Position Vector Definition
We all deal with a graph, mark a line from the origin and reach the other end till out requirement. All these requirements are done on the coordinate system. So, the coordinate where our line indicated by an arrow terminates is the coordinate of this ray.
Let’s consider, you started your journey from home to reach your favorite destination and then route to another destination, so your arrow is changing both of its length and direction, which means your position vector is changing and in case, you choose the shortest path, i.e., displacement, you represent it by the displacement vector.
Position Vector Definition
We define the position vector as a straight-line having one end fixed to an object and the other end attached to a moving point (marked by an arrowhead) and used to represent the position of the point relative to the given object. As the point moves, the position vector changes in length or in direction, and sometimes both length and direction change.
An Introduction to Position Vector and Displacement Vector
In the study of our physical world, the concepts of position and displacement are the foundational topics for the chapter of motion. The concept of 'or 'position vector' has been adopted from Euclidean spaces or geometry and is also known as location vector or radius vector. The position of any point in space is expressed in terms of three coordinates, namely 'x,' 'y,' and 'z' distances from any arbitrary point denoted as 'O' or origin. The straight line from origin to the point is denoted by 'r' or 's'. In Physics this vector is used while describing an object in rest or in motion in space with reference to another object. depending upon the various locations at different instants of time the vector changes in length and direction accordingly.
The three coordinates described in vectors of each direction are also referred to as three dimensions. Displacement is any change in any of these vectors. In common language, we know displacement as any movement of an object from one place to another place by following a straight path. If any object doesn't follow a straight line path then the total path covered is measured as distance. And the displacement in this case would be the straight distance between the starting point and finishing point. While describing a displacement, which informs the shortest distance between two points, it is also important to mention the direction of the displacement to know the exact location of the final point. Thus when we denote the direction of a point then it is known as position vector and when the direction of a displacement is mentioned then it is known as displacement vector.
What is Position Vector?
In the above statement, we took a coordinate system to represent your journey from the origin, i.e., your home to reach your favorite destinations, first, Darjeeling, then, Karnataka.
Each destination is marked by an arrow on the graph, which changes or varies as you change your destination, below is the graph to represent the same:
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Hence, your position vector changes, i.e, two times or twice the length, and the direction of the position vector changes according to this scenario.
So, along the X-axis, the position vector is: ‘i (cap)’ and along the Y-axis, it is ‘j (cap)’. Since the position vector sum is represented by r\[^{\rightarrow }\], so the vector sum of the position vectors along the coordinate axes will be as follows:
r\[^{\rightarrow }\] = i (cap) + j (cap).....(1)
Displacement Vector Definition
A displacement vector is one of the important concepts of mathematics. It is a vector. It represents the direction and distance traveled by an object in a straight line. We often use the term ‘displacement vector’ in physics to showcase the speed, acceleration, and distance of an object traveling in a direction relative to a reference point or an object's starting position.
What is a Displacement Vector?
The displacement vector definition is very simple to understand. Let’s discuss the scenario, you decide to travel to two locations for office work in the minimum time possible, and both of these locations are adjacent to each other in the mid of two roads passing opposite each other. Now, you have to decide from which path you should go in order to reach in the required time, as there is a lot of traffic on the road and the thoughts of getting scolded by your boss. So, below is the visual schematic representation of your situation:
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So, here, the green line is the shortest path, which will help you reach the middle of the two roads and reach the two locations on time. So, a displacement vector represents the minimum distance to reach on time rather than taking a long path with a wastage of a large amount of time.
Now, after your work is done, you take an opposite oath, so here, your displacement isn’t changing, only the direction is. So, with the direction, the displacement vector changes in terms of direction, not in magnitude.
