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Cross-pollination through an insect agent is called as
(a) Anthropophily
(b) Malacophily
(c) Entomophily

Last updated date: 12th Sep 2024
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Hint: Pollination is the process of transfer of the pollen grains from the anther to the stigma of a flower. It is of two types based on whether the transfer is among the same or different plants. Cross-pollination through an insect agent is the most common type of pollination observed in the ecosystem.

Complete answer:
 Cross-pollination is also known as allogamy. It is the transfer of pollen grains from an anther of a flower to the stigma of another flower, borne on separate plants of the same species. It results in the combination or mixing-up of characters, thus, improving the quality or vigor of the species. Various agencies are helpful in cross-pollinating flowers and they are broadly classified into two types i.e biotic agencies and abiotic agencies. When biotic agents are involved in cross-pollination, the process is collectively called as zoophily. They are further divided into various groups. The most common among them is entomophily. It is the cross-pollination through an insect agent

Additional Information: -Pollination by insects occurs in plants with conspicuous and brightly colored flowers that bear nectar to attract the insects. The most prevalent insect forms are bees and butterflies.
-The abiotic agencies include wind and water. Pollination with the help of air or wind is called anemophily while hydrophily is the pollination taking place with the help of water.
-Pollination through birds like hummingbirds is known as ornithophily. When snails are the biotic agents in dispersing the pollens, then such types of pollination are referred to as malacophily. Anthropophily is the cross-pollination via humans. This is a type of artificial pollination wherein the pollination is unable to occur naturally and requires procedures and techniques by humans.
So, the correct answer is ‘Entomophily.’

Note: In the flowering plants, the gynoecium is the female reproductive organ. It is composed of a sticky stigma which acts as a receptacle for the landing of pollens. The pollen upon germination gives rise to a pollen tube, which follows the path along the tube of style that ends into the swollen base i.e the ovary. It bears the ovule bearing the female gamete. The male gamete then fuses with the female gamete giving rise to a unicellular diploid zygote.
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