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Choose the word that is most nearly the opposite in meaning of the word given in capitals.
a. hide
b. shove
c. hesitate
d. check

Last updated date: 19th Sep 2024
Total views: 444.9k
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Hint: To propel something means to push something in front of you. Pushing something makes it move forward.

Complete answer:
We have to find the opposite of the word propel. He tried to propel the boulder with his bare hands. This means he tried to push the boulder with his bare hands. The opposite of propel would mean not pushing something or stopping something. Thus, the word which fits this criteria is option d, check. The word check means to stop something to put a limit to something so as to not let something increase or move forward. She put a check on the amount of junk food she ate. This means she restricted or limited the amount of junk food she ate.
Option a is hide. To hide means to conceal something so that it cannot be seen. The thief hid the money in the hole he had dug so that the police could not find it. The opposite of hide is show.
Option b is shove. Shove means the same as pushing something. She shoved her to the ground during the basketball match.
Option c is hesitate. Hesitate means to be unsure about something. She hesitated to open the door since she was scared of entering the classroom without having done her homework.
Thus, the correct option is option d.

Note: It is advised to students to increase their vocabulary so that questions which do not come with sentences are easy to deduce. When a single word is given as a question, it becomes difficult to select the answer unless the meaning of the word is known. Therefore, it is advised to students to read a lot of books and expand their vocabulary knowledge.