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CBSE Class 12 History Term 2 Question Paper 2022 with Solution


CBSE Class 12 History Term 2 Question Paper 2022|Download Free PDF with Solution

Class 12 History has a vast syllabus with chapters covering old civilisations, economic history, political history, social history, etc. This syllabus needs proper attention from the students as the subject is ideal to score. To complete the preparation, download and solve CBSE Class 12 Term 2 History Question Paper 2022.

This exam paper comes with the appropriate solution framed by the experts of Vedantu. It will enable students to resolve doubts and answer all the questions accurately. Practising solving this previous year’s question paper will develop answering and time management skills.

Access Class 12 History Question Paper with Solution Term 2


Answer all the questions given below.

1. Which one of the following was the capital of Magadha?  (1 Mark)

  1. Rajagraha

  1. Ujjain

  1. Taxila

  1. Gandhara

Ans: Option (a)

Magadha was one of the most powerful Mahajanapada of the 16 Mahajanapadas in ancient India. The capital of this Mahajanapada was Rajagraha.

2. Which one of the following is NOT appropriate about Ain-i-Akbari? (1 Mark)

  1. It was written by Abul Fazl. 

  2. It was a gazetteer of the Empire.

  3. It was sponsored and commissioned by Akbar.

  4. Its data was uniformly collected from all the provinces.

Ans: Option (d)

Ain-i-Akbari was composed by Abul Fazl which gave a vast knowledge about the Mughal Empire. But the data was not uniformly collected from all the provinces.

3. Read the information given below. Identify and name the system followed in the Mughal society.

Renumeration for the work was paid through small daily allowances. It was the micro level exchange network operated in the village.

                                                                                                     (1 Mark)

Ans: The name of the system was “Jajmani System”. It was a reciprocal system followed among the craft producing caste and the village community for the supply of goods.

4. Who among the western theorist developed the idea of oriental despotism in the 18th century?  (1 Mark)

  1. Montesquieu

  1. Rousseau

  1. Voltaire

  1. Karl Marx

Ans:  Option (d)

Karl Marx was the theorist who developed the idea of oriental despotism in the 18th century. He was a German philosopher, historian, sociologist and revolutionary. He wrote the book “Das Capital”.    

5. Match the following.   (1 Mark)

List -I


(i) Amil Guzar

(a) Accountant 

(ii) Mandals

(b) Revenue collector 

(iii) Patwari

(c) Panchayat Headman 

(iv) Diwan

(d) Supervisor 

Choose the correct option:

  1. (i) - d, (ii) - c, (iii) - b, (iv) - a

  2. (i) - b, (ii) - d, (iii) - a, (iv) – c

  3. (i) – a, (ii) – b, (iii) – c, (iv) – d

  4. (i) – b, (ii) – c, (iii) – a, (iv) – d

Ans:  Option (d)

In the 16th century, there were some administrative officers for various fields. Like, the revenue collector was known as “Amil Guzar”, Panchayat headman was known as “Mandals”, the Village Account was called “Patwari” and the Supervisor was called “Diwan”.

6. Arrange the following dynasties of Vijayanagara Empire in chronological order:

(1 Mark)

  1. Montesquieu

  1. Rousseau

  1. Voltaire

  1. Karl Marx

Choose the correct option:

  1. (1), (3), (4) and (2)

  1. (2), (1), (3) and (4)

  1. (1) , (4), (3) and (2)

  1. (4), (1), (2) and (3)

Ans: Option c

Harihara and Bukka established the Vijayanagar Empire in 1336AD. The dynasties which ruled over this Empire chronologically were- Sangam, Saluva, Tuluva and Arabidu.

7. Name the Director-General of Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) who announced the discovery of  Mohenjodaro in the Indus valley to the world.  

(1 Mark)

Ans: John Marshall was the Director – General of Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) who announced the discovery of Mohenjodaro in the Indus Valley to the world. He was an English archaeologist and the director general of archaeological survey of India from 1902 to 1928. He was the witness of the archaeological excavation of Harappa and Mohenjodaro.

