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Arrange the following given integers into ascending order.
756, 567, 657, 676
A. 657, 567, 756, 676
B. 567, 657, 676, 756
C. 756, 676, 657, 567
D. 676, 756, 567, 657

Last updated date: 20th Sep 2024
Total views: 465k
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Hint: Ascending order is the order in which smallest number is the first number and largest number is the last number (i.e. numbers are arranged from smallest to largest).

Complete Step-by-Step solution:
As we know that negative numbers are smaller than the positive number.
And larger the numerical value of a positive number larger will be the number (i.e. 18 > 17).
And for a negative number larger the numerical value smaller will be the number (i.e. – 18 < – 17).
As we know that in ascending order numbers are arranged from smallest to largest.
And in descending order numbers are arranged from largest to smallest.
So, here we had to arrange the given numbers in ascending order.
But here we are only given with positive integers.
So, the above given numbers in ascending order will be { 567, 657, 676, 756 }.

Note: Whenever we come up with this type of problem then we should take care in numbers 1159 and 01289. 01289 has a greater number of digits than 1159 but 01289 is not a greater number than 1159 because if the first digit of a number is zero, then the number is written without the first digit like 01289 = 1289. And then we had to compare digits of both the numbers 1159 and 1289 till we did not get the different digit. This will be the easiest and efficient way to find the greatest or smallest number from the given numbers. And then if we are asked to arrange a number in ascending order then we arrange them from smallest to largest and if we are asked to arrange numbers in descending order then arrange them from largest to smallest.