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Why can't we hear the sound of squeaks produced by bats?

Last updated date: 06th Sep 2024
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Hint: To answer this question, we must know about the audible range of the sound for humans which is in the range of 20Hz to 20kHz. Infrasonic sound is sound that is less than the audible sound limit, whereas ultrasonic sound is sound that is larger than the audible sound limit.

Complete answer:
• Bats produce high-frequency ultrasonic sounds and transmit the signal to their surroundings. 
• Ultrasonic noises are those with a high pitch. To locate their prey, bats employ the echolocation concept.
The sound produced by bats is ultrasonic and the range is above 2000 Hz. That's why we cannot hear the sound of squeaks produced by bats.

Additional information:
• The ability of organisms to determine the distance between them and an object by sensing the object's echoes is known as echolocation. Bats use echolocation in order to locate their prey.
• Ultrasonic waves produced by a bat travel in all directions and return when it comes into contact with the insects that the bats eat. The bats get their ultrasonic waves back and determine the distance to which the insects are present before moving in that direction. As a result, bats use ultrasonic waves to locate food.

Note: Dogs, dolphins, and bats are among the animals and birds can hear ultrasonic noises. Dolphins and other whales, like bats, use echolocation to locate prey in the water. Rhinos, octopuses, hippos, squid, cod, elephants, whales, pigeons, cuttlefish, and fowl are among the creatures that communicate using infrasonic sounds.