What is Drift Velocity?
To understand the concept of Drift Velocity, we should first understand what Drift is. Drift is the slow movement of an object toward something. The Average-Velocity attained by the charged particles in a material due to the influence of the electric field is known as the Drift Velocity. Drift Velocity is directly proportional to current. It is also directly proportional to the magnitude of the external electric field in a resistive material. Drift Velocity can be expressed in terms of Ohm’s law = μE Where,u represents the Drift Velocity,µ represents the Electron mobility, andE represents the electric field unit of these quantities is m/s, m2/ (V.s), and V/m respectively.
What is the Drift Velocity of an Electron?
When particles like Electrons attain the Average Velocity under the influence of an electric field is known as the Drift Velocity. It is assumed that the particle's movement is along a plane, and hence the motion can be described as the axial Drift Velocity. The concept of Drift Velocity can be understood by studying the random motion of free Electrons moving around the conductor. These free Electrons keep on moving in the conductor in a disorganized way with random velocities. But when the conductor is subjected to an electric field, some kind of electrical force is applied to the randomly moving Electrons and in the direction of the field. The field forces the Electrons to switch towards high potential while maintaining the randomness of the motion. Scientifically we can express that the Electrons will Drift towards higher potentials by maintaining the random motions. Further, it has been observed that each Electron has its Velocity while they move towards the higher potential point of the conductor. This net Velocity is known as the Drift Velocity of Electrons. Since the movement of the Electron is known as the Drift Velocity, the current that is generated due to the Drift movement of the Electrons in the electrically charged conductor is known as the Drift current. Every current flowing through a conductor is known as Drift current. When the charged particles go around in a conductor, it is not in a straight line as they collide with other particles present in the conductor. Hence the Average speed of the particles in the conductor is taken into observation. This is known as Drift Velocity. Under the impact of the electric field, the Average Velocity is gained by the free Electrons due to which the Electrons Drift. Formula to calculate Drift Velocity using current density formula to evaluate Drift Velocity of the Electron in a conductor of constant cross-sectional area is given by: Drift Velocity formula v = I/nAq Where,v = represents the Drift Velocity of the Electrons I = represents the current flowing through the conductor and measured in Amperes. A = represents the area of the cross-section of the conductor measured in m2q = represents the charge of an Electron and measure in Coulombs n = represents the number of Electrons. Example of Drift Velocity As expressed in the formula above for the Drift Velocity, if out of the four quantities any three quantities are known, then the missing quantity can be found easily. Hence, the Drift Velocity of Electrons in a piece of metal displaying a current of 0.1 A will be around 1x10-5 m/s. Generally, the Electrons move at very high speeds of around a million m/s along a wire, but the Electron Drift or move very slowly in the direction of the current.
Quick Ways To Understand Drift Velocity
Physics is a subject that no matter how much it is taught, it has to be thoroughly understood by the students without any fail. It can be a tough subject for several students but it’s only for the students who fail to get their basic concepts clearly understood.
Understand and Review
The students are advised to understand the concepts and review the notes from the classes that are provided for Drift Velocity.
Study with other Friends
Students should study in study groups with friends. It can be very useful in understanding the topics on a lighter note and lesser pressure. Discussing the materials on Drift Velocity will help the students and friends might know something extra about the topic that the students might not.
Read the Chapters
Students should read the chapters thoroughly in order to understand Drift Velocity. It is essential to note that reading the chapters makes the students acquaint with the basic terms and concepts.
Work on textbook Problems
Textbook problems give a better insight on the chapter. In order to understand the topics, students should opt for the textbook problems to test their knowledge. It is very helpful for preparing for Board Exams as well so as to get a better idea about the possible questions from Drift Velocity.
Do not Memorize the Chapters
Physics is best learned by understanding so students should not focus on memorizing the chapters but rather understand the concepts of Drift Velocity.
Make Notes
Students should make notes while during the class so that they can review it later in order to understand better. Note making is a good way to conceptualize the topic such as Drift Velocity and understand the concepts to answer the questions.
