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What are the controls affecting the climate of India?

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Hint: Climatic controls are the components that regulate the variation in temperature in a climate of a region or a country. There are a total of six controls that affect the climatic condition of not just India but of any place.

Complete answer: The six controls that affect the climate of India are latitude, altitude, pressure and wind system, ocean currents, distance from the sea and relief features.

1. Latitude: The Indian landmass is equally separated by The Tropic of Cancer which goes through the centre of the nation from the Rann of Kachchh in the west to Mizoram in the east. Consequently, half of India has a humid climate whereas the other half has a subtropical climate.

2. Altitude: As we go higher up to the northern part of the country the atmosphere starts decreasing due to the presence of the mountain which has an average height of about 6,000 metres. The Himalayas keep the cold winds from Central Asia from entering the Indian subcontinent. Because of this, the subcontinent gets similarly milder winters when distinguished with Central Asia.

3. Pressure and wind system: The Indian subcontinent lies in the area of north-easterly winds. These winds start from the subtropical high-pressure belt of the northern side of the equator and from that point onward, these winds blow towards the south. They get diverted to one side because of the Coriolis force and afterwards move towards the low-pressure zone close to the equator.

4. Ocean currents: Warm ocean currents flowing over a region will increase the temperature of that area whereas cold currents will decrease the temperature.

5. Distance from the sea: India likewise has a tremendous coastal area where the maximum elevation is around 30 meters. The regions close to the sea are cooler when contrasted with the interior regions of the nation. With the increase in the distance from the sea, its impact diminishes and the individuals experience outrageous climate conditions.

6. Relief feature: Relief features are the boundaries that block ocean currents from entering the nation. High mountains act as a barrier and control the cold or hot winds entering the country.

Note: The monsoon downpour begins as a result of the massive warming of Tibetan plateau in view of which a low-pressure zone creates there which pull in south-eastern trade winds which after crossing the equator changes into south-west winds from Indian sea and Bay of Bengal, carry enough moisture which results in rainfall in India and is known as the monsoon.