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Name any three organs in mammals which act as accessory excretory organs.

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Hint: In mammal's liver, lungs, and skin are the excretory organs. The fusion of the female gamete into the male gametes and initiating the development of a new offspring are by the process known as fertilization. In the ampulla of the uterine tube or the oviduct, the fallopian tube process of reproduction takes place in the mammals. Fertilized egg moves down the fallopian tube and implants in the uterus wall an embryo star development.

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The liver is the largest gland present in the mammals and helps to excrete the vitamins, drugs, cholesterol, and steroid waste material through the bile. By the ornithine Cycle urea formed in the mammal's liver. The urea is present in the liver and eliminated from the body through the ammonia toxic substances. Biliverdin and bilirubin in the process occurred in the liver that changes the decomposition of the haemoglobin pigments into the bile pigments. Carbon dioxide was removed from the body with the help of the lungs. Through the pores of the skin glands which help to excrete the waste products of the body. Sweat glands and sebaceous are the two types of glands present in the mammalian body. The waste products that separate the waste products from the blood and excrete them in the form of sweat in the sweat glands of highly vascular and tubular glands. Sebum is the sebaceous glands that are branched glands that secrete an oily secretion.
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Excretory organs that have contractile vacuole function in the excretory organs. And ammonia is the excess water present in the excretory organs. Excretory organs help to the removal of the metabolic waste from the body and maintain the cellular activities that build up during the bodily fluids. Kidney, liver, lungs, skin are the major excretory organs.