8. Identify the best reason for considering King Ashoka as “Devanampriya” and “Piyadassi” by his subjects.                                                                                   (1 Mark)

  1. Ashoka commissioned the edicts himself.

  2. He adopted the title ‘Devaputra.’

  3. Epigraphists have concluded him as ‘Devanampiya’.

  4. He did well being of society through Dhamma.

Ans: Option c

In some inscriptions Ashoka was introduced as “Devanampriya Priyadarshini”.  Ashoka was the third ruler of the Maurya Dynasty from BCE 268 to 232. The Epigraphists concluded him as “Devanampriya” and “Piyadassi” for his behaviour towards the government, management and the people. His life was full of morality and ethical behaviour.

9. Consider the following statements regarding the Priest King of Harappa: According to archaeologists:

  1. Priest King held the political power.

  2. He was related with Mesopotamian History.

  3. He was related with Harappan religion.

  4. His authoritarian rule could be one of the cause of the decline of Harappa.

Which one of the following statement is correct?     (1 Mark)

  1. (1), (3) and (4)

  1. (2), (3) and (4)

  1. (1), (2) and (3)

  1. (1), (2) and (4)

Ans: Option c

In Harappa there was a Priest King who ruled over the society. The king held the political power.  He was the iconic representative of Indus Valley civilization. It has the  relation with Mesopotamian civilization and Harappan civilization.

10. Look at the picture given below. Identify and name the sculpture of the fourth century CE related to this figure.                                                                     (1 Mark)

sculpture of the fourth century CE

Ans: The above sculpture of 4th century CE was of emperor Kanishka.  Kanishka was the ruler of the Kushan Dynasty. He was famous for his military, political and spiritual achievements. He established the Shaka era in 78 AD.

Note: the following question is for the visually impaired candidates only in lieu of Q. No. 10.

State any one source to know about the Kushana rulers.

Ans: We know about the Kushana Dynasty from the inscriptions found at Saketa and Sarnath in Varanasi. We know about Kanishka from these inscriptions. He was the great ruler of the Kushana Dynasty.

11. Explain one point of difference between the gold coins issued by the Kushanas and the Gupta rulers.                                                                                      (1 Mark)

Ans: The Kushanas issued  gold coins first in the first century CE. These were  identical in weight with the coins issued by contemporary Roman emperors and  the Parthian rulers of Iran. It  was found from several sites in North India and Central Asia. While the gold coins issued by the Gupta rulers were known for their purity. These coins facilitated the long-distance transactions from which the kings also benefited.

12. Which one of the following statements is appropriate about Ibn Batuta? (1 Mark)

  1. He was Qazi during Muhammad Bin Tughlaq’s empire.

  2. He had written Kitab-Ul-Hind in Arabic.

  3. He translated Sanskrit, Pali and Prakrit work in Arabic.

  4. He was a Physician, Philosopher and Historian.

Ans: Option a

Ibn Batuta was a Moroccan explorer. He came to India in 1333 AD during the  period of Tughlaq Dynasty. He was known for his work "Kitab-Ul-Rehla". He was Qazi during Muhammad Bin Tughlaq's empire.

13. Who was the author of the book ‘Arthshastra' written during Mauryan Empire?

(1 Mark)

Ans: The author of the book "Arthashastra" was Kautilya. He was also known Chanakya. He was the teacher and guardian of Chandragupta Maurya.


Who was the founder of the Mauryan Empire?

Ans: Chandragupta Maurya was the founder of Mauryan Empire in 322 BCE. He defeated Dhanananda, the last ruler of the Nanda Dynasty and established the   Mauryan Empire.

14. Name the French Political philosopher who was a physician to Dara Shikoh.      

(1 Mark)

Ans: Francois Bernier, was the French traveller. He lived in India for 12 years. He was associated with the Mughal emperor Dara Shikoh as his personal physician.

15. Study the following chart and find out the name of the Administrative System of Mughals.  ( 1 Mark)

Administrative System of Mughals.

