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CBSE Class 10 Social Science Question Paper 2020


Social Science Question Paper for CBSE Class 10 - 2020

Social Science is one of the important subjects in Class 10. We, at Vedantu, provide CBSE Class 10 Social Science question paper 2020 pdf to assist you in preparing for your upcoming 10th Board exam. Solving and studying the 2020 question paper helps in order to understand the exam pattern set by CBSE during this year. You can build your own strategy for exam preparation by keeping the standard of the paper in mind and its difficulty level and this, in turn, will help you to be more confident during exams. 

The Class 10 Board exam is one of the most crucial exams of a student’s lifetime. It is the most competitive school level exam. It is important to score well in CBSE Class 10 Social Science Board exam, not only to have a great academic record but to have a rewarding future. 

Vedantu is a platform that provides free CBSE Solutions (NCERT) and other study materials for students. Maths Students who are looking for the better solutions ,can download Class 10 Maths NCERT Solutions to help you to revise the complete syllabus and score more marks in your examinations.


Students can see CBSE Class 10 Social Science Previous Year Question Paper 2020 here at Vedantu. Also provided is the solution PDF. Students can get a sense of the type of questions asked in the CBSE Class 10 Social Science Exam by solving the CBSE Class 10 Social Science Question Paper 2020. Similar to how they prepare for upcoming Humanities papers, they can use them to prepare for upcoming Sociology papers. Additionally, they can prepare for their current exams by practising the 2020 Social Science paper. Those who have solved the Social Science 2020 question paper can refer to the solution pdf. 


You will gain a better understanding of exam patterns and types of questions in CBSE Class 10 Social Science Previous Years Question Papers by solving them. This will help students prepare for the exam. They can improve their performance on the board exam by solving these papers and accessing their preparation. 


CBSE Class 10 Social Science Question Paper 2020 is available here along with the CBSE Marking Scheme (Answer Hints). In this post, we provide you with the entire set of the CBSE Board Exam question paper that was distributed in March 2020. From the direct links provided at the end of this article, you can download all the question papers and marking schemes in PDF format. The CBSE Class 10 Social Science Exam 2020-2021 can be very challenging and challenging. With these sample question papers and marking schemes, you can prepare well.

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CBSE Class 10 Social Science Question Paper 2020
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CBSE Class 10 Social Science Syllabus and Paper Pattern

Class 10th History Book, There are Five Chapters to Study

  • Chapter 1 - The Rise of nationalism in Europe

  • Chapter 2 - Nationalism in India

  • Chapter 3 - The Making of a Global World

  • Chapter 4 - The Age of Industrialisation

  • Chapter 5 - Print Culture and the Modern World

Geography is the second part of Social Science. It comprises a of seven-chapters, which tells you about different aspects of India’s natural resources. It gives you information about natural resources across the country. We even get the information of many manufacturing industries for the natural resources acting as raw materials in the industry.

The Seven Chapters of Geography are:

  • Chapter 1 - Resources and Development

  • Chapter 2 - Forest and Wildlife Resources

  • Chapter 3 - Water Resources

  • Chapter 4 - Agriculture

  • Chapter 5 - Minerals and Energy Resources

  • Chapter 6 - Manufacturing Industries

  • Chapter 7 - Lifelines of National Economy

Civics is the third subject under Class 10’s Social Science. In Class 9, students were given knowledge about the rules of democracy. In Class 10, they will study mainly on how the  process works and about the institutions. It will mainly depict the idea of how democracy is used in every day’s life and what you can expect from democracy.

The Civics Book is Comprised of Eight Chapters

  • Chapter 1 - Power Sharing

  • Chapter 2 - Federalism

  • Chapter 3 - Democracy and Diversity

  • Chapter 4 - Gender, Religion, and Caste

  • Chapter 5 - Popular Struggles and Movements

  • Chapter 6 - Political Parties

  • Chapter 7 - Outcomes of Democracy

  • Chapter 8 - Challenges to Democracy

Economics is the fourth part of Social Science in Class 10. In this subject, the students will learn about how the development in the Indian economy occurs. At first, the development of agriculture, manufacturing, and services of three different sectors for the economy will be introduced. After that, you will study the development of health, education, and other things that are part of human development along with income.

