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What is a double replacement reaction? How are they different from single replacement reactions?

Last updated date: 18th Sep 2024
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Hint:A replacement reaction happens when components switch places in compounds. This kind of reaction includes particles (electrically charged adaptations of atoms) and ionic compounds. These are compounds in which positive particles of metal and negative particles of a nonmetal are held together by ionic bonds. Generally, a more reactive component replaces a component that is less reactive, and the less reactive component is liberated from the compound.

Complete step-by-step answer:Double replacement reactions—additionally called double replacement, exchange, or metathesis reactions—happen when parts of two ionic compounds are traded, making two new compounds.
In a double replacement response, two compounds trade molecules shaping two distinct compounds. Like single replacement reactions, metals consistently replace metals and nonmetals consistently replace nonmetals. Double replacement reactions frequently produce precipitates when non-dissolvable compounds are produced.
\[A - B + C - D \to A - D + C - B\]
A single replacement reaction, also called a single displacement reaction, is a reaction where one component is filled in for another component in a compound. The starting materials are consistently pure components, for example, a pure zinc metal or hydrogen gas, in addition to an aqueous compound. At the point when a substitution reaction happens, another aqueous compound and an alternate pure component will be created as products.
\[A + B - C \to A - C + B\]

Note:Substance reactivity patterns are easy to anticipate when replacing anions in simple ionic compounds—just utilize their overall positions on the periodic table. Notwithstanding, when replacing the cations, the trends are not as direct. This is halfway in light of the fact that there are numerous components that can form cations; a component in one segment on the periodic table may supplant another component nearby, or it may not. A list called the activity series does likewise the periodic table accomplishes for incandescent light: it records the components that will supplant components underneath them in single-substitution reactions.