Introduction to Solar Cookers
We use a solar cooker for cooking the food by using the energy radiated by the Sun. Solar cooker works on the principle that sunlight warms the pot, which is used for cooking the food.
Now, this warming of the pot occurs by converting light energy to heat energy.
Concave mirrors are used in these types of cookers because these mirrors reflect sunlight into a single focal point.
Here, the mirror focuses sun rays onto a receiver such as a cooking pan.
A solar cooker lets the UV light rays in and then transforms them into longer infrared light rays that cannot escape.
Infrared radiations have the energy to make the water, fat, and protein molecules in food vibrate energetically and heat up.
The process by which the interaction between the light energy and the receiver material turns light to heat is called conduction.
We can maximize this transformation by using materials that can conduct and retain the heat.
Working Principle of Solar Cooker
1. Using Mirrors to Focus Sunlight:
To make cooking using sunlight more effective, a mirror with a highly reflective surface is employed. This mirror concentrates and directs the sun's light into a small cooking area. By doing this, we can greatly increase the intensity of the sunlight, reaching temperatures high enough to melt salt and metal. However, for everyday solar cooking needs at home, we don't need such extreme temperatures. The solar cookers available in the market are designed to achieve temperatures ranging from 65°C to 400°C.
2. Converting Light Energy to Heat:
After concentrating the sunlight, it's directed onto a receiver, like a cooking pan. Here, the interaction between the light and the material of the receiver transforms the light energy into heat through a process called conduction. To maximize this conversion, materials that conduct and retain heat well are used. The pots and pans in solar cookers should ideally be matte black in color to absorb as much light as possible.
3. Trapping Heat:
To make sure we retain as much heat as possible, we minimize the effects of convection by isolating the air inside the cooker from the external air. Placing a glass lid on the cooking pot enhances light absorption from the top and reduces the loss of heat through convection. The glazing material captures incoming sunlight but is opaque to infrared thermal rays, further improving the cooker's ability to hold heat.
Types of Solar Cooker
There are two types of solar cookers, that is:
1. Type 1 - Box Type - Heat Up
In this type of cooker, heat gets reflected by a reflector into a box, and then the heat gets trapped by the top glass like a greenhouse effect and heats the cooking utensils.
2. Parabolic Type - Converge Heat to a Single Point
In this type, the heat converges to a point where the cooking utensils are kept; it gets heated up and cooks the food.
Other categories are:
a. Box cookers (often called box ovens)
b. Parabolic cookers
c. Tube cookers
Box Type Solar Cooker
The main components of box-type solar cookers are:
An insulating metal box painted black from the inside,
A glass sheet, and
A reflector such as a plane mirror.
Let’s understand the working of the box-type cooker:
The box is covered by a transparent glass sheet which allows the infrared rays coming from the sun to enter the box.
The metallic box is painted from inside and acts as a black body as we know that the black body absorbs the lights of all wavelengths.
Similarly, this box absorbs these infrared rays and heats up.
We also know that the black body in heating up radiates all the lights of varying wavelengths absorbed by it. This box also starts emitting the infrared rays absorbed by it.
However, the glass sheet surrounding the box doesn’t allow the heat to go out.
In this way, a glass sheet enables the cooker to entrap heat inside the box.
Making of Solar Cooker
Let us make a box-type solar cooker for household use.
Materials Required:
A wooden box having a styrofoam lining inside,
Aluminum sheet,
Black paint,
Glass sheet,
Wooden lid for the box, and
Containers to cook food
Step 1: Take a wooden box and make a box out of the aluminum sheet.
Step 2: Paint the inner side of the aluminum box with black paint.
Step 3: Place this box inside the wooden box
Step 4: Now, fix the mirror to the lid, and with the help of the hinges, fix the lid to the wooden box.
Step 5: Now, cover the box with a glass sheet.
Step 6: Now, to cook the food, paint the containers in which we wish to cook, and paint these utensils with black color from outside.
Step 7: Place these containers filled with food items inside the box.
The glass sheet helps in entrapping the heat inside the box and the mirror converges the light onto the box, heats it and the solar cooker is ready to cook the food.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Cooker
They don’t use fuel.
Solar energy is freely available.
Very low management cost.
We can use solar energy at a certain time during the day.
We cannot use it at night, during the rainy season, or during foggy winters.
It is time-consuming as compared to the normal cookers.
Solar Pressure Cooker
Let us make a parabolic solar cooker to understand how solar pressure works.
