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Match the following

List 1. List 2
Mansab Marwar
Mongol Governor
Sisodiya Rajput Uzbeg Rathor
Rajput Mewar
Nur Jahan Rank
Subadar Jahangir

Last updated date: 16th Sep 2024
Total views: 404.4k
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Hint: All the contents of List 1 and List 2 are ancient rulers or groups of rulers or a certain post of an ancient kingdom. They all belong to the Mughal Empire. Some of them belong to the Mughal military, some belong to the royal households, and others are the hierarchy that was followed in the Mughal Empire.

Complete step-by-step solution:
Mansab: Also known as Mansabdar was a military unit inside the managerial arrangement of the Mughal Empire presented by Akbar. The word mansab is of Arabic inception importance rank or position. The framework decided the position and status of an administration official and military commanders. Each respectful and military official was given a mansab, which decided their pay rates and recompenses.
Mongol and Uzbeg: The Uzbek assignment is thought to allude to Öz Beg (Uzbeg), the Mongol khan under whom the Golden Horde achieved its most prominent force. The Uzbeks outgrew a blending of old, settled Iranian populaces with an assortment of migrant Mongol or Turkic clans that attacked the area between the eleventh and the fifteenth century.
Sisodiya Rajput and Mewar: The Sisodia is an Indian Rajput group, who guarantee Suryavanshi genealogy. A-line having a place with this tribe administered over the realm of Mewar in Rajasthan.
Rathor Rajput and Marwar: Jodhpur State additionally generally known as the Kingdom of Marwar, was a realm in the Marwar district from 1226 to 1818. At the hour of India's autonomy in 1947, the royal states administered by different parts of the Rathore group included: Jodhpur (Marwar) in present-day Rajasthan.
Nur Jahan was the 20th spouse of the Mughal sovereign Jahangir.
A Subahdar is also known as an emissary or a legislative head of a subah of the Mughal domain.
1. Mansab -Rank
2. Mongol - Uzbeg
3. Sisodiya Rajput- Mewar
4. Rathor Rajput- Marwar
5. Nur Jahan- Jahangir
6. Subadar- Governor

Note: The focal territories heavily influenced by the Mughals were Delhi, Sindh, Kabul, Mewar, Marwar, Gujarat, Bihar, Bengal, Orissa, and Deccan.