Displacement Vector
We know that the change in the position vector of an object is known as the displacement vector. Let’s suppose that an object is at the point P at time = 0 and at the point Q at time = t. The position vectors of the object at the point P and at point Q are represented in the following way:
Position vector at point P = r\[^{\rightarrow }\] P (cap) = 8i (cap) +5j (cap) + 3k (cap)....(a)
Position vector at point Q = r\[^{\rightarrow }\] Q (cap) = 2 (cap) +2j (cap) +1k (cap).....(b)
Now, the displacement vector of the object traveling from time interval 0 to t will be as follows:
r\[^{\rightarrow }\] Q (cap)−r r\[^{\rightarrow }\] P (cap) =− 6i (cap) − 3j (cap) −2k (cap)....(c)
Equation (c) is the displacement vector formula and the schematic representation of this equation is as follows:
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We can also define the displacement of an object as the vector distance between the initial point and the final/ultimate point of the destination. Suppose an object travels from point P to point Q in the path shown in the black curve:
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We can imagine that the displacement of the particle would be the vector line PQ, headed in the direction P to Q and the direction of the displacement vector is always initiated from the initial point and terminated to the final point.
The Final Words
One of the most important aspects of kinematics is the position vector and the displacement vector; also, the key differences between these two, about which we discussed in the above context.
The position vector specifies the position of a known body. Knowing the position of a body is paramount when it comes to describing its motion. However, the change or variation in the position vector is the displacement vector.
FAQs on Position and Displacement Vectors
1. Specify the Direction of the Vector.
Whenever we talk about vectors, actually it is all about directions.
We know that the direction of a position vector is always initiated from origin to the point. So, if the origin is O, then the position vector of A, OA→ (Here, OA→ is the position of point A with respect to the origin). It is given by:
= x₁ (i)+ y₂ (j) and that for B is x₂ (i) - y₁(j).
2. What Type of Quantity of Displacement and Velocity is?
Displacement and velocity in two or three dimensions are elementary extensions of the one-dimensional physical quantities. However, they are vector quantities, so for calculations with them, we have to follow the rules of vector algebra.
3. What is the Distance Between Two Position Vectors in the Sky?
Let’s consider the radius of Earth as 6370 km, and the length of each position vector of the satellite from the Earth is 6770 km. We draw the two position vectors from the center of Earth, which is the origin with the X-axis as East and the Y-axis as North.
4. Define a Vector.
A vector is represented by an arrow (head) whose direction is the same as that of the quantity and its length (tail) is proportional to the quantity’s magnitude.
5. What is Euclidean Geometry or Euclidean Space?
In classical geometry, the three-dimensional space used for describing any space is called Euclidean space. This is also alternatively referred to as Euclidean geometry. Though in modern-day Mathematics Euclidean spaces with any number of coordinates have been established and studied, for high school mathematics and physics we still use the Euclidean space of three dimensions as mentioned in the chapters of Kinematics and three-dimensional geometry. These concepts originated in ancient Greek and are mentioned in Euclid's Elements describing the properties of the physical world.
6. What is the difference between linear displacement and angular displacement?
In the physical world, all the objects are either in rest or in motion. The motion of every physical body is differentiated into two types. When an object or particle travels or changes its location then the distance between the two bookings is known as the linear displacement. But when an object doesn't change its position but only rotates on its any axis then the term used to describe such displacement is known as angular displacement. It is measured in degrees or radians and the direction of motion is determined by the right-hand thumb rule.
7. What is a rigid body?
The branch of mechanics that we study under the subject of Physics deals with the motion of objects. It takes into account only those qualities that are measurable and quantifiable. So the basic thing over which the whole theory builds on is the physical object. In order to be quantified the object must have a physical body that is rigid and doesn't change its size or get deformed. So the bottom line is the body needs to be rigid which retains its physical attributes such as mass, weight, length, etc constant.
8. Do I need to complete all the questions in the exercises of the Chapter of Displacement and Motion?
Students who have enrolled themselves in the Science stream for Class 11 and 12 after class 10 have to study physics as one of the subjects. The topics under it are very essential for higher studies in the technical and engineering profession. So understanding all the concepts is essential for the students. Solving the problem questions helps understanding the subject better so you must never miss any questions from solving it. If you find any difficulty then you can always access the Solutions provided by vedantu free of cost.
9. Is the information provided on Vedantu correlated to the Class 11 Physics syllabus?
Vedantu Online Course provides all kinds of products for the students of every class all over India. To make the learning process easier it has several pages dealing with each topic in detail. The theory has been provided by the experienced teachers of that subject teaching at various schools of India who later associated with Vedantu. So rest assured that all the study material provided is according to the CBSE and ICSE syllabus. Students can also download them for offline reading and preparation.