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Choose the word opposite in the meaning to the given word.
A. Difficult
B. Lovely
C. Interesting
D. Gay

Last updated date: 07th Sep 2024
Total views: 426.6k
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Hint: Tedious means boring or tiring,especially because long or often periods, or because it can be frustrating. Example like, the problem is i find most forms of exercise so tedious. Let us find the word which is opposite to tedious.

Complete step by step answer:
To know the correct answer, let us analyse each option individually.

Difficult : It means not friendly, not easy to deal with or not easy or simple,or needing skill or effort. Example , it is extremely difficult being a single parent.It is not similar to the opposite of tedious. Hence option A is incorrect.
Lovely : It means pleasant or enjoyable .Example , thank you for such a lovely evening.It is not similar to the opposite of tedious. Hence option B is incorrect.
Interesting : it means that someone or something that keeps your attention or is strange or different.It is similar to the opposite meaning of tedious. Example: English is an interesting subject. Hence option C is correct.
Gay: It means happy, chirpy, pleasant.This option does not express the intended antonym. Example: Everyone was gay and excited to know about the picnic. Hence option D is incorrect.

So, the correct answer is “Option C”.

The antonyms of tedious are exciting ,stirring , charming, delightful, amusing, fascinating. Example: It was really amusing and fascinating to visit the water park. Some synonyms of the word tedious are tiresome, monotonous , dilatory , irksome ,dull. Example: The classes are becoming very monotonous and dull, so let us introduce some extra curricular activities.