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Choose the correct statements.
(i) Venom of cobra is neurotoxic.
(ii) Venom of sea snakes is neurotoxic.
(iii) Venom of viper is hemotoxic.
A. (i), (ii), and (iii)
B. (i) and (iii)
C. (i) and (ii)
D. (ii) and (iii)

Last updated date: 29th Jun 2024
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Hint: The word venom refers to a poisonous substance that is secreted by animals like snakes and spiders. A natural substance or manmade toxic substance that damages the brain and peripheral nervous system is called neurotoxicity. The toxins which damage the red blood cells are referred to as haemotoxic.

Complete step by step answer: Snake venom is a toxic substance secreted by the snake which has the ability to kill or disrupt the proper functioning of an organism. It is specialized modified saliva of snakes. The venom consists of zootoxins which can immobilize the prey and defense against the threat. During a bite, it is injected using a fang (long pointed tooth). Some species have the ability to spit their venom. There are three types of snake venom. They are neurotoxic, cytotoxic, and hemotoxic venom. -The neurotoxic venom acts on the nervous system of the body and imbalances the neural functioning of the body. Neurotoxins alter the functioning of the nerves or disrupt and kill the nerves.
-Hemotoxic venom has effects on the cardiovascular system of the body. It destroys the red blood cells and does not allow the formation of blood clots which leads to excessive loss of blood and hence the person becomes anemic and dies. It also causes degeneration of some organs and tissue damage. -Cytotoxin refers to cell damage and mostly affects the heart and muscle cells. The venom of Cobra viper and the sea snake are neurotoxic and hemotoxic.
So, option A is the correct option.

Note: Even though snake venom is toxic to the human body, it is also used to treat disease. The owner and director of Miami Serpentarium Haast injected the snake venom into his body to build an antivenom injection. When suitable antivenom injections were not available, he donated his blood to save the life of the victims. More research is being carried out to discover a broad range of antivenoms against many species of venomous snakes.