Class 10th’s Economics Consists of 5 Chapters

  • Chapter 1 - Development

  • Chapter 2 - Sectors of Indian Economy

  • Chapter 3 - Money and Credit

  • Chapter 4 - Globalisation and the Indian Economy

  • Chapter 5 - Consumer Rights

CBSE Class 10 Social Science Syllabus Term 1


SI. No.


    No. of Periods



India and the Contemporary World -1




Contemporary India – I




Democratic Politics – I










CBSE Class 10 Social Science Syllabus Term 2


SI. No.


  No. of Periods



India and the Contemporary World -1




Contemporary India – I




Democratic Politics – I










Course Content for CBSE Class 10 Social Science Term 1

                                                          TERM - I

                            Unit 1: India and the Contemporary World – I 


            Learning Objectives 

Section 1: Events and Processes

1. The Rise of Nationalism in Europe 

• The French Revolution and the Idea of the Nation 

• The Making of Nationalism in Europe 

• The Age of Revolutions: 1830-1848 

• The Making of Germany and Italy 

• Visualizing the Nation 

• Nationalism and Imperialism   

• Enable the learners to identify and comprehend the forms in which nationalism developed along with the formation of nation states in Europe in the post-1830 period. 

• Establish the relationship and bring out the difference between European nationalism and anti-colonial nationalisms. 

• Understand the way the idea of nationalism emerged and led to the formation of nation states in Europe and elsewhere.

                                          Unit 2: Contemporary India – I 


            Learning Objectives 

1. Resources and Development 

• Types of Resources 

• Development of Resources 

• Resource Planning in India 

• Land Resources 

• Land Utilization 

• Land Use Pattern in India 

• Land Degradation and Conservation Measures 

• Soil as a Resource 

• Classification of Soils 

• Soil Erosion and Soil Conservation 

3. Water Resources 

• Water Scarcity and The Need for Water Conservation and Management 

• Multi-Purpose River Projects and Integrated Water Resources Management 

• Rainwater Harvesting 

Note: The theoretical aspect of chapter ‘Water Resources’ to be assessed in the Periodic Tests only and will not be evaluated in Board Examination. However, the map items of this chapter as listed will be evaluated in Board Examination. 

4. Agriculture 

• Types of farming • Cropping Pattern • Major Crops • Technological and Institutional Reforms • Impact of Globalization on Agriculture

• Understand the value of resources and the need for their judicious utilization and conservation. 

• Comprehend the importance of water as a resource as well as develop awareness towards its judicious use and conservation. • Identify different Dams in the country.

• Explain the importance of agriculture in the national economy. 

• Identify various types of farming and discuss the           various farming methods; describe the spatial distribution of major crops as well as understand the relationship between rainfall regimes and cropping pattern. 

• Explain various government policies for institutional as well as technological reforms since independence.

Unit 3: Democratic Politics – II


Learning Objectives 

1. Power Sharing 

• Case Studies of Belgium and Sri Lanka 

• Why power sharing is desirable? 

• Forms of Power Sharing 

2. Federalism 

• What is Federalism? 

• What makes India a Federal Country? 

• How is Federalism practised? 

• Decentralisation in India

• Familiarise with the centrality of power sharing in a democracy. 

• Understand the working of spatial and social power sharing mechanisms. 

• Analyse federal provisions and institutions. 

• Explain decentralisation in rural and urban areas.

Unit 4: Economics 


Learning Objectives 

1. Development 

• What Development Promises - Different people different goals 

• Income and other goals 

• National Development 

• How to compare different countries or states? 