Ans: The name of the system was Mansabdari system. It was found during the  

Mughal period. Emperor Akbar introduced this system. Mansab means rank or 

position. This system refers to the rank or position of the government officials.

16. Who among the following mobilized The villages of Pargana Barout in Uttar Pradesh in the Revolt of 1857?                                                                              1 Mark

  1. Maulvi Ahmadullah Shah

  1. Kunwar Singh

  1. Shah Mal

  1. Hanvant Singh

Ans: Option C

Shah Mal mobilized the village of Paraganas in Uttar Pradesh in the Revolt of 1857. He was a rebel who operated Bijrol Town. He captured 500 head of cattle in 1857.

17. Given below are the two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the o  other labelled as Reason(R) :

Assertion (A): British built imperial European architectural style buildings in Bombay.

Reason (R): Familiar landscape in an alien country.       

  1. Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

  2. Both (A) and(R( are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

  3. (A) is correct but (R) is not correct.

  4. (R) is correct but (A) is not correct.                                                      ( 1 Mark)

Ans:  Option b

The British built imperial European Architectural style buildings in Bombay to reflect the power of the superiors. It was the symbol of nationalism, religious glory and imperial power. It was not familiar with the country.

18. Which of the following statements was not a justified reason for the annexation of Awadh by British in 1857? (1 Mark)

  1. Wajid Ali Shah was an unpopular ruler.

  2. Subsidiary Alliance System was accepted by Wajid Ali Shah.

  3. Mangal Pandey initiated the revolt from Awadh

  4. Material benefits were given to the taluqdars by the British.

Ans.   Option c

The Nawab of Awadh accepted the Subsidiary Alliance which led to the annexation  of Awadh by the British. The revolt of 1857 initiated by Begum Hazrat Mahal from Awadh. So, option ‘c’ is not correct.

19. Consider the following statements regarding the census conducted by British in the 19th century in India.

(1) The growth of the cities were monitored through census.

(2) Municipal Corporation was to administer it.

(3) Census operations were appropriate as social data was easily converted to 

economic data.

Which of the following statement(s) is /are correct?                                       1 Mark

  1. (1) and (2) only

  1. (2) and (3) only

  1. (1) and (3) only

  1. only (3)

Ans: Option a

The census of India was conducted by the British  from 1865 to 1941. The British conducted the  census because through this the growth of the cities were monitored  and the municipal corporation administered it.


20. Name the fort built by British East India company in Calcutta.                (1 Mark)

Ans: The fort which the British built in Calcutta was Fort William. It was established on the bank of river Hooghly. It was built in 1696.


Name the fort built by the British East India company in Madras.

Ans: The British built a fort in Madras named Fort St. George. It was the first fortress built by the British in 1639 in Madras.

SECTION -B      (3×4=12) 

21. “Archaeologists have used evidence from material remains to piece together parts of Harappan history.” Justify the statement with reference to the principles of classification.                                                                                    (3 Marks)

Ans: Harappa is an archaeological site in Punjab, now in Pakistan. It is also called Indus valley civilization. It was first excavated by Alexander Cunningham.

1. Archaeologists recovered the artefacts and classified their findings. A simple classification principle was followed in terms of material used to make those artefacts, like stone, clay, metal, bone, etc.

2. Another classification which was more complicated was followed  in terms of function: archaeologists have to decide whether the artefact was a tool or an  ornament, or something meant for ritual use.

3. Archaeologists also tried to classify an artifact's function by examining the place where it was found.


“Harappan script is considered as an enigmatic script.” Justify the statement with suitable arguments.                                                                                   ( 3 Marks)

Ans: Harappan script has a lot of symbols. These symbols are very short. This script has not been deciphered till now.

1. Harappan seals have a line of writing which probably contains the name  and title of the owner.

2. Scholars have also suggested that the motif conveyed a meaning to those who are  not able to read.

3. Most of the inscriptions are short, the longest containing about 26 signs. Although the script is not readable till today. Because it was not alphabetical (where each sign stands for a vowel or a consonant) as it has too many signs – approximately 375 to 400.

