Make Your Magnet: An Introduction
Making your Magnet, the easiest way of making an attraction, is by the stroking method. However, the iron bar becomes an attraction if we stroke an iron bar with one end (one pole) of a bar attraction constantly in the same direction. A simple temporary attraction, similar to a paper clip and a refrigerator attraction, can be made with a small piece of the essence. Magnet has attractive properties. Other magnetic compounds are drawn to attractants. This property can be proven using a straightforward effort and magnetic poles that resemble magnets' repelling characteristics. The properties of attraction and repulsion exist between two magnets.
Make Your Own Magnet
Have an iron bar (or an iron strip) which is to be made into a magnet and keep it on a wooden table. Also, take a bar magnet. Seize one end of the bar magnet with your hand and keep the other end of the bar magnet at one end of the iron bar. Move the lower end of the bar magnet along the whole length of the iron bar (without lifting) till you reach its other end. After reaching the end, lift the bar magnet and bring its same end again to the starting end of the iron bar. In the same direction and along the whole length of the iron bar, move the bar magnet again.
Reprise this process of stroking the iron bar with the same end of the bar magnet in the same direction about 30 to 40 times.
The magnetic pole produced in the iron bar at that end ‘where the stroke ends’ is always contrary to the stroking pole of the bar magnet.
We can indeed convert an iron nail, a sewing needle or indeed a razor blade into an attraction by stroking them constantly with the same end of a bar magnet in the same direction.

Make a temporary magnet with the iron bar using a permanent magnet.
How to Make a Magnet?
Gather supplies: Simple temporary magnets, including paperclips and refrigerator magnets, can be created with a small piece of metal. Gather these things in addition to a smaller metal object, such an earring back or a tiny nail, so you may test the magnetism of the magnetised paperclip.
A paperclip is rubbed on a permanent magnet: A paper clip is made of iron and therefore when rubbed against a permanent magnet, then at the molecular level after rubbing several times this paperclip starts behaving like a temporary magnet. Then use this temporary paperclip magnet to lift the small pieces of paper and the strength of the paper clip magnet can be estimated with the size of the paper piece it can lift up easily.
How are Magnets Made?
The most common method is called Powder Metallurgy but there are several processes for making magnets. In the powder metallurgy process, a suitable composition is pulverized into a fine powder, compacted and heated to cause densification via “liquid phase sintering”. Therefore, these magnets are called sintered magnets.
What is a Temporary Magnet?
Temporary magnets are a type of magnet that is made by humans artificially in nature. These magnets are created by using soft metals. In the presence of a permanent magnetic field or electric current, magnetism can be induced in a magnetic material or any other external magnetic field. The domains of a temporary magnet do not remain aligned permanently and with the change in the external magnetic field, continuously changed and they can easily come back to their original conditions. Another name for the temporary magnet is a soft magnet or electromagnet.
Which is a Natural Magnet?
A magnet is an object which can generate a magnetic field and attract unlike poles while repelling the like pole. Natural magnets can be found in various parts of the world in sandy deposits.
The first natural magnet is lodestone which is a form of magnetite. The colour of this mineral is black and it is very shiny when polished.
How to Make a Permanent Magnet?
Extract a permanent magnet from a loudspeaker or microwave oven. Heat the steel nail over a stove by holding it with tongs, allowing atoms in the nail to move around more freely. To determine the Earth's magnetic north and south poles, you use the compass. Align the steel nail in the North-South direction and put the microwave oven magnet just north of the nail. With the help of a hammer, hit the nail until it is cool, at least 50 times, making sure the nail remains all the while in the north-south direction. The atoms within the steel nail will be shaken to line up with the magnetism of the nearby magnet.
Interesting Facts
The biggest magnet is our planet.
They are usually made of iron or steel, but aluminium, copper, nickel, and cobalt can also be made into powerful magnets.
The most powerful magnet in the universe is a star called a magnetar.
Key Features of Magnet
Each end of a piece of the magnet is referred to as a pole, where the magnetism appears to be strongest.
Materials such as glass, plastic, and wood are not attracted by magnets.
Hammering or heating a magnet in a hot flame will cause it to lose its magnetic properties.
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FAQs on Make Your Magnet: A Detailed Summary
1. Is it possible to magnetize things?
Yes, it’s also possible to temporarily magnetize them by using a variety of methods that you can try safely at home. You can use a paperclip, an electromagnet, and a magnet as a compass.
2. What happens when a material is placed in a magnet?
If a magnetic material is placed in a strong magnetic field, the individual domains, which normally point in all directions, swing around in the direction of the magnetizing field. The material becomes a magnet when most of the domains are aligned in the field.
3. Do permanent magnets lose their magnetic properties once they magnetize?
Permanent magnets do not lose their magnetic properties once they magnetize due to this it is commonly used. When higher temperatures are applied to the magnet, permanent magnets can lose their magnetic properties. The magnetism of permanent magnets loses on hammering.