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Percentage of forest cover recommended National Forest Policy is
A. Thirty per cent in plains, sixty per cent in hills.
B. Twenty per cent in plains, seventy per cent in hills.
C. Thirty-three per cent in plains, sixty-seven per cent in hills.
D. Thirty-seven per cent in plains, sixty-seven per cent in hills.
E. Twenty-three per cent in plains, seventy-seven per cent in hills.

Last updated date: 26th Jun 2024
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Hint: The Ministry of Environment released a draft such as the “National Forest Policy” which is the basic thrust of the draft policy for the conservation and the management of forests along with addressing other issues associated with the forest and its management.

Complete answer:
The percentage of the forest cover recommended by “National Forest Policy” is thirty-three per cent in plains and sixty-seven per cent in hills. The Indian “National Forest Policy” focuses on the importance of forests in maintaining ecological balance and environmental stability. The above-mentioned policy proposed the restrict schemes and projects which interfere with the forests that cover the ecologically sensitive areas. This policy suggests that the ecologically sensitive areas should be stabilized with suitable soil and water conservation measures and also by planting suitable trees and grass-like bamboo. The draft policy of forestry headed by the state ministers in charge of the forests to be established for ensuring inter-sector convergence and simplification of the procedures among other things. The draft policy stated that the Public-private participation models will be developed for undertaking the afforestation and the reforestation activities in the degraded forest areas.
Therefore, the correct answer is option (C).

Note: The forest policy has the responsibility to take a note about the environment stability and the maintenance of the ecological balance including the atmospheric equilibrium which is vital for the sustenance of all life forms, human, animal and the plant. The derivation of the direct economic benefit must be subordinated to this principal aim.