22. Describe any three features of Vithala temple of the Vijayanagara Empire. (3 Marks)

Ans: Vithala temple is an ancient monument of the Vijayanagara Empire which is located in Hampi. It is famous for its craftsmanship and beautiful architecture. It is one of the largest and most famous monuments in Hampi. The features of this temple are-

1. Vithala was the form of lord Vishnu who was the principal deity of Vithala temple.

2. This temple has many halls and a shrine which is designed as a chariot. The main feature of this temple is the chariot streets that are extended from the temple Gopuram.

3. These streets were paved with stone slabs and lined with pavilions where the merchants set up their shops.

23. Why did Gandhiji give emphasis on ‘Hindustani’ as to be the National Language of India? Explain.          (3 Marks)

Ans: Mahatma Gandhi felt that the language that people can understand easily should be the National Language of India. India is a country where people of different caste, religion, cultures and languages exist. Mahatma Gandhi was in the favour of ‘Hindustani’ as the National Language of India. Because ‘Hindustani’ was the mixture of Hindi and Urdu language, it acted as a unifying force of Hindus and Muslims and the people of North and South. He believed that it was the ideal language of communication between the diverse communities.

24. “Ryotwari  system had put the ryots of Bombay Deccan in critical situation.” Explain the statement with any three examples.    (3 Marks)

Ans: Ryotwari system was introduced by Thomas Munro in British India. It had put the ryots in a critical situation. For example- 

1. The Ryots of Bombay Deccan were dependent upon the moneylenders. But the revenue was high. Moreover, due to the lack of rain, crops didn’t grow. 

2. At that time famine made their lives worse. They lend money from the moneylenders. But they were unable to pay it back. As a result of it the interest became higher and the debt remained unpaid.

3. Apart from producing crops the ryots took loans for their daily expenses which lead them in a critical situation.


                                                           SECTION – C                                                   (8×3=24)

25. Describe the contribution of V.S. Suthankar in reconstructing social history through the critical edition of Mahabharata.                              (8 Marks)

Ans: The historians considered many things to analyse Mahabharata. V.S. Suthankar was mostly known as the general editor of the critical edition of Mahabharata. He was a sanskrit scholar. His full name is Vishnu Sitaram Suthankar.

They examine the languages in which the text was written. For example – Pali, Prakrit, Tamil or Sanskrit.

On the basis of using language in the text, it can be identified whether the text is written for the upper class people or for the ordinary people.

They considered the kinds of the textual content. For example – mantras and prayers whether they were learnt and chanted by the people or it was only read out to pass it from one generation to another.

Apart from this, they tried to find out the authors whose ideas and perspectives flourished in the text.

They also tried to find out the people whom the author targeted while writing the books.

The historians also tried to find out the date when the text was composed and the place where it was written.

V.S. Suthankar and his team of scholars were in the task of preparing a critical edition of the Mahabharata in 1919.

They took the method of comparing all the verses from each manuscript.

A large number of variations came out as this epic was transmitted over the centuries.

After the labour of many years the first fascicule of Adi Parva was published in 1927 and in 1933 the entire Adi Parva was published.

This work contained 60 partial manuscripts and ten different scripts of the Northern and Southern recensions.

It took 47 years to complete the project. It tells two things:

a) There were many common elements in the story written in the Sanskrit  version. These evidence in manuscripts were found all over the Indian subcontinent.

b) There were regional variations in the texts which were documented in footnotes to the main text.


Describe the life of untouchables in the ancient period.           (8 Marks)

Ans: The Brahmans considered some people as being outside the system, they also developed a sharper social divide by classifying them as “untouchable”. 

The activities that connected with the performance of rituals, were sacred and by extension “pure”. Those who considered themselves pure avoided taking food from those they regarded as “untouchable”.