Study Everyday
Students should study the chapter everyday in order to stay in touch with the chapter, Drift Velocity. The concepts are vast yet basic that will be helpful for the students if they stay in touch with the chapter.
Practice the basic Equations
The equations on Drift Velocity has to be practiced regularly and they have to be learned accordingly. Equations are basic part of the chapter and it is essential to understand the formulas and equations in order to solve them.
Use Vedantu for Understanding Drift Velocity
Vedantu offers latest study materials for understanding Drift Velocity. It is the updated and the latest materials that are curated by the experts in order to help students understand the topic in depth. The notes on Drift Velocity can be found on Vedantu’s official website that can be downloaded in PDF formats.
Solve Quizzes
Students should attempt more quizzes so that they can test their knowledge and understand their abilities on the particular topic. The quizzes on Drift Velocity offered by Vedantu can be very helpful in making students test their knowledge on Drift Velocity.
Solve questions from HC Verma
Solving questions from the popular textbook will give more idea to the students regarding the potential questions that will come in the Exams. It is essential for a student to be thorough with the book and the questions so as to be well prepared for the Exams. The solutions of these questions are available on Vedantu’s official website that can be downloaded in PDF format at any time from anywhere.
Hire a Physics Tutor
Hiring a tutor is always beneficial for a student. Tutors can make students understand concepts that they otherwise may not regardless of their classes. Vedantu offers online live classes for students and doubt clearing sessions so it becomes easier for students to understand Drift Velocity with ease.
Allow time for Revision
Revision makes a student perfect. It is of great importance for students to leave a certain amount of time later before Exams in order to revise the chapters and relearn as well as reconnect with the chapters. Drift Velocity can be done the same way. After learning and understanding the chapter, students should pay attention to revisions and make sure they are thorough with the concepts and equations.
FAQs on Drift Velocity
1. Give Some Common Theory on how Drift Velocity and Electric Current are Related.
Let’s take a conducting wire having length L and of uniform cross-section area A, which contains the electric field—assuming that the wire contains 'n' free electrons per unit volume, each possessing a drift velocity 'v.' Considering the small time interval t. The length covered by each electron during this time interval is vt. Art gives the volume of this specific portion of the area. There are several free electrons in this section amounting to nAvt, and they go through the cross-section A in time t.
If we signify the charge with Q, then the charge crossing the area in time t is given by
Q = neAmt
Or it can be rewritten as I = Q /t = neAv
The relation between drift velocity and the electric current is expressed in the above equation.
If the charge carriers in motion are positive instead of negative, then the field force acting on the carriers would be following the electric field direction and movement, or the drift velocity of the particle will be from left to right. There is a relation between the current density and the drift velocity, expressed in the equation below.
J = I/A = nev
2. What is Mobility in Physics?
In a solid-state, mobility in physics is a measure of the ease with which a particular type of charged particle passes through a solid under the influence of an electric field. Such particles are drawn by electric fields and periodically interact with solid molecules. The combination of electric field and collision causes the particles to move at an average speed is known as drift speed. The charge carrier in most metals is a negatively charged electron.
How fast an electron is moving through a metal or semiconductor under the influence of the electric field is determined with the help of electron mobility.
Mathematically, electron mobility is given as:
Where vd is the drift velocity of the electron, and E is the external electric field.
SI unit of mobility is m2V−1s−1.
3. Does Drift Velocity Depend on Diameter?
Drift velocity does not depend on the cross-sectional area or the diameter of any conductor. For the same p.d. Here, with V across the conductor, an increase in the cross-sectional area decreases the resistance
\[R= \frac{(\rho)(\text{length)}}{(\text{cross-sectional area)}}\]
And so, increasing the current
Students should check their answers and notes again after finishing them in order to make sure that they are accurate and perfectly done. Equations can be wrong with silly mistakes so it is important that students always double-check everything before finally reviewing and preparing for the Exams.