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Who is known as the Father of Yoga?

Last updated date: 22nd Sep 2024
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Hint: Yoga is the discipline of the physical mental and spiritual dimensions of a living being. People from all over the world have benefitted from Yoga since several centuries starting from India it spread throughout the planet.

Complete answer:
It is strange but Lord Shiva is the father of yoga. He is also referred to as Adiyogi or the first yogi in ancient texts and not as a God. It is said that nearly 15000 year ago Lord Shiva reached the stage of 100% enlightenment and he could use 100% of his brain. When this happened he reached Himalayas and started dancing due to the overflowing ecstasy, his wild dance made people want to learn the secret of his happiness. People gathered and left waiting for him to teach them the secret except seven people who stayed. These seven people are known as the Saptrishis. These Saptrishis pleaded Lord Shiva to teach them the secret behind his complete enlightenment and the way to reach such a pleasurable ecstatic state. But Lord Shiva didn’t respond as he was completely still and unaffected by the external world.
After begging for a long time Shiva responded and said that the Saprishis were not prepared and in their present state they even million years would be less to teach them. So the Saprishis started sadhana and pleased Lord Shiva after 84 years and he finally decided to teach them. After proper observation Shiva decided to break the knowledge of Yogic Science to the human kind.
Yogic Science is not only some exercises but a mechanism of the entire human system. The transmission of this knowledge took place on the banks of a lake called Kantisarovar a few kilometres away from Kedarnath. Shiva taught these seven sages seven different aspects of yoga and asked all of them to impart the knowledge they gather to the world. After completion of their knowledge these sages went into seven different directions to impart the knowledge and the secrets of enlightenment that they have gained for so long.

Additional information:
-The day Lord Shiva decided to impart the knowledge to the seven sages becoming their Guru is celebrated as Guru Purnima. Being the first guru Shiva is also known as Adiguru.
-One main aspect of the knowledge imparted was that human beings can control their mind completely by utilising its capacities to the fullest and not caring about the miseries that it brings.
-Yoga helps you to work on yourself by physical and mental exercises. Meditation is a part of mental exercise. You can transform your life by yoga as it dissolves limitations of all kinds.

Note: Patanjali is known as the Father of Modern Yoga. He wrote the Yoga Sutras which tell about the different theories and practices that come under the ancient Yogic Sciences. Tirumalai Krishnamacharya is also considered as the Father of Modern Yoga in different parts of India.