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Differentiate a compact settlement from a scattered settlement.

Last updated date: 27th Jun 2024
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Hint:The aforementioned settlements can be differentiated on the basis of soil they’re found in. Another basis of differentiation is the occupation of people.

Complete answer:
Compact are found in fertile plains and river valleys. On the other hand, scattered are found in plateaus, hills, arid and semiarid areas.
A significant occupation of people in compact settlement is agriculture where flat land is available. However, for the scattered settlement, it is animal grazing and lumbering.Homes built in compact settlements are quite close to each other while they are isolated in latter.
Nucleated settlements have a high population density and houses are compact, congested and have narrow streets. The size is sometimes large and can face the problems of maintaining sanitation and hygiene. Drainage becomes a meticulous issue to be taken care of.

In dispersed settlements, the density of pollution is not very high as it becomes difficult to maintain them in barren areas. They develop in highland semi arid and arid areas which also happen to be chilly. People live in a lot of isolation. They have no security when it comes to many problems like crimes. However, unlike the former, in dispersed settlements, issues of draining, hygiene and sanitation aren’t as severe. The size of farms is large and isolated.
Scattered settlement is used by landscape historians to classify rural settlements such as those found in Italy, England and Germany.

Note: A dispersed settlement pattern is where the buildings are spread out. It is often found in upland areas- linear settlement patterns where the buildings are built in lines and is often found on steep hillsides.