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Why is air denser at lower level than at higher altitude?

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Hint: The basic concept of the chemistry that deals with the general chemistry which tells the fact about measurement of density above the sea level and the variation of gravitational force with the change in the height above sea level which also relates to density will give you the correct answer.

Complete step by step answer:
- In the lower classes of general chemistry, we have dealt with the concepts of environmental chemistry that includes the definitions of density, specific gravity and some of the derivations relating to the gravitational force of the Earth.
Let us know how density can be related to the gravity and approach the required answer.
- Altitude is the term used to refer to the height above the sea level and we know that the gravitational power of the Earth is responsible for all the things and creatures on the Earth to be stable within and have control on the body and also other things.
- We know that with the increase in the height from the surface of the Earth, the gravitational power decrease that is gravity is inversely proportional to height.
- In the similar way the gravity decreases with increase in altitude and because of this there is less air pushing down from the above and hence the air molecules at higher altitudes can spread out more.
Therefore, at higher altitudes the density of air decreases and at the lower levels the density is more.

Note: Do not be confused with altitude and height where altitude refers to actual elevation above mean sea level and it is the indicated altitude corrected for the non – standard temperature and pressure and the term height refers to vertical distance above a reference point which is commonly a terrain elevation.