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Pie charts are used to compare data in ___________
(a) perpendicular
(b) rational
(c) proportion
(d) only frequencies

Last updated date: 27th Jun 2024
Total views: 402k
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A pie chart is that it will compare the relative sizes of the given data . In this chart we did not require the frequencies of data. If we have a percentage of that data we will draw that graph and compare the values.

Complete step by step solution:
A Pie Chart is a special chart that uses pie slices to show relative sizes of data
For example if we want to visualization of the data of pet owners in a particular locality and the data will given in percentage as
DOGS : $55\% $
CATS : $30\% $
FISH : $6\% $
RABBITS : $5\% $
RODENTS : $4\% $
So the pie charts of the given data is
seo images

Angle is obtained by the percentage of pet $ \times $ $360^\circ $. So, according to this we will see that the proportion of the pets in a locality or it will compare the variety of pets in the locality and their amount so the most preferable option is C that is proportion.

C will be the correct answer.

There are many types of chart for example pie chart , Bar chart ,Line chart , Area chart etc
For comparing the frequencies of the given data we will use the Bar Charts for example if we have to compare that Runs scored by a batsmen in the following years so we make the bar chart of the Batsman runs vs. year from here we will compare easily .
A line chart is a graphical representation of an asset's historical price action that connects a series of data points with a continuous line.