• Income and other criteria 

• Public Facilities 

• Sustainability of development 

2. Sectors of the Indian Economy 

• Sectors of Economic Activities 

• Comparing the three sectors 

• Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Sectors in India 

• Division of sectors as organised and unorganised 

• Sectors in terms of ownership: Public and Private Sectors

• Familiarize with concepts of macroeconomics. 

• Understand the rationale for overall human development in our country, which includes the rise of income, improvements in health and education rather than income. 

• Understand the importance of quality of life and sustainable development. 

• Identify major employment generating sectors. 

• Reason out the government investment in different sectors of economy.

Course Content for CBSE Class 10 Social Science Term 2


Unit 1: India and the Contemporary World – II


Learning Objectives 

Section 1: Events and Processes 

2. Nationalism in India 

• The First World War, Khilafat and Non - Cooperation 

• Differing Strands within the Movement 

• Towards Civil Disobedience 

• The Sense of Collective Belonging 

Section 2: Livelihoods, Economies and Societies 

Note: Any one theme of the following. The theme selected should be assessed in the periodic test only and will not be evaluated in the board examination: 

3. The Making of a Global World 

• The Pre-modern world 

• The Nineteenth Century (1815-1914) 

• The Inter war Economy 

• Rebuilding a World Economy: The Post-War Era 

4. The Age of Industrialization

• Before the Industrial Revolution 

• Hand Labour and Steam Power 

• Industrialization in the colonies 

• Factories Come Up 

• The Peculiarities of Industrial Growth 

• Market for Goods

• Recognize the characteristics of Indian nationalism through a case study of Non-Cooperation and Civil Disobedience Movement. 

• Analyse the nature of the diverse social movements of the time. 

• Familiarise yourself with the writings and ideals of different political groups and individuals. 

• Appreciate the ideas promoting Pan Indian belongingness. 

• Show that globalisation has a long history and point to the shifts within the process. 

• Analyse the implication of globalisation for local economies. 

• Discuss how globalisation is experienced differently by different social groups. 

• Familiarise with the Pro- to-Industrial phase and Early – factory system. 

• Familiarise with the process of industrialization and its impact on labour class. 

• Enable them to understand industrialization in the colonies with reference to Textile industries.

Unit 2: Contemporary India – II


                  Learning Objectives

5. Minerals and Energy Resources 

• What is a mineral? 

• Mode of occurrence of Minerals 

• Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Minerals 

• Non-Metallic Minerals 

• Rock Minerals 

• Conservation of Minerals 

• Energy Resources 

  • Conventional and Non Conventional 

• Conservation of Energy Resources 

Note: The theoretical aspect of chapter ‘Minerals and Energy Resources’ to be assessed in the Periodic Tests only and will not be evaluated in Board Examination. However, the map items of this chapter as given in the Map List will be evaluated in Board Examination 

6. Manufacturing Industries 

• Importance of manufacturing 

• Contribution of Industry to National Economy 

• Industrial Location 

• Classification of Industries 

• Spatial distribution 

• Industrial pollution and environmental degradation 

• Control of Environmental Degradation 

7. Life Lines of National Economy 

• Transport – Roadways, Railways, Pipelines, Waterways, Airways 

• Communication 

• International Trade 

• Tourism as a Trade

• Identify different types of minerals and energy resources and places of their availability 

• Feel the need for their judicious utilisation 

• Bring out the importance of industries in the national economy as well as understand the regional disparities which resulted due to concentration of industries in some areas. 

• Discuss the need for a planned industrial development and debate over the role of government towards sustainable development. 

• Explain the importance of transport and communication in the ever-shrinking world. 

• Understand the role of trade and tourism in the economic development of a country.

Unit 3: Democratic Politics – II


                  Learning Objectives

6. Political Parties

Why do we need Political Parties? 

• How many Parties should we have? 

• National Political Parties 

• State Parties 

• Challenges to Political Parties 

• How can Parties be reformed? 