In contrast of the purity aspect, some activities were considered as particularly “polluting”. Such as handling corpses and dead animals. Those who performed such tasks, known as chandalas, and were placed at the  bottom of the hierarchy. Their touch and even seeing them was regarded as “polluting” by those who claimed to be at the top of the social order.

The Manusmriti described the “duties” of the chandalas. According to that they had to live outside the village, wear clothes of the dead and ornaments of iron. They were not allowed to walk in villages and cities at night.

They had to dispose of the bodies of those who had no relatives. Much later, the Chinese Buddhist monk Fa Hien (c. fifth century CE) wrote that “untouchables” had to clap in the streets so that people could avoid seeing them. Another Chinese pilgrim, Xuan Zang (c. seventh century), described that the scavengers were forced to live outside the city.

The historians have tried to find out whether the chandalas accepted the life of degradation which is mentioned in the shastras by examining non-Brahmanical texts. But they found similarities with the Brahmanical texts. But occasionally, there are hints of different social realities.

26. “Chronicles are an indispensable source for any scholar wishing to write a history of Mughals.” Examine the statement in the context of Akbar-Nama.  (8 Marks)

Ans: The Mughals believed in the Divine theory of Kingship. They tried to convey this theory to their subordinates. For this reason they appointed court- historians to write accounts. These historians recorded the events of the emperor’s time in their work. They collected vast amounts of information from the various regions of the subcontinent to help the rulers rule their domain.

Modern historians’ writings in English have been termed as "chronicles" because they represent a continuous chronological record of events.

Chronicles are an essential source for any scholar who wishes to write a history of the Mughals. At one level, they were factual and the  information about the institutions of the Mugal state, collected and classified by individuals who were closely connected with the court (especially courtiers). They were written in order to show an enlightened kingdom to all those who came under its umbrella.

The rulers wanted to confirm that there was an account of their administration for posterity. The histories that the authors wrote focused mostly on events based on the ruler, his family, the court and nobles, wars and administrative arrangements.

The titles such as the Akbar Nama, Shah Jahan Nama, Alamgir Nama was the story of Akbar, Shah Jahan and Aurangzeb, suggesting that in the eyes of their authors the history of the empire was similar with that of the emperor.

Akbarnama was written by Abul Fazl. He was one of the members of the Navaratnas of Mughal Emperor Akbar. Akbarnama was the official biography of the reign of Akbar. It was written in Persian language, which was the literary language of the Mughals. This book contained a detailed description of Akbar's life and times. It was written in the form of manuscripts. It took seven years to be completed. It consists of many Miniature Paintings. This is an important work of Abul Fazal. The book contains three volumes. First volume consists of the birth of Akbar, Reign of Babur and Humayun and the Suri Sultans. Second volume contained the history of Akbar till 1602. Third volume contained the administration system, army, revenues and geography of the empire. This book is more reliable as Abul Fazal was a contemporary of Akbar.


Which specific titles were assumed by the Mughal emperors? Examine their relationship with the continental powers.                                                         (8 Marks)

Ans: The Mughal emperors took many general and high-sounding titles like Shahenshah, Jahangir, Shah Jahan to reiterate their uncontested claims on territorial and political control. 

They shared a diplomatic relationship and conflict with the neighbouring political powers. We can explain this by the following ways:

  • The political and diplomatic relations between the Mughal rulers and the neighbouring countries of Iran and Turan were dependent upon the control over the boundaries traced by the Hindukush mountains which separated Afghanistan from the regions of Iran and Central Asia.

  • The conquerors who wanted to make their way to enter into the Indian sub-continent had to pass the Hindukush to have access to North India.

  • The main objective of the Mughal policy was to stave off this potential danger. For this reason outposts such as Kabul and Kandahar were strictly regulated.

  • Between the Safavids and the Mughals, Qandahar became the reason for the conflict. Firstly it was under Humayun’s control, later Akbar captured it in 1595. But the Safavids continued to stake his claims to Qandahar.

