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Fill the blanks with the suitable prepositions
1) The dog ran ____ the road.
2) The river flows ____ the bridge.
3) The work was done ____ haste.
4) He is afraid ____ the dog.
5) I am fond ____ music.
6) He goes ____ Sunday ____ church.
7) He died ____ his country.
8) The steam-engine was invented ____ James Watt.
9) The burglar jumped ____ the compound wall.
10) The village was destroyed ____ fire.
11) What is that ____ me?
12) It cannot be done ____ offence.
13) He spoke ____ me ____ Urdu.
14) They live ____ the same roof.
15) I have not seen him ____ Wednesday last.
16) I have known him ____ a long time.
17) The moon does not shine ____ its own light.
18) This is a matter ____ little importance.
19) I am tired ____ walking.
20) He has not yet recovered ____ his illness.
21) I shall do it ____ pleasure.
22) God is good ____ me.
23) I will sit ____ my desk to do my lesson.
24) I am sorry ____ what I have done.
25) O God! Keep me ____ sin.
26) I bought it ____ seventy rupees.
27) He broke the jug ____ a hundred pieces.
28) It has been raining ____ yesterday.
29) I have been working hard ____ arithmetic.
30) We suffered ____ your neglect.
31) The exercise was written ____ me ____ a Camlin pen.
32) “Will you walk ____ my parlour?” said the spider ____ the fly.
33) It is ten o’clock ____ my watch.
34) There is nothing new ____ the sun.
35) Do not cry ____ spilt milk.
36) You, boys, must settle it ____ yourselves.
37) The public are cautioned ____ pickpockets.
38) They drove ____ Mumbai ____ Pune.

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Hint: A preposition is a word placed before a Noun or Pronoun to show its relation to some other word in the sentence. Some examples of prepositions are words like "in", "at", "on", "of", and "to". Prepositions in English are highly idiomatic.

Complete answer:
A preposition can have its Object a Noun, a Pronoun, a Gerund, an Infinitive or a Noun Clause. Here is a list of commonly used prepositions: above, across, against, along, among, around, at, before, behind, below, beneath, beside, between, by, down, from, in, into, near, of, off, on, to, toward, under, upon, with and within.

Using the above prepositions, we can easily fill up the blanks in the given questions:
1) The dog ran along the road.
2) The river flows under the bridge.
3) The work was done in haste.
4) He is afraid of the dog.
5) I am fond of music.
6) He goes on Sunday to church.
7) He died for his country.
8) The steam engine was invented by James Watt.
9) The burglar jumped over the compound wall.
10) The village was destroyed by fire.
11) What is that to me?
12) It cannot be done without offence.
13) He spoke to me in Urdu.
14) They live under the same roof.
15) I have not seen him since Wednesday last.
16) I have known him for a long time.
17) The moon does not shine by its own light.
18) This is a matter of little importance.
19) I am tired of walking.
20) He has not yet recovered from his illness.
21) I shall do it with pleasure.
22) God is good to me.
23) I will sit at my desk to do my lesson.
24) I am sorry for what I have done.
25) O God! Keep me from/off sin.
26) I bought it for seventy rupees.
27) He broke the jug into a hundred pieces.
28) It has been raining since yesterday.
29) I have been working hard at arithmetic.
30) We suffered from your neglect.
31) The exercise was written by me with a Camlin pen.
32) “Will you walk into my parlour?” said the spider to the fly.
33) It is ten o’clock by my watch.
34) There is nothing new under the sun.
35) Do not cry over spilt milk.
36) You, boys, must settle it among/by yourselves.
37) The public is cautioned against pickpockets.
38) They drove from Mumbai to Pune.

Note: Although the Preposition is usually placed before a Noun, Pronoun, sometimes it comes after the word which it governs. For example: Here is the book that you were looking for. In addition to single-word Prepositions, there are some group words that function as Prepositions, called Phrase Prepositions or Conglomerate Prepositions. They are in front of, in spite of, by means of, in order to, owing to, instead of, for the sake of, on behalf of, in the course of, with regard to, etc.