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A style arises from the central depression of four lobed ovaries. It is______
a. Lateral
b. Terminal
c. Gynobasic
d. Centric

Last updated date: 06th Sep 2024
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Hint: Central depression means a cavity in the center of the ovary. Style is a long and tube-like structure to which stigma is attached which is a knob-like present at the top of the pistil. Style is a female part that forms the ovary which contains a female egg called ovules. While male parts are stamens. Stamens surround the pistil. Style provides support to the stigma and connects it to the ovary.

Complete answer:
The lobed ovary is present in the Liliaceae family. The condition in which style arises from the central depression of the lobes of the ovary is known as Gynobasic.

Gynobasic styles are of two types:
1) Chrysobalanaceae and Rhabdodendraceae is the syncarpous ovary. The style is inserted laterally at the base.
2) The style arises from the center in apocarpous ovaries of many of the species of Lamiaceae.

If the style arises from the side of the ovary it is known as lateral. If the ovary and the style are present in the same lines, it is known as terminal. Centric means when present in the center.

Hence, the correct answer is option (C).

Additional information:
- Ovaries in the flowers are enlarged portions of the pistil and are the female organs of the flower.
- Ovaries consist of ovules. Ovules develop into seeds after fertilization.
- Ovary matures on its own into fruit which can be fleshy or dry enclosing seeds.
- When stigma receives the pollen, the stalk of the pistil starts growing through the style known as pollen tube which reaches the ovary.

Note: Gynobasic style is a one flower receptacle elevation of. It is bearing the gynoecium. It's a special characteristic of Labiatae. The original family name is Labiatae. The flowers typically have petals fused in the upper lip and lower lip. They are usually bisexual and verticillastrate.