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In case a President dies while in office, the vice president can act as the President for a maximum period of ___.
A. 2 years
B. 1 year
C. 3 months
D. 6 months

Last updated date: 06th Sep 2024
Total views: 403.8k
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Hint: The executive is filling in significance as it gives administration to the public authority. With the always enlarging circle of its exercises, the executive has normally become the main part of government officials, matchless quality may rest with the law-making body yet by and by, it is the leader which is immensely significant. The Ministries and the office helps run the public authority effectively alongside the administration and the council.

Complete answer:
There is no immediate political race for the Vice-President of India nonetheless, he/she is by implication chosen by an Electoral College. The political race measure is very like that of the President of India however the discretionary school that chooses the President is not quite the same as the appointive school liable for the appointment of Vice-President of India.
The Vice President holds office for a period of five years. The Vice President can be reappointed quite a few times. His office might be ended before by death, abdication, or evacuation. The Constitution doesn't give an instrument of progression to the office of Vice President in case of an uncommon opportunity, aside from a re-appointment. In any case, the Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha can play out the Vice President's obligations as the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha on such an occasion.
The Vice - President can act like a president or release the capacity of the president. The arrangements identifying with it are given in Articles 65 and 70 of the Constitution. He can go about as a president just for the greatest time of a half year inside which a new president must be chosen.

The correct answer is option D.

Note: The Indian President is the top of the state and he is likewise called the main resident of India. He is a part of Union Executive, arrangements of which are managed by Article 52-78 including articles identified with the President.