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1 billion is equal to --------crores.

Last updated date: 06th Sep 2024
Total views: 408.3k
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Hint: Billion is the unit of countable figures such as population, currency etc, a billion is a number with two distinct definitions one thousand million or $10^9$.
Crores is also the unit of countable figures such as currency, population etc.
In order to understand the above problem we must be familiar with billion, million and crores units .

Complete step-by-step solution:
Let us explain in more detail what is million, billion and crores, then only we can answer the given problem easily.
Million: Million is the unit of currency or countable figures used in the international numbering system, whereas lakh is the term used in the Indian number system. when one thousand is multiplied by one thousand it makes one million or in other words we can say that ten lakh makes 1 million.
Billion: Billion is the unit of currency or countable figures used in the international numbering system. One thousand million makes one billion. One which is followed by nine zeros makes one billion.
Crores: Crore is again the unit of countable figures such as currency in Indian number system. One crore is equal to 10million . Therefore, one billion is equal to 100 crores.

Thus our answer is;One billion is equal to 100 crore.

Note: Like the million and billion there one more larger unit of countable figures is trillion. One million is equal to 1000 billion and one trillion is equal to million multiplied by million. Trillion unit has 12 zeros which are followed by one. One billion has nine zeros which is all followed by one.