Definition of Spectrum
Before we discuss the emission spectrum definition, let us address the questions - what is a spectrum in chemistry and what is a spectrum in physics. Whether it is physics or chemistry, the spectrum definition is the same - when white light is passed through a prism or any other dispersing substance, the white light splits into a series of coloured bands or lines known as a spectrum. The different constituent wavelengths of white light are arranged in the spectrum in a specific order, starting with the longest wavelength (red) and shading through to the shortest (violet).
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What is Emission Spectrum?
So, what is the emission spectrum definition in physics and chemistry? An emission spectrum is the range or array of wavelengths (spectra) obtained when the light emitted by a substance is passed through a prism and examined directly with a spectroscope.
Now let's define the line emission spectrum: a spectroscope splits the emitted light into different wavelengths and gives a discontinuous spectrum in the form of discrete lines known as a line spectrum. An example of an emission spectrum is when copper is heated on a flame, and the flame gets green color.
Production of Emission Spectrum
When an atom or molecule absorbs energy, the electrons are excited to a higher energy level. When the electron falls back to the lower energy level, light is emitted, which has the energy equivalent to the higher and the lower states’ energy difference. Due to the availability of multiple states of energy, an electron can undergo numerous transitions, each giving rise to a unique wavelength that comprises the emission spectrum.
Atomic Spectra
We know that when elements or their compounds are heated, they release energy in the form of light, which gives rise to a line spectrum. However, when atoms in their elemental form are heated or excited, the line spectra that originate are known as the atomic spectra.
Absorption Spectrum
When electromagnetic radiation passes through a material, a part of the electromagnetic radiation may be absorbed. In that case, when the remaining radiation is passed through a prism, a spectrum is obtained with a gap in it, called an absorption spectrum. The absorption spectrum is characteristic of a particular element or compound and does not change with varying concentrations.
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Hydrogen Emission Spectrum
When the hydrogen atom gets energy from outside, its electron goes from the lowest energy level to some higher energy level. But it returns from there, within 10-8 seconds. To the lowest energy level directly or via other lower energy levels. While returning, the electrons emit light.
Suppose two energy levels of the hydrogen atom, n1, and n2, have energies E1 and E2, respectively. If the electron's transition takes place from the higher energy level n2 to the lower energy level n1, it will emit a photon of light of energy (E2 - E1). The frequency 'ν' of the emitted light is given as:
\[ v = R ((\frac{1}{n_{1}^{2}} ) - (\frac{1}{n_{2}^{2}})) \] where ‘R’ is the Rydberg constant.
Hydrogen Transitions
Lyman series: An electron on returning from some higher energy level to the first energy level (that is, n1 = 1 and n2 = 2, 3, 4, etc.), then the emitted series of spectral lines are obtained in the ultraviolet region.
Balmer series: An electron on returning from a higher energy level to the second energy level (that is, n1 = 2 and n2 = 3, 4, 5, etc.), the emitted spectral lines are obtained in the visible region.
Paschen series: An electron on returning from some higher energy level to the third energy level (that is, n1 =3 and n2 = 4, 5, 6, etc.), then the emitted lines are obtained in the infrared region of the spectrum.
Brackett series: An electron on returning from some higher energy level to the fourth energy level (that is, n1 = 4 and n2 = 5, 6, 7, etc.), the emitted lines are obtained in the infrared region of the spectrum.
Pfund series: An electron on returning from a higher energy level to the fifth energy level (that is, n1 = 5 and n2 = 6, 7, 8, etc.), the emitted lines are obtained in the infrared region of the spectrum.
A spectrum is like a graph that depicts the intensity of light emitted across a wide range of energies giving a band of colors such as an example of a rainbow. The emission spectra of an element is the spectrum of radiation emitted due to an atom or molecule absorbing energies and transitioning from a high energy state to a lower energy state.
Atoms, molecules or ions that absorb radiation are known to be in an excited state. When the radiations emitted by different substances which are produced in several regions of magnetic spectrum while jumping between different energy levels are analyzed, the spectrum obtained is a well-defined line, corresponding to a specific frequency or wavelength. This spectrum produced by electrons in the excited state of atoms or molecules is termed as the emission spectrum.
Examples of Emission Spectra
When the light passes through a prism, it breaks down into a spectrum of colored well-defined lines with different wavelength characteristics.