7. Outcomes of Democracy 

• How do we assess democracy’s outcomes? 

• Accountable, responsive and legitimate government 

• Economic growth and development 

• Reduction of inequality and poverty 

• Accommodation of social diversity 

• Dignity and freedom of the citizens

• Analyze party systems in democracies.

• Introduction to major political parties, challenges faced by them and reforms in the country. 

• Evaluate the functioning of democracies in comparison to alternative forms of governments. 

• Understand the causes for continuation of democracy in India. 

• Distinguish between sources of strengths and weaknesses of Indian democracy.

Unit 4: Economics 


              Learning Objectives

3. Money and Credit 

• Money as a medium of exchange 

• Modern forms of money 

• Loan activities of Banks 

• Two different credit situations 

• Terms of credit 

• Formal sector credit in India 

• Self Help Groups for the Poor 

4. Globalisation and the Indian Economy 

• Production across countries 

• Interlinking production across countries 

• Foreign Trade and integration of markets 

• What is globalisation? 

• Factors that have enabled Globalisation • World Trade Organisation 

• Impact of Globalisation on India 

• The Struggle for a fair Globalisation 

• Understand money as an economic concept. 

• Understand the role of financial institutions from the point of view of dayto- day life. 

• Explain the working of the Global Economic phenomenon.

Internal Assessment for CBSE Class 10 Social Science



Periodic Assessment

10 Marks

Pen Paper Test  (5 Marks)

Assessment using multiple strategies For example, Quiz, Debate, Role Play, Viva, Group Discussion, Visual Expression, Interactive Bulletin Boards, Gallery Walks, Exit Cards, Concept Maps, Peer Assessment, Self- Assessment, etc. 


5 Marks

• Classwork and Assignments 

• Any exemplary work done by the student 

• Reflections, Narrations, Journals, etc. 

• Achievements of the student in the subject throughout the year 

• Participation of the student in different activities like Heritage India Quiz 

Subject Enrichment Activity

5 Marks

• Project Work


20 Marks

Project Work for CBSE Class 10 Social Science


1. Every student has to compulsorily undertake any one project on Disaster Management.

Consumer Awareness OR Social Issues OR Sustainable Development

2. Objective: The overall objective of the project work is to help students gain an insight and pragmatic understanding of the theme and see all the Social Science disciplines from an interdisciplinary perspective. It should also help in enhancing the Life Skills of the students. 

Students are expected to apply the Social Science concepts that they have learnt over the years in order to prepare the project report.

If required, students may go out to collect data and use different primary and secondary resources to prepare the project. If possible, different forms of Art may be integrated in the project work.


  • Content accuracy, originality and analysis (2 Marks)

  • Presentation and creativity (2 Marks)

  • Viva Voce (1 Marks)

3. The distribution of marks over different aspects relating to Project Work is as follows:

4. The projects carried out by the students in different topics should subsequently be shared among themselves through interactive sessions such as exhibitions, panel discussions, etc.

5. All documents pertaining to assessment under this activity should be meticulously maintained by concerned schools.

6. A Summary Report should be prepared highlighting: 

  • objectives realised through individual work and group interactions; 

  • calendar of activities;

  • innovative ideas generated in the process (like comic strips, drawings, illustrations, script play etc.); 

  • list of questions asked in viva voce.

7. It is to be noted here by all the teachers and students that the projects and models prepared should be made from eco-friendly products without incurring too much expenditure.

8. The Project Report should be handwritten by the students themselves.

9. Records pertaining to projects (internal assessment) of the students will be maintained for a period of three months from the date of declaration of result for verification at the discretion of the Board. Sub Judice cases, if any or those involving RTI /Grievances may however be retained beyond three months.


A category of academic disciplines, social science is concerned with society and the relationships between individuals. For best preparation for exams, we provide CBSE sample papers on social science, which can boost your confidence and speed up your exams. You can get a sense of the format and type of questions by studying sample papers. Sample papers with solutions can be downloaded in PDF format for CBSE Class 10 Social Science. Register Online for Class 10 Science tuition on to score more marks in your examination.

