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Out of the animals of prey and predators, which have their eyes:
A. at the front of their head?
B. on the opposite sides of their head?

Last updated date: 11th Sep 2024
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The position of the eyes on an animal’s body acts as an aid to everyday lives. Depending on the type of animal, the range of vision plays an important role and hence, determines the placement of eyes.

Complete step by step answer
The body features of all the animals, mammals and reptiles alike, differ a lot depending on their role in the food chain. For example, we have our two eyes directly at the front of our heads, while a sheep’s eye placement is on the opposite sides of their head. This is a trait of evolution.
With eye placement at the front of head, our field of vision is reduced to some extent. We are able to focus on what is directly in front of us, but to look sideways we need to turn our heads.
When the eyes are already placed at the side of the head, the range of vision expands. This feature helps in having a slight view of what is behind the animal. The peripheral vision gives an advantage in being aware of the creatures that are trying to creep up slowly to hunt.
Hence, the preys have the sideway placement of eyes to have a better peripheral area to cover with the vision and be aware of their surroundings. While the predators have their eyes at the front of the head to be able to focus directly at their prey in front of them, without being distracted by anything on the sides.
Hence the answers are: A. Predators and B. Prey.

Binocular vision is also another kind of trait inhibited by animals. In this, both of the eyes are capable of moving to the same direction. This provides a single three-dimensional image of the surroundings.