What is a Linear Accelerator?
A linear accelerator is also named as a linear particle accelerator. In radiation therapy, this linear particle acceleration is used for medicinal purposes because it produces the x-rays and electrons that have high energy. Hence the linear particle accelerator is used for many therapeutic applications. Also, they are useful in particle physics because they can produce the highest kinetic energy that can be achieved directly by the linear accelerator. Furthermore, a linear accelerator is suitable for electrons and protons in particle physics to get high kinetic energy.
The linear accelerator sometimes called linac is a kind of particle accelerator that has the capability to increase the charged subatomic particles or we can say ions where charged particles are subjected to a series of electric potentials that oscillate along with the linear beamline. Well, such a method of charged particle acceleration was first experimented by Leo Szilard. Cancer cells can be cured with medicine in which ionizing radiation damages the DNA of cells.
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Linear Accelerator Construction and Working
A linear accelerator is a machine that can accelerate electrons close to the speed of light with an electromagnetic field. Electrons or protons with more than 18 MeV are bombarding to the target, and higher kinetic energy is produced. In a tungsten target, the particles produce the bremsstrahlung radiation like in the conventional tube of X-ray. Well, the design of the LINAC machine is different from the x-ray tube because of higher energy.
Components of a Linear Accelerator
Here are the steps and essential components to generate high energy photons.
Electron Generation Component: Guide and generate electrons into the accelerating waveguide.
Electron Acceleration Component: Accelerate the electrons nearly to the light speed.
Beam Transport: Transport the electrons to the target.
Ionization Chambers, Collimation and Flattering Filters: Modify the beam before use
Several Accessories For Linear Acceleration Working:
Radiofrequency Generator: Generates electromagnetic waves in the component.
Pulse Modulator: Produces timed energy pulses to the RF generator and electron gun.
Control Panel: operational panel to control the function of the linear accelerator.
Linear Accelerator Working Principle: How Does a Linear Accelerator Work?
In a linear particle accelerator, the drift tube has positive potential while electrons have a negative potential. A bunch of electrons are accelerated to the drift tube because of this potential difference. RF source changes its polarity as soon as the particles enter the first drift tube. Hence, the first drift tube becomes negatively charged, but the second drift tube is positively charged. The inertia of electrons makes them come out from the drift tube. So, electrons are pushed into the first tube, and at the same time, they are attracted to the second tube in the same direction.
Electrons’ velocity turns bigger because of their acceleration. So, this is the reason why drift tubes are longer. Speed of electrons increases as soon as electrons come closer to the target. LINAC is long because of longer drift tubes, and the number of tubes is also higher.
Who Operates this Equipment?
Mostly the radiation oncologists prescribe the treatment dosage and volume to the patients. Furthermore, a dosimetrist and medical physicist will decide the amount and time of dosage, calculating the time for acceleration. Radiation therapy also includes linear acceleration, and therapists may give radiation medication on regular bases to the patients.
Application of Linear Accelerator
Different industries, researches and medicines include the various usage of this highly efficient accelerator for a different purpose.
LINAC Synchrotron Injector: It is the first stage for any high energy accelerator.
Semiconductor Processing: To process various semiconductors.
Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT): In this therapy, nuclear reactors are used conventionally as a neutron source. A LINAC-based source of the neutron can provide a better-controlled energy spectrum of the neutron. It is a low -cost machine that produces less reactor associated radioactive waste
Isotope Production: Linear particle accelerators are ideal for producing isotopes like PET isotopes.
Linear Accelerator Safety
LINAC machines are used for cancer treatment, and it produces higher radioactive energy. So, this machine may harm patients in many ways, but it is essential to ensure linear accelerator safety for cancer patients.
Radio oncologists will first plan the proper treatment according to the patient’s medical reports. So, before the treatment, the plan is made with the help of a dosimetrist and radiation physicist.
Quality procedures are there that ensures the quality treatment, and before the surgery, the plan is checked thoroughly. Also, the process includes the surety of therapy to deliver in a planned manner. LINAC is designed for controlled radiation, and doctors can set it according to the treatment.
Tracker is a particular machine to check the proper functioning of the machine, and a radiation therapist will check the device before the treatment every morning. The tracker monitors the radiation velocity and intensity to ensure the uniform functioning of beams.
In this process, a radiation physicist also does monthly and weekly checking of the device.
People Who made it Happen
Various physicists and biology experts have contributed to the building of what a linear accelerator is today. It is because of the consistent work of these heroes that, today there is a cure for malignant tumours. Henry Kaplan, Edward Ginzton, Karl Brown and various other notable experts have contributed to the design and working of it. Variety of trials and errors later, the successfully running and evolving machine has changed the lives of many.