CBSE Class 10 Social Science Year-wise Question Papers (2014-2025)

CBSE Class 10 Previous Year Question Paper - 2020 - Other Subjects

Explore CBSE Class 10 Previous Year Question Papers for additional subjects in this section. Valuable practice and insights for effective exam preparation.

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Previous Year Question Paper for CBSE Class 10 Hindi B - 2020


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Previous Year Question Paper for CBSE Class 10 Maths - 2020

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FAQs on CBSE Class 10 Social Science Question Paper 2020

1. What is the CBSE Class 10 social science exam pattern?

The following are general instructions:

  • There are 35 questions on the question paper.

  • The marks for each question are indicated.

  • Serial numbers 1 through 20 correspond to objective style questions. One mark is assigned per question. Answers should be provided as instructed.

  • There are three marks for questions in serial numbers 21 through 28. You should not exceed 80 words per answer to each of these questions.

  • Question numbers 29 through 34 are 5-mark questions. Each answer should be no longer than 120 words.

  • It has two parts: 35a from History (2 marks) and 35b from Geography (4 marks).

  • The question paper does not provide an overall choice. In a few questions, there is an internal option. If the internal option is given, only one option should be chosen.

Look through Vendantu’s website to get more insight on the same.

2. What are the three characteristics of the federal government as appeared in CBSE Class 10 Social Science Question Paper 2020?

There are three characteristics of the federal government:

A federal government's objectives include accommodating regional diversity while at the same time promoting and protecting the country's unity.

  1. Clear articulation of sources of revenues - Each level of government is required to own its own sources of revenue, thereby ensuring its financial self-sufficiency.

  2. The Constitution presupposes the existence and authority of each tier of government as the Constitution specifies the respective responsibilities of each level. 

  3. Supremacy of the Constitution - The Constitution elaborates on the constitutional nature of each tier of government.

Look through Vendantu’s website to get more insight on the same.

3. "Banks play an important role in the economic development of a country." Provide examples from CBSE Class 10 social science to support your claim.

In many ways, the Bank plays an important role in economic development in a country:

  • In rural areas, banks provide loans for crop production, which ultimately leads to the development of many places.

  • Fixed assets will be created by banks through the provision of loans.

  • Fixed assets serve as a conduit linking savers and investors.

  • Banks pay interest to depositors in exchange for their deposits, mobilizing savings.

  • These deposits are used primarily to give deposits to other banks for loan purposes.

Look through Vendantu’s website to get more insight on the same.

4. For CBSE Class 10 Social Science, what are the ways to learn it effectively?

1.  Remembering and Understanding: Planning and executing activities that show memory of previously learned material by recalling facts, terms, basic concepts, and answers; Demonstrating an understanding of facts and ideas by organising, translating, interpreting, giving descriptions, and stating main ideas.

2. Formulating, Analysing, Evaluating, and Creating: Examining and breaking down information by identifying motives or causes; finding evidence to support generalisations; presenting and defending opinions based on a set of criteria; combining information with different elements in a new pattern or proposing alternate solutions.

5. What can be some tips to make your Social Science preparation effective for class 10?

Here are some tips to help you prepare more effectively and efficiently for your Social Science exams.

  1. Managing time effectively. Exam preparation and writing demand a lot of time management skills. Plan your time for your exam preparation according to what you need to do

  2. Be sure you follow the study schedule for your social science exam, so you can be assured you are prepared.

  3. Identify the topics and concepts in your syllabus. - You should be aware of the topics and concepts included in your syllabus.

  4. Make short notes - Make sure you learn the material thoroughly.

  5. You should eat, drink, and sleep. Also, you should hydrate yourself properly. Eating regularly will give you energy and sleeping enough will help you recover.

Look through Vendantu’s website to get more insight on the same.