  • Jahangir sent a diplomatic ambassador to the court of Shah Abbas to plead the Mughal case for hiring Qandhar in 1613. However, the Mission went in vain.  Qandhar was captured by a Persian army in 1622. The Mughal garrison which was not prepared properly was defeated. The fortress and the city was surrendered by them to the Safavids.

27. “Mahatma Gandhiji’s role was vital in the Non-Cooperation Movement .” Support the statement.                                                                                       (8 Marks)

Ans: The rise of Mahatma Gandhi in 1919 was the most significant event in Indian politics. The emergence of Gandhiji inaugurated the third phase of Indian nationalism. His ideologies and spiritual doctrines played an important role in awakening the political consciousness of the people.

After returning to India Gandhiji didn't enter Indian politics. However, between 1917-1918, he played an important role in the local disputes. At this time he was loyal to the British Government. But the Rowlatt Act and the Jallianwala Bagh massacre changed his viewpoint. 

Gandhiji realised that it is not possible to get any fair treatment from the British. To get "Swaraj" from the British, Gandhiji started the Non-Cooperation Movement. Because he realised that the British are not willing to give the Indians the right of dominion status.

In 1920 the Non-Cooperation Movement was launched in the Calcutta Session of Indian National Congress.

Gandhiji played a very important role in the Non-Cooperation Movement. He took the path of Satyagraha and Non-violence to protest the British. 

He along with his loyalties travelled throughout the country to gather public support. The students left the schools and colleges which were run by the government and joined the swadeshi schools and colleges. Lawyers refused to go to the courts. Peasants stopped paying taxes. The tribes violated the forest laws.

People all over India participated in this movement and followed the path of Gandhiji. There were no differences of caste, religion, economic and education.

But after  the incident of Chaurichaura in 1922 Gandhiji withdrew this movement. As he believed in Non-violence but the Chaurichaura incident lead to violent activity of the revolutionaries.


“Quit India Movement became the mass movement.” Support the statement.      

( 8 Marks)

Ans: The Quit India movement was known as the August Revolution of 1942. The working committee of Congress met at Wardha and took the resolution to end the British rule in India. This resolution is known as the August Resolution. At Bombay, the Congress working committee took the proposal of Quit India Movement in 1942 under the leadership of Gandhiji.

Gandhiji gave the slogan "Do or Die" during this movement.

The youth activities organized strikes in various places of India.

Acts of sabotage were also performed by them all over the country.

For the underground resistance J.P Narayana became active.

The British arrested Gandhiji to stop the Movement. But under the leadership of Aruna Asaf Ali, Sucheta Kripalani etc a massive movement started.

In many districts an Independent Government was declared.In Satara, Prati Sarkar was formed.

Matangini Hajra played an important role in this movement in Tamluk.

Students left the colleges and schools and went to jail.

People of different caste, religion participated in this movement and protested against British rule.

The British started to arrest all the famous leaders to stop this movement. Finally, the British succeeded to suppress the movement by using enormous force.

       SECTION – D                                              (6×3=18)

28. Read the following source carefully and answer the questions that follow:

A Demon?

This is an excerpt from a poem by Karaikkal  Ammiyar in which she describes herself:

The female Pey (demoness)

with....bulging veins

protruding eyes, white teeth shrunken stomach,

red haired and jutting teeth

lengthy shins extending till the ankles,

shouts and wails

while wandering in the forest,

this is the forest of Alankatu,

which is the home of our father (Shiva) 

who dances....with his matted hair

thrown in all eight directions, and with cool limbs.

(28.1) Analyse how Karaikkal Ammaiyar had depicted herself different from the traditional nature of beauty.                                                                            (2 Marks)

Ans: According to the above source, Karaikkal Ammaiyar had depicted herself as a demoness, with bulging veins, white jutting teeth, shrunken stomach, red hair and protruding eyes.

(28.2) Analyse how this composition of Ammaiyar pose a challenge to patriarchal        norms.                                                                                                                  (2 Marks)

Ans: According to the patriarchal norms, women should imprisoned themselves within their homes. In this composition , Karaikkal Ammaiyar challenges patriarchal norms by describing herself as a woman who lives outside the comfort zone, and within the wild forest.

