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Choose the correct meaning of the italicised idiom/phrase.
His friends failed to see why he should ride the high horse just because he had won the election.
A) Become abnormal
B) Appear arrogant
C) Indulge in dreams
D) Hate others.

Last updated date: 15th Sep 2024
Total views: 422.4k
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Hint:The italicised part ‘ride the high horse’ is an idiom which means to feel superior to others, a showcase of arrogance. In the given sentence, the idiom ride the high horse is used as a reaction of an action of winning an election. We will look for an option which fits this in reference and makes sense.

Complete answer:Let us analyse each option individually in detail to know the correct answer.

Become abnormal : This phrase suggests to showcase a behaviour which is not normal, which is unusual, undesirable and worrying. Example: He has become abnormal after the stroke. This phrase doesn’t describe the correct meaning of the given idiom. Therefore, this is an incorrect option.
Appear arrogant : This phrase means to reveal an exaggerated sense of self importance or abilities. Example: He is appearing arrogant after his rising financial condition. This phrase describes the correct meaning of the given idiom. Therefore, this is a correct option.
Indulge in dreams: This phrase means to get involved in aspirations or ambitions. This phrase doesn’t describe the correct meaning of the given idiom. Therefore, this is an incorrect option.
Hate others: This phrase means having strong dislike against others, holding intense grudges against others. Example: One should spread love, and not hate others. This phrase doesn’t describe the correct meaning of the given idiom. Therefore, this is an incorrect option.

Hence, the correct answer is option B.

Note: From the concluded answer it is clear that the sentence is conveying that a person becomes arrogant after winning an election. And the friends of the person could not understand this change in behaviour. Some synonyms of the word ‘arrogant’ are pompous, haughty. The term high horse dates back in times when it was used literally to describe a tall riding horse. As, the only men who could afford and ride these horses were wealthy and powerful who acted in a haughty manner.