Social Science Question Paper for CBSE Class 10 - 2020
CBSE Class 10 Social Science Question Paper 2020
FAQs on CBSE Class 10 Social Science Question Paper 2020
1. What is the CBSE Class 10 social science exam pattern?
The following are general instructions:
There are 35 questions on the question paper.
The marks for each question are indicated.
Serial numbers 1 through 20 correspond to objective style questions. One mark is assigned per question. Answers should be provided as instructed.
There are three marks for questions in serial numbers 21 through 28. You should not exceed 80 words per answer to each of these questions.
Question numbers 29 through 34 are 5-mark questions. Each answer should be no longer than 120 words.
It has two parts: 35a from History (2 marks) and 35b from Geography (4 marks).
The question paper does not provide an overall choice. In a few questions, there is an internal option. If the internal option is given, only one option should be chosen.
Look through Vendantu’s website to get more insight on the same.
2. What are the three characteristics of the federal government as appeared in CBSE Class 10 Social Science Question Paper 2020?
There are three characteristics of the federal government:
A federal government's objectives include accommodating regional diversity while at the same time promoting and protecting the country's unity.
Clear articulation of sources of revenues - Each level of government is required to own its own sources of revenue, thereby ensuring its financial self-sufficiency.
The Constitution presupposes the existence and authority of each tier of government as the Constitution specifies the respective responsibilities of each level.
Supremacy of the Constitution - The Constitution elaborates on the constitutional nature of each tier of government.
Look through Vendantu’s website to get more insight on the same.
3. "Banks play an important role in the economic development of a country." Provide examples from CBSE Class 10 social science to support your claim.
In many ways, the Bank plays an important role in economic development in a country:
In rural areas, banks provide loans for crop production, which ultimately leads to the development of many places.
Fixed assets will be created by banks through the provision of loans.
Fixed assets serve as a conduit linking savers and investors.
Banks pay interest to depositors in exchange for their deposits, mobilizing savings.
These deposits are used primarily to give deposits to other banks for loan purposes.
Look through Vendantu’s website to get more insight on the same.
4. For CBSE Class 10 Social Science, what are the ways to learn it effectively?
1. Remembering and Understanding: Planning and executing activities that show memory of previously learned material by recalling facts, terms, basic concepts, and answers; Demonstrating an understanding of facts and ideas by organising, translating, interpreting, giving descriptions, and stating main ideas.
2. Formulating, Analysing, Evaluating, and Creating: Examining and breaking down information by identifying motives or causes; finding evidence to support generalisations; presenting and defending opinions based on a set of criteria; combining information with different elements in a new pattern or proposing alternate solutions.
5. What can be some tips to make your Social Science preparation effective for class 10?
Here are some tips to help you prepare more effectively and efficiently for your Social Science exams.
Managing time effectively. Exam preparation and writing demand a lot of time management skills. Plan your time for your exam preparation according to what you need to do
Be sure you follow the study schedule for your social science exam, so you can be assured you are prepared.
Identify the topics and concepts in your syllabus. - You should be aware of the topics and concepts included in your syllabus.
Make short notes - Make sure you learn the material thoroughly.
You should eat, drink, and sleep. Also, you should hydrate yourself properly. Eating regularly will give you energy and sleeping enough will help you recover.
Look through Vendantu’s website to get more insight on the same.