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In the context of ancient Indian society, which one of the following terms does not belong to the category of the other three?
A. Kula
B. Vamsa
C. Kosa
D. Gotra

Last updated date: 07th Sep 2024
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Hint: The Ancient Indian culture depended on Varna and ashrams, a four-crease characterization of the whole individuals into varnas, and a fourfold division of the life of every people into ashrams (stages). The Indo-Aryans were initially partitioned into three classes: the Brahman, and Rajanya, and Vis.

Complete answer:
Vaṃsa is a Sanskrit word that signifies "family, lineage. This spotlights family histories. Two normal legendary genealogies are called Surya-Vamsi and Chandra-vamsa, sun-powered (child based) and lunar (girl based) heredities of lords, families, and communities. Additional two more up to date regal vamsha being, Agni-vamsa and Naga-vamsa. The Harivamsa is the incredible ancestry and story of the Hindu god Krishna.
In Hindu culture, the term gotra is viewed as comparable to ancestry. It comprehensively alludes to individuals who are relatives in a solid male line from a typical male precursor or patrilineal. By and large, the gotra structures an exogamous unit, with the marriage inside the equivalent gotra being restricted by custom, being viewed as incest.
Kul depicts the patrilocal nuclear family, regularly comprising three ages who live respectively in a compound headed by the grandfather or his oldest child, into which the ladies of the different ages are ingested. The family holds its property in like manner, as a division of assets is customarily disliked.
Kosa was utilized for depository and the remaining of the three terms were identified with family.
So, the correct answer is Option C.

Note: The investigation of antiquated Indian culture hurls incalculable issues of sources, definitions, and translation. It isn't plainly obvious what society may have implied in the old period, regardless of whether it was ancestral, itinerant, metropolitan, or peaceful, or likely all these current all the while.