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Draw the diagram of dispersion of light through prism and show the position of different colors of light obtained on the screen.

Last updated date: 27th Jun 2024
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Hint: When we made a ray of white light pass through a glass prism of triangular shape, the white light split into a band of seven different colors on the white screen placed in front of a glass prism. This led to the understanding of the fact that white light is actually a mixture of light of seven different colors.

Complete step by step answer:
The band of seven colors which is formed on white screen when a beam of white light is passed through a transparent material like a glass prism is called a spectrum of white light.
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As we can see in the figure above:
The seven colors in the band appearing on the white screen are:
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet and these seven colors are together denoted as a term called VIBGYOR where V denotes violet, I denotes indigo, B denotes blue, G denotes green, Y denotes yellow, O denotes orange and R denotes red.
The basic reason behind the dispersion of light into seven different colors is because all the seven rays of light of different colors travel at different speed through the glass prism. The degree of refraction also can be said as the bending of each light ray depends upon the individual speed while passing through the prism.

Note: Dispersion of white light cannot only be seen through making it pass through a prism. This phenomenon even occurs naturally. A rainbow is an example of dispersion of light. The rainbow is an arch of seven different colors visible in the sky produced because of the dispersion of sunlight through the raindrops.