhausted easily and can be generated at a constant rate for their use over and over again. Furthermore, these energy sources do not pollute the environment and natural surroundings and require less expenditure. A few examples of non-conventional sources of energy include wind energy, tidal energy, solar energy, geothermal energy, and biomass energy. The reason why they are also called renewable sources of energy lies in the fact that they can be produced or generated through natural processes, at a rate greater than or equal to the rate of their consumption.
What are Non-Commercial Energy Sources?
In general, non-commercial energy sources are those energy sources that are freely available, and the consumers don't need to pay the price for their consumption. A few examples of non-commercial energy sources include firewood, straw, dried dung, etc.
Solar Energy: Solar energy is the energy produced or generated by sunlight. Based on the form of energy that needs to be produced or generated, the photovoltaic cells are exposed to sunlight. Solar energy is widely utilized for the distillation of water and cooking purposes.
Wind Energy: Wind energy is the energy generated or produced by harnessing the power of the wind. It is widely utilized in the operation of water pumps for irrigation purposes. India is the second-largest producer of wind power in the world.
Tidal Energy: Tidal energy is the energy produced or generated by exploiting the tidal waves of the sea. As a non-conventional source of energy, tidal energy is still left to be tapped due to the lack of cost-effective technology.
Advantages of Non-Conventional Energy over Conventional Energy
Nonconventional energy also called the renewable source of energy is an indigenous source that is available and has a significant impact on local and regional economic industries.
There is also a huge scope of research in the nonconventional energy source sectors regarding its future and its utilization in science and other applications.
The power plants that are based on nonconventional energy do not have much high fuel cost and are hence much more affordable for people and industries.
Renewable energy has low energy density and is also helpful in reducing pollution and providing a sustainable environment to live in.
It requires a short gestation period and a low amount to be invested.
FAQs on Conventional and Non-conventional Sources of Energy
1. What is geothermal energy and how is it beneficial?
The name geothermal has been coined by two words one being geo which means rocks or soil and the other word thermal indicates heat. Hence this energy is obtained by hot rocks that are present in the earth’s crust. The geothermal wells that are present tend to release greenhouse gases that are trapped inside the earth’s crust. These emissions however are very low in energy as compared to those obtained by fossil fuels. These also have low running costs as they tend to save at least 80 percent of fossil fuels and hence also reduce global warming and pollution.
2. What are the main uses of solar energy and why is it in high demand?
Solar energy is highly useful nowadays and some of its main uses can be provided a follows:
The solar cooker uses the power of the sun to transfer the heat from the source to the bottom of the vessel while going through the secondary reflector.
Solar energy is also used in solar heaters where it is used to heat waters without using either electricity or gas
Solar cells are those that use solar energy to power electricity.
Solar calculators are also available that use solar energy to perform all functions
Due to all these uses solar energy is in high demand recently.
3. What does biomass energy consist of and is it possible to create biomass energy even at homes?
Biomass energy is made up of completely organic matter such as the wastes obtained from plants, animals, wood, sewage, and other such substances. All of this waste matter burns and produces heat energy which then is useful in generating electricity. The chemical composition tends to vary generally however most of the biomass energy consists of 25% lignin and 75% of carbohydrates or sugar matter. Biomass energy that is produced is highly beneficial in cooking, lighting, and the generation of electricity. The residue which is left after the biogas is removed is manure which is good for various plants’ growth. This energy made of waste that is readily available at home can be produced as long as the instrument is available.
4. Why are non-conventional energies important to humans?
As there is an increase in the consumption of energy the population is highly dependent on fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas. There is a need to secure these energy supplies for the distant future since there is increasing scarcity and the prices are also increasing day by day. It is hence required that we use more renewable energy sources than non-renewable ones. It is hence required that humans depend more on non-conventional energies than on conventional energies. There is also a separate department by the government named the “Department of non-conventional sources of energy” that overlooks this matter.
5. What is the importance of learning about the Conventional and Non-conventional Sources of Energy?
With the increase in industrialization and the growth in population, the energy demand is ever-increasing. To meet this demand the conventional sources might be very scarce and hence the non-conventional sources help us depend less on the conventional sources of energy. Vedantu also makes sure that students understand how the conventional sources being low now need to be saved. Students can also take a look at the Vedantu NCERT Solutions for Physics in order to learn more about this.