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When did Khwaja Moin-ud-din Chisti came to India?
A) 993 A.D
B) 1092 A.D
C) 1192 A.D
D) 1236 A.D

Last updated date: 09th Sep 2024
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The year also represents the second battle of Tarain also called “Battle of Taraori “. It is a leap year. A leap year is also called an “Intercalary year” or “Bisexxtile year”.

Complete step by step solution:
Moinuddin Chishti is also known as “Khwaja Ghareeb Nawaz”. He was born on 1st February 1143 CE in Ghaznavid Empire and he died on 15th March 1236 CE in Ajmer. He belongs to the Islam religion. His father was Ghayasuddin and mother Bibi Ummalwara. He came to India in the early 13th Century. He first traveled to Lahore and then Ajmer. He got married in Ajmer. He came to Delhi during the reign of Sultan Iltutmish.
He was influenced by the writings of Sunni Halbali Scholar and mystic Abdallah Ansari. He acquired the reputation of a compassionate spiritual leader in Ajmer. He was also appointed as a “ Bakhtiyar Kaki” who worked to spread Chistiya in Delhi. His teachers were Usmaan Harooni, Abdullah Ansari, Najib-al-din, and Nakhshabi.

Additional Information:
The Muslims sites visited by him include Bukhara, Samarkand, Nishapur, Baghdad, Tabriz, Isfahan, Balkh, Ghazni, and Astarabad. He was also intended towards the local population and it was the reason for his conversion to Islam.

He was not the founder of Chishtiya. His resting place is “ Ajmer Sharif Dargah”. The resting place of Khwaja Moinuddin chishti is “ Hazrat Khwaja Gharib Nawaj Dargah”.