(28.3) Analyse any two aspects of renunciation of her social obligations.       2 Marks

Ans: The two aspects of renunciation of Karaikkal Ammaiyar’s social obligations are-

She has the dare to come out from the householder's life and leave for the wild forest.

She opposed her traditional role as woman, daughter, mother.

29. Read the following source carefully and answer the questions that follow:

What “recovering” women meant

Here is the experience of a couple, recounted by Prakash Tandon in his Punjabi Century, an autogeograpical social history of colonial Punjab:

In one instance, a Sikh youth who has run amuck during the partition persuaded a massacring crowd to let him take away a young, beautiful Muslim girl. They got married, and slowly fell in love with each other. Gradually memories of her parents, who had been killed, and her former life faded. They were happy together, and a little boy was born. Soon, however, social workers and the police, labouring assiduously to recover abducted women, began to track down the couple. They made inquiries in the Sikh’s home district of Jalandhar; he got the scent of it and the family ran away to Calcutta. The social workers reached Calcutta. Meanwhile, the couple’s friends tried to obtain a stay-order from the court but the law was taking its ponderous course. From Calcutta the couple escaped to some obscure Punjab Village, hoping that the police would fail to question them. His wife was expecting again and now nearing her time. The Sikh sent the little boy to his mother and took his wife to a sugar-cane field. He made her as comfortable as he  could in a pit while  he lay with a gun, waiting for the police, determined not to lose her while he was alive. In the pit he delivered her with his own hands. The next day she ran high fever, and in three days she dead. He had not dared to take her to the hospital. He was so afraid the social workers and the police would take her away.

(29.1) Explain any two reasons of massacre happened during partition of India?    

( 2 Marks)

Ans: 1. Demand for the Pakistan for the Muslims by the Muslim League and his followers.

2. The violence which happened between Hindu and Muslims for their demands and failure of the policemen and army to control the violence.

(29.2) Why were the social workers and police tracking down the young couple?    

2 Marks

Ans: According to the above passage the police and the social workers thought that the woman had been abducted forcefully. Thus they wanted to separate the couple by taking the girl to Pakistan where the people of her own religion lived.

(29.3) Do you think the authorities were right in trying to take back the girl? Explain reasons to support your answer.                                                                               2 Marks

Ans: After many years of partition, the authorities believed that  the Muslim woman in India and the non- Muslim woman in Pakistan wanted to shift in their respective majority country. But the authorities didn’t  understand that the woman had settled in their new lifestyle and didn’t want to return to their religious majority countries. Thus, the thinking of the authorities was wrong.

30. Read the following source carefully and answer the questions that follow:

The Therigatha

This unique Buddhist text, part of the Sutta Pitaka, is a collection of verses composed by bhikkhunis. It provides an insight into women’s social and spiritual experiences. Punna, a dasi or slave woman, went to the river each morning to fetch water for her master’s household. There she would daily see a Brahmana performing bathing rituals. One morning she spoke to him. The following are verses composed by Punna, recording her conversation with the Brahmana:

I am a water carrier:

Even inthe cold

I have always gone down to the water

frightened of punishment

Or the angry words of high class women.

So what are you afraid of Brahmana,

That makes you go down to the water

(Though) your limbs shake with the bitter cold?

The Brahmana replied:

I am doing good to prevent evil;

anyone  young or old

Who has done something bad

is freed by washing in water.

Punna said:

Whoever told you

You are freed from evil by washing in the water?.....

In that case all the frogs and turtles

Would go to heaven, and so would the water snakes

and crocodiles!

(Instead) Don’t do that thing,

the fear of which

leads you to the water.

Stop now Brahmana!

Save your skin from the cold......

(30.1) Explain the ideas of Punna with two examples.                              (2 Marks)

Ans: The ideas of Punna are-

1. The frogs and the turtles are free from all the sins as they lived in water 

2. The water snakes and the crocodile will go to heaven, though they harm the other creatures. Because they lived in water.

