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How did Paul Bernard argue in favour of economic development of Vietnam? Explain.

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Paul Bernard was a French author, writer and policymaker.
According to him, there were several obstacles in the economic growth of Vietnam and the French government should carry out land reforms in order to counter these hindrances.

Complete answer:
His arguments in favour of economic development of Vietnam are:
Paul Bernard argued that explicit efforts should be made by the French government to develop the Vietnamese economy. According to him, there were several obstacles in the economic growth of Vietnam and the French government should carry out land reforms in order to counter these hindrances. High population levels, low agricultural productivity and extensive indebtedness among the farmers were the obstacles in the way of the country’s economic development.

He believed that to earn more profits the economy of the colonies should be developed. If the standard of living of the people was raised, the Vietnamese people would buy more goods. This would expand the market for French businesses and result in better profits for French businessmen.

He suggested imitating the land reforms that were carried out in Japan in the 1890s to reduce the rural poverty followed by an increase in agricultural productivity. He also argued about the necessity of industrialisation to create adequate employment in Vietnam.

Vietnam has been very poor throughout its history.
Although, small- scale industries did thrive , economic development in the Western sense began only after the mid-nineteenth century, under the impetus of French colonialism.