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How did the Arya Samaj help in removing inequalities from our society? What are contributions made by them in the field of education?

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Arya Samaj people believe in one impersonal existence of God. They believe in the Vedas as divine relations. They have done much social work for the upliftment of the poor and needy people. Also, they did many reforms for removing the bad side of social customs.

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In the year 1875, Swami Dayanand founded the Arya Samaj society in Bombay. The members of the Arya Samaj were guided by some principles. Out of these, the first one was the study of Vedas. Arya Samaj Movement has done many work-related with Untouchability, Caste System and the status of women. Similar to the Brahmo Samaj it also worked towards the upliftment of women as appose of child marriage and promotion of widow remarriage.
They tried to bring the untouchables to the rank of the caste Hindu. In the field of education, they have done commendable work. They established Gurukulas or educational institutions in 1902. Swami Dayananda died in 1883 but the Arya Samaj continued to work in full vigour.

Additional Information:
Brahmo Samaj and Arya Samaj both are devoted to mankind and similar moto. The Brahmo Samaj drew its inspiration from the Vedas, Upanishads and many other holy books of India. But, the Arya Samaj believes in the contents of Vedas only. Also, we may say that Brahmo Samaj was primarily reformist whereas the Arya Samaj was primarily revivalist.

At the present time, very few people are active as Arya Samaj. Hardly, we can meet people who are from the Arya Samaj.