Inductance Use
Inductance is a special case of a current-carrying closed-loop that induces an EMF to oppose any change in the current flowing via it.
An inductor is an electrical component that possesses inductance. It is also known as a choke, coil, or reactor. It is a passive two-terminal device, which is similar to a resistor that has a simple length of wire looped. Inductor coil uses are found in slowing down the current flow, thereby storing it in an electromagnetic field and passing them to the circuit.
On this page, you will find various inductor uses with the application of inductors.
What is the Use of Inductor?
In the above text, we got to see that the inductor temporarily stores the energy in an electromagnetic field only when the current flows through it. It also supports the inductance.
We can understand this context with a real-life scenario:
Consider a student doing the reverse of what his teacher instructs. So, here, when he is given the freedom to do anything from his parent’s side, he continues to rise his mistake-level (which is the electric current). Now, a time comes when the effect of his mistakes turns to habit (which is the magnetic field).
So, step-by-step mistakes (current) lead to the generation of habit (magnetic field), or step-by-step mistakes + habit → electromagnetic field.
Now, you as a teacher (Psychologist/inductor) support the inductance property and you try to oppose the changing behaviour of the child, i.e., rise in making mistakes. So, the change in the student’s making habit rectifies, but how?
Here, you keep the secrets of the student with you temporarily (as problems of the student are temporary). Here, the secret is the storing of energy in the electromagnetic field.
This is how we can understand the use of inductors in circuits. Also, from the above scenario, we understand the advantages of inductor, let’s understand how:
You can store the energy as per your requirement. Also, you can train your student (tune circuits), at your convenience.
Inductor Function
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Here, we can see the inductor has an insulated wire wrapped around it.
The inductor function depends on signal frequencies, this is because the more is the frequency, the lesser is the easy flow of signals. Now, let’s understand it:
1. Pass
At zero frequencies, the signals are allowed to pass through the coil.
2. Braking
The voltage of the passing signals decreases with the rise in their frequency.
3. Signal stopped
When the voltage drops to zero, the frequency of signals rises, and therefore, the inductor coil stops the passage of electrical signals.
Application of Inductor
We can find various applications and uses of inductors, the point is, it all depends on our requirements. So, let us discuss some of the application of inductor:
Use of inductor in circuit like tuning circuits
Store energy
Induction motors
Ferrite beads
As relays
Now, we will understand inductor uses and inductor examples in detail:
Inductor Uses
1. Tuning Circuits
With the help of inductors, the tuning circuits can set the desired frequency. Various electronic devices, like radio tuning circuits, use capacitors along with the inductors to modify the frequency and select desired multiple channels of frequency.
2. Sensors
The inductive proximity sensors operate reliably and are contactless sensors. Inductance is the fundamental principle behind it in which the magnetic field in the coil opposes the flow of electric current. The proximity sensors mechanism can be found in traffic lights to detect traffic density.
3. Store Energy in a Device
Inductors can store energy for a small period of time or temporarily because the energy is being stored as a magnetic field goes when the power supply is removed (functions just like electromagnets). Inductor uses are found in computer circuits where power supplies can be switched.
4. Induction Motors
In induction motors, the shaft in the motor rotates under the influence of the magnetic field produced due to alternating current. The speed of the motor can be adjusted according to the frequency of the power supply from the source. The inductors can also control the speed of the motor.
5. Transformers
We can design a transformer with a combination of multiple inductors and a shared magnetic field. One of the important uses of the transformer can be found in power transmission systems. These are used in decreasing/increasing the power transmission as step down/step-up transformers, respectively.
6. As Filters
Inductors, when combined with capacitors, can be used as filters. During the entrance of the input signals in the circuit, their frequency is limited by the use of filters. With the increase in the frequency supply, the inductor’s impedance increases.
7. In Chokes
When AC current flows through inductors, the current flow occurs in the opposite direction. This causes the inductor to choke the AC current flow and allow the DC current to pass through. We find this mechanism in the power source where the AC supply is converted into DC.
8. As Ferrite Beads
We find ferrite beads used in computer parts and in charging cables of mobile phones. Inductors used in ferrite beads help in reducing the radio frequency interface which the cable creates.
9. As Relays
Relay work as an electrical switch. The inductor coil uses are found in the switch, a magnetic field is generated whenever the switch comes in contact with the flow of AC current.
FAQs on Uses of Inductor
1. What is the SI unit of the Inductor?
Ans: The S.I unit of the inductor is Henry, symbolized as H. Its MKS unit is kgm2s-2A-2.
Here, one Henry is equal to the one-kilogram meter squared per second squared per ampere squared.
In mathematical terms,
1 H = 1 kgm2s-2A-2.
2. Does the Inductance Rely on the Material?
Ans: Yes, it depends.
All the conductors possess inductance, which can have either desirable or harmful effects in electrical circuits; all it depends on the geometry of the circuit, the current path, and the magnetic permeability of the materials.
For example, the ferromagnetic material has high inductance because the flow of a large quantity of electric flux or the total magnetic field through the conductor produced by a current flowing through it rises the inductance in that conductor.
3. What is the Factor that the Inductance of a Coil Relies on?
Ans: The physical factors that affect the inductance of a coil are:
The number of turns of wire in the coil and the area of each turn
The diameter of the coil
The length of the coil
The type of material used