Types of Emission Spectra
Line Spectrum
Continuous spectrum
Band spectrum
Line Spectrum
The line spectrum otherwise known as the atomic spectrum is obtained by analyzing the radiation emitted by passing an electric discharge through hydrogen gas at low pressure. Such a spectrum consisting of lines of definite frequencies is called line spectrum or discontinuous spectrum.
Continuous Spectrum
It is a type of spectrum that is made up of continuous luminous bands of all colors from violet to red. Continuous spectrums are only affected by the temperature of the source and not by any other characteristics. Continuous spectra are produced by incandescent solids, liquids, and electric filament lamps etc.
Band Emission
A spectrum is made up of groups or bands bright at one end and dull at another of closely spaced lines. When the light emitted or absorbed by molecules is viewed through a high power resolving spectroscope with a small dispersion, the spectrum appears to be made up of a very wide range of fine lines known as bands which have a number of bright bands that have a sharp edge at one end but fade out at the other.
Uses of Emission Spectra
1. The emission spectrum is different for each element in the periodic table and can be used to determine the material composition. One example is astronomical spectroscopy which includes identifying the composition of stars by analyzing the received light.
2. All hot material will emit light. Examples include the stove element in the kitchen, the metal filament in a lightbulb, and the sun as well. Scientists observed this phenomenon in their laboratories but were not able to explain how and why it occurs.
Hydrogen Emission Spectrum
We all know that electrons absorb energy and get excited, they jump from a lower energy level to a higher energy level, and when they return to their original states they emit radiation. This same phenomenon explains the emission spectrum through hydrogen as well, which is known as the hydrogen emission spectrum. The spectrum is made up of a large number of well-defined lines appearing in different regions as per their wavelengths such as some present in visible regions, while others are in ultraviolet and infra-red regions.
FAQs on Emission Spectrum
1. What is the difference between the absorption and emission spectrum?
An absorption spectrum is defined as the spectrum obtained when electromagnetic radiations are passed through a substance; a part of the radiation is absorbed by the material, and the rest is transmitted. An emission spectrum is defined as the spectrum observed when electromagnetic radiations are given off by a substance.
An absorption spectrum is observed when atoms absorb some energy. But the emission spectrum is a result of atoms releasing energy.
An absorption spectrum is characterized by dark lines or gaps, while an emission spectrum typically shows colored lines.
When an atom gives an absorption spectrum, it is because it has gained a higher energy level. In contrast, an emission spectrum results when an atom falls back to a lower level from an excited state with the release of energy.
Absorption spectrums account for the wavelengths that a substance absorbs. The emission spectrum accounts for the emitted wavelengths.
2. What are the applications of emission and absorption spectra?
Absorption spectroscopy studies radiation absorbed at various wavelengths. When electromagnetic radiation passes through a sample, most of it passes through the sample without loss in intensity. At specific wavelengths, however, the radiation's energy is attenuated; this is known as absorption. Absorption spectroscopy gives qualitative as well as quantitative information about the sample.
Atoms and molecules can be excited to high energy levels, and when they fall back to the lower levels, radiation is emitted in the form of light. When atoms are excited by high temperature, the light emission is called atomic emission. This principle is used in emission spectroscopy to study the structural details of atoms and molecules. For atoms excited by electromagnetic radiation, the light emission is called atomic fluorescence; it is used in fluorescence spectroscopy for analytical purposes in various scientific fields.
3. How can you differentiate between emission spectra and absorption spectra?
Emission spectra are produced when the atoms or molecules release energies and when the atoms or molecules absorb energy it is known as absorption spectra.
4. List out the hydrogen emission spectrum series.
1. Lymen series
2. Balmer Series
3. Paschen Series
4. Bracket Series
5. Pfund Series
5. Explain the production of emission spectra
When an atom or molecule absorbs energy, the electrons in these atoms jump to a higher energy state. When the electron falls back to the lower energy level, radiation is emitted by the electrons.
6. How are different lines created during the emission spectrum?
Electron emission produces a photon with different energy at different energy levels. This means that all electron transitions produce photons of different frequencies and therefore we get different colors. This creates a line emission spectrum.
7. How can emission spectra be used to identify different elements?
The emission spectrum is different for each element in the periodic table and is used to determine the composition of the material.