(30.2) What justification did the Brahmana give for his daily life deep in the river?              

                                                                                                                                   (2 Marks)

Ans: According to the Brahmana, he took a daily dip in the river to get rid of his sins. According to him, anyone who wanted to get rid of sins would take a bath in water daily.

(30.3) Explain the core of Buddhist philosophy that is being conveyed through their 

Gatha.                                                                                                                         (2 Marks)

Ans: According to the above passage the Buddhist philosophy is that if anyone wants to free from his sins, they have to perform the right actions, say right words and think right. No one can be freed from sins by performing rituals like taking bath in water. 

                                                          SECTION -E                                                        (3+3=6)

(Map Based question)

31. (a) On the given political map of India, locate and label the following with appropriate symbols:

(i) Bodh Gaya

(ii) Panipat or Ajmer

(iii) Vijaynagara or Chandragiri 3

(b) On the same outline map of India three places related to the National Movement have been marked as A, B and C. Identify them and write their names on the lines drawn near them.      ( 3 Marks)


political map of India

Note: The following are for visually impaired candidates only in lieu of Q. No. 31.

(a) Name any three places considered sacred in Buddhism.                    (3 Marks)

Ans: The three places which considered sacred in Buddhism are-

  1. Lumbini- Buddha was born in this place. Now it is in Nepal

  2. Bodh Gaya- This place is famous as Gautam gained enlightenment in this place and after that he was known as Buddha. Now it is in Bihar

  3. Kushinagara- Here Buddha attained nirvana. Now it is in Uttar Pradesh.


Name any three Mughal imperial major cities.       (3 Marks)

Ans:  The three major cities of the Mughal imperial were Agra, Kabul and Fatehpur Sikri.

Agra was the capital of the Mughal empire from 1526-1530, 1560-1571, 1598-1648.

Kabul was the summer capital of the Mughal Empire during 1526-1681.

Fatehpur Sikri was the capital in the reign of Akbar from 1571-1585.

(b) Name any three places related to the Indian National Movement.       (3 Marks)

Ans: The three places related to the Indian National Movement are- Amritsar, Punjab- Jallianwala Bagh massacre happened in 1919, 13th April.

Chaurichaura, Uttar Pradesh – Gandhiji called off the Non-Cooperation Movement in this place in 1922.

Dandi, Gujarat – This place is known for the Salt Satyagraha under the leadership of Gandhiji in 1930.

Importance of CBSE Class 12 History Term 2 2022 Question Paper

The syllabus for Class 12 History covers the fundamental chapters related to old civilisations and the political and economic scenario of India. The chapters explain the formation of new religions with historical artefacts. All these chapters hold immense importance in the syllabus, and students should pay proper attention while preparing them.


The preparation becomes stronger when students test their conceptual depth and knowledge of this subject by solving the Class 12 History 2022 question paper. This paper has questions from the chapters mentioned above to test the knowledge of the students.


Solving this paper after the allotted time will help students evaluate their preparation. They can check how well they have studied and find the chapters that need more attention. Hence, the previous year’s question paper will be an evaluation tool for the students.


This paper comes with a solution framed by the experts. Every question in the paper is answered following the latest CBSE guidelines. Students can easily follow the answering format and develop unique answering skills to score more. They can also evaluate their time management skill and practise more to become more efficient.


Benefits of Class 12 History Question Paper with Answers

The prime benefits of solving the Class 12 History Question Paper 2022 are:

  • Focusing on Answering Skills:  Similar to solving the Class 12 Geography Question Paper with Answers, students can also focus on their answering skills by solving the History paper. They can compare their answers to the ones provided by the experts to evaluate.

  • Time Management: Solving the previous year’s question paper will be a good test to learn time management. History questions need a proper format to follow for answering. Students will practise and learn how to answer efficiently and manage time.

  • Resolution of Doubts: Students can resolve doubts on their own by referring to the solutions. They can save time during practising by following the answers written by the experts.

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