It all began when Henry Kaplan thought it was possible to destroy the malignant tumour without actually disturbing or harming the surrounding healthy tissues with an x-ray beam. Giving food for the same thought he began working on it. Soon he felt the need to take the help of physicists for the same. Back then, the linear accelerator was also nicknamed an atom smasher. Edward and Henry spent the first half of the morning discussing the properties of a medical linear accelerator.
Years later, the vision of all those who worked on making this machine happen is carried forward. Kaplan was all in working on it as for him, it was the machine of the future. It was light years ahead of its time, the machine changed the lives of patients and the world of oncology.
History of how the Medical Linear Accelerator was Born
In 1952, two innately talented physicists, Namely Henry Kaplan and Ed Ginzton began working on the concept of a linear accelerator.
In 1956, in the Stanford hospital in San Francisco, the first linear accelerator was installed.
In 1959, The medical linear accelerator was brought to the Palo alto campus, since the Stanford medical school and hospital was moved there.
In 1962, a series of experiments began to see if radiation works best with chemotherapy. Kaplan and Saul Rosenberg worked together to improve the chances of patients' survival.
In 1994, A great invention was made at Stanford. Something called cyberknife was introduced which narrowed down x-ray beams in a precise manner.
In 1997, A further step was taken to advance the use of linear accelerators by combining with intensity modulation radiation therapy. The result was that many thin beams of radiation could be achieved from any desired angle.
In 2004, four-dimensional radiotherapy was implemented.
Facts about the Linear Accelerator
The very first medical use of linear accelerator was done in the year 1953, in hammersmith hospital, on a patient named Gordon Isaacs, he was treated for retinoblastoma.
Stanford linear accelerator is a 2-mile radiation machine that was built in the year 1966 but was later shut down. It is also known as SLAC and it is a positron-electron collider.
Linear accelerators are also called particle accelerators. The particle accelerators are used in a wide variety of fields. Oncology, cosmology, nuclear physics to name a few.
The radiotherapy given by the linear accelerators is far more precise and has advantages over the old traditional method of cobalt therapy.
Apart from radiotherapy, the rays are also used to sterilize certain medical equipment.
During the early use of accelerators, the commonly used ones were called the Cockcroft Walton accelerator and Van de Graaff accelerator. The latter uses the moving fabric belt to carry the charge.
FAQs on Linear Accelerator
1. Who Invented the linear accelerator or linac?
A linear accelerator is the best example of the outcome of translation research that helps to treat cancer patients successfully. In 1924, Gustav Icing had proposed the principle of the linear particle accelerator. After four years, in 1928, Rolf Wideroe had invented the actual machine that achieves the noticeable higher energy of electrons. He had developed this machine at RWTH Aachen University. Mainly this machine delivers the highest kinetic energy for medical purposes.
2. What is a linear accelerator used for?
LINAC or a linear particle accelerator device is used in cancer treatment to provide radiation of an external beam to cancer patients. In radiation therapy, radiation oncologists team up with medical physicists and dosimetrist to prepare the personalized radiation treatment for different cancer patients for effective results. Radiation therapist also includes the delivery method of radiation, time of the medication and dosage. Well, cancer in the organ of the body can be treated with a linear accelerator. Different ways are used for the different body parts depending on the cancer type and organ of cancer tumor.
Various techniques for radiation delivery are as follows:
Conventional external beam radiation therapy
Intensity-modulated radiation therapy
Image-guided radiation therapy
Stereotactic body radiation therapy
3. What are the drawbacks of using a linear accelerator?
The disadvantages of using a linear accelerator are as follows:
Due to the length of the linear accelerator, it is not viable to shift it to some other place time and again. Hence, the location of the machine can only be limited to one place.
As it is a complicated machine, It requires a lot of power supply and other related devices to run it. It does require a lot of maintenance, on the expense front as well.
When it comes to achieving particle beams with high energy, the accelerating segments have to be added at the expense of more cost.
4. What are the advantages of using a linear accelerator?
The advantages of using a linear accelerator are as follows:
Linear accelerators, when used in the medical treatment of cancer, are quite reliable. It produces a constant radiation beam.
Both benign and malignant kinds of diseases are treated with the help of linear accelerator machines.
When the linear accelerator is not used, it can be plugged off. Hence, much of the power is saved.
The particles in the linear accelerator, Need high voltage isn't necessarily required to reach extremely high energy.