Materials Required:
Take a parabolic dish from the old TataSky receiver.
Solar reflective film and cut it into small pieces of equal sizes.
Now, clean the surface of this dish rec.
Paste the reflective films on the entire surface of the receiver as you can see below:
Make sure no bubbles are trapped inside the films.
Now, connect the reflector on the stand.
Fix a holder in the front of this surface, and place the cooker on this holder.
This is how we can cook the food in the pressure cooker using the parabolic solar cooker.
Result: Parabolic solar cookers converge sunlight to a single point.
When this point is focused on the bottom of a pressure cooker, it can heat it quickly to very high temperatures.
Solar Cookers and their Significance
Solar cookers are one of the simplest utensils used to cook food. It's safe as well since it does not use fire and is environment-friendly as it does not consume any fuel. It harnesses the power of the sun to cook food. It is usually designed in the form of a simple box in which you place your food. The box is lined with some kind of reflective metal and covered with glass. It then uses the energy of the sun to cook your food as per the temperature that you want your food to be cooked in. The food gets completely cooked. Solar cookers are thus inexpensive, eco-friendly, and easily used.
Search Vedantu for More About Solar Cookers
Vedantu contains Solar Cooker – Explanation, Types, Advantages, and Disadvantages on its platform and right here, on this page. This page gives us major insights into what a solar cooker fundamentally is and how it needs to be used. The types of solar cookers, their making, merits, de-merits, and the manner of constructing one have been described. This information is quite relevant for all students who need to know about solar cookers in a condensed manner.
FAQs on Solar Cooker
1. Which Type of Mirror- Concave, Convex or Plane would be the Best for Use in a Solar Cooker, and Why?
The perfect mirror is the concave mirror because it is the converging mirror. When light strikes on the mirror, all the UV rays coming from the Sun get concentrated to a single focal point on the cooker, therefore, making the cooker heat up and helping in cooking the food.
2. Is Solar Cooking Healthy?
Cooking the food in a solar cooker is healthy. The food doesn’t lose its essential vitamins and other nutrients.
Furthermore, the food prepared is free of mutagens and carcinogens produced in traditional high-heat methods.
3. How could Solar Cooking Help Prevent illness?
The solar cooker works as a supernatural weapon to combat environmental issues like air pollution.
It doesn’t leave residues like ash and acts as a source to substitute traditional cooking methods, which impact the environment.
4. What are the Advantages of Parabolic Cookers?
The advantages of parabolic solar cookers are:
They are environment-friendly.
They direct light to a smaller area to generate high temperatures in the order of 350 °C (662 °F), allowing the food to be fried.
5. How many types of solar cookers can students use?
Students can use two kinds of solar cookers, namely the box type and the parabolic type. In both types, heat is utilized differently. The types of solar cookers along with their workings have been explained well here. The right sort of knowledge becomes important to score well when such questions come.
6. What are some of the demerits of a solar cooker?
Just like any other thing, a solar cooker, too, has its own set of merits and demerits. Some of its demerits include that it can’t be utilized during a certain period of the day and is only operational when the sun comes out. Another demerit would be that it takes much more time to cook food in solar cookers as compared to the other forms of cooking. However, its merits will always outweigh its demerits as the significance of a solar cooker cannot be ruled out. Students can refer to Solar Cooker – Explanation, Types, Advantages, and Disadvantages on Vedantu to get a clearer idea about it.
7. Is it important for the students to know about solar cookers?
With the depletion of non-renewable resources with every passing day, it becomes all the more necessary for all students to know about the other alternative sources of renewable energy that surround us. Solar energy is renewable and can be harnessed by solar cookers to cook food. It is eco-friendly and also quite convenient as compared to the other forms of energy. It becomes crucial for all students to be aware of what a solar cooker is and how it works.
8. Why are aluminum sheets used in the making of a solar cooker?
The aluminum sheet or the foil used reflects sunlight and the sun’s heat into the box. All the components used in a solar cooker are quite interesting to read about as they make a lot of sense. This page on solar cookers has been designed by experts in the field and so, contains all the relevant facts that the students need to be aware of.
9. How can students make a solar cooker at home?
The steps for the construction of a solar cooker have been provided on Solar Cooker – Explanation, Types, Advantages and Disadvantages that are on Vedantu’s online tutoring platform. This page is quite fun-filled as it explains the concepts of a solar cooker to the students in a simplistic manner. Anything that is explained in a lucid way will naturally be something that the students are drawn to. After going through this, they can practice at home